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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Woodsmith Mine in the UK demonstrates that mining does not have to destroy landscapes, while there are multiple examples across the globe of communities managing mineral extraction to meet their needs and concerns.
  2. Let me correct that for you. Antisemites never admit to being antisemites. They expose themselves with their antisemitic remarks, which of course they deny are antisemitic.
  3. He seems not to be confused on what needs to be done about BREXIT: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/17/keir-starmer-commits-to-rewriting-brexit-deal-if-labour-wins-election
  4. Or he knows what issues are the weaknesses in his rival while concerns for voters.
  5. Wrong clue. Go back to your excusing and obfuscating Abbas’ deliberately offensive and inflammatory antisemitic statements. Then move onto your ‘Israel on the way to becoming Nazis’ And along the way your blindness to overt a antisemitism while relying yourself in antisemitic tropes.
  6. There have been a number of overt antisemitic posts in this thread, you’ve not called out any of them. There’s a reason why that is.
  7. The EU regulation of corporations suggests your ‘Corporate takeover’ is a crock of nonsense.
  8. Sorry I don’t recognize your ‘anti-British whatever’. BREXIT has damaged the UK and continues to do so, how being opposed to something that damaged the UK is ‘Anti-Brit’ remains for you to explain. Hey but chill, if you believe public opinion has not moved against BREXIT you’ve nothing to worry about.
  9. Except: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2023/07/18/britons-would-vote-rejoin-eu
  10. Is anyone actually disputing public opinion is moving against BREXIT? And if so do you have any data that suggests otherwise?
  11. Once again you ignore two realities. 1. Starmer has already stated the issues on which Labour are campaigning. 2. It’s not Labour that needs to come to terms with the damage being done by BREXIT, and growing public support for rejoining the EU, it’s the Tories.
  12. The cost of living crisis is linked to Brexit. Restrictions in food exports, extra costs of food imports, lack of labour for farming and food processing etc.
  13. The cost of living crisis is on my list because it’s a key point of voter concern. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/bulletins/publicopinionsandsocialtrendsgreatbritain/11to22january2023#:~:text=When asked about the important,and the environment (59%).
  14. Abbas’s comments, which are the subject of this thread, were overtly antisemitic.
  15. Refer my post above on Labour’s strategy for the election.
  16. Calling out antisemitism doesn’t make one an Israeli shill, neither does calling out apologies and obfuscating for Abbas’ deliberately offensive and inflammatory antisemitic statements.
  17. More importantly what are there views now? Unless they are somehow different from other ‘Leave Voters’ then significant numbers will have changed their mind on BREXIT, just like significant numbers of other Leave Voters have changed their mind. Refer percentages you yourself provided.
  18. I don’t mind waiting to see if I’m correct or not. It won’t be long now until we all find out.
  19. There is absolutely no need to defend Israel, we’ll not in this thread anyway. Nor is there a reason to offer up excuses and obfuscation for Abbas’ deliberately offensive and inflammatory antiemetic statements, let alone liken Israel to the Nazis. But you simply can’t help yourself.
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