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Posts posted by Captain_Bob

  1. Somewhat erroneous reporting (surprise) since the vast majority of northern folks live in the lowlands and have proper homes and clothing. The relative minority, e.g. hilltribe folks that live up around 1000 meters do however face harsh conditions. 10-15 degrees may not be really cold by many westerners standards but these people live on exposed hillsides with damp rotting conditions sitting around cough-inducing campfires. Every year there are efforts to provide blankets but the cheapest ones in the local market are that cheapo poly-nylon crap which doesn't last long and isn't all that warm anyway. But try telling them to spend an extra 200 baht for something decent and it falls on deaf ears.

  2. I saw the Facebook block as of about 930pm this evening. Probably to keep red shirts from using it to coordinate for tomorrow's protest in Chiang Mai (I just came from Sanam Kila where a stage and sound system is being erected). With Abhisit's US visit coming up the government might also be worried about...

  3. Contrary to popular belief, baggage compartments are pressurised and heated. Otherwise your luggage would arrive frozen and destroyed. Not to defend the acts of this woman of course. Not like it was a common domestic cat, but an endangered species. 40,000 dollars would be more appropriate as a deterrent for anyone considering to follow suit. She was probably being offered about same from someone in Iran.

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  4. It seems that you can't really have your say on this forum. Mine got deleted although I was fairly civilised. I said the current government is good to show some balls in defending it's sovereign right to disputed land claims however it may turn out. Also I'm pretty sure Hun Sen misses playing with his corrupt pal Thaksin and equally despises Abhisit who thankfully won't dance to the same BS tune. Although I somewhat sympathise with the plea of some red rural farmers rights, as long as Thaksin is surreptitiously funding and feeding them with his deceptive self-serving lies they are on a losing game. Let's hope the Thai/Cambo dispute remains civil but if push comes to shove I wouldn't mind seeing Hun Sen handed his hat, especially when he supports that shameful corrupt Uncle Frank.

  5. Yes, I'm seeing a marked increase in the number of zebra-striped dengue-transmitting mosquitos here in Chiang Mai old city in the last few days, and there was a comically gleeful loudspeaker announcement the other morning singing/warning about "Kai Luat Ahk" (Dengue). My wife and child have been displaying laid-out mozzie kills on the washing machine top after evening showers (we'd like to stuff and mount them on the wall but it would look pretty lame). Just be aware without getting paranoid, dengue is here and the best thing is to avoid bites. One bite is not going to kill you of course, just keep them to a minimum and should be fine.

  6. Have indeed seen a few travel agencies and guesthouses close down or change hands unable to pay the bills here in Chiang Mai the past couple months, but some of these were also getting desperate in the lean times and practicing very dodgy business, e.g. selling tours at net price or just 20-50 baht over, selling higher priced tours then substituting a cheaper operator, and even selling phony airline tickets. Those that started living on "credit" and not paying their bills finally got caught up and disappeared. So in a Darwinist sense it's cleared out some of the riffraff.

  7. SuperSport disappeared from Wetv June 1, ESPN isn't carrying the World Cup, and True Visions are only showing it live if you take their (f'cking) HD upgrade for 2000 baht plus 500 baht/month just to get two extra channels (TrueSportHD and HBOHD). I wouldn't be surprised if it was True Visions who pulled the strings to get SuperSport's feed dropped from WEtv so they could pressure all their customers to grab the HD "upgrade". In case you can't tell I HATE True Visions. I'm ok with Thai commentary but was hoping to draw business with English commentary same as I did with SuperSport broadcast 4 years ago. Bugger! TrueSport (channel 101) seem to be showing the games with English but delayed until next morning (who gives a toss if you can't watch it live?)

  8. What do you look like (your avatar)? I can imagine some people being denied consecutive tourist visas if they've been doing so for a couple years AND if they appear "undesirable". Not saying that's you (how would I know?) but they have the ability to say "no" anytime they deem fit. Dirty, long hair, disrespectful attire, etc.

  9. Said it before, but if the court ruled in favour of Thaksin last month and returned is billions, would this be happening now?

    I highly doubt it.

    It would just mean he has those more billions to feed into his paid herds of supporters and corrupt would-be cabinet. Thaksin's motivation is more about face than money and giving him back more previously confiscated funds would not placate him as long as the government (and those not to be named above it) regard him as a fugitive. He is vengful to the end, even if it will tear the country to pieces. That makes him too dangerous to even consider until he either dies or runs out of support.

  10. The biggest problem of this bike is that you cannot carry anyone...too small for that...

    I have one for single rider and one with a fitted rear seat for passenger

    Can you give more info about the fitted seat for a passenger? I really want to see about doing this modification if it's fairly straightforward. Thanks!

  11. I've read some recommendations that people with a Thai tourist visa obtained in Penang, Malaysia should enter Thailand by air rather than by land/sea, as officials may turn you away. Anybody had any first-hand experience with this? I'm planning to return to Thailand via boat between Langkawi and Tarutao or by land at Padang Besar into Satun province. I expect I should have no problem, but would appreciate any recent accounts. Also, anyone care to confirm that tourist visas are now issued for the full 90 days instead of the old 60 days extendable 30 more once in Thailand? Anyone get a red stamp saying they could only get one more such visa? Thanks.

  12. I am still not clear on a couple things. Ok in the meeting Immigration Police Major Suppachai Paladech answered key questions. It's all quite clear that after Oct-1 any tourist or otherwise farang without an existing VISA will be allowed to do border runs totalling 90 days maximum. Then they have to get a visa, and this can be done by visiting a Thai embassy in another country (e.g. Vientiane). Most would be seeking a tourist visa, as opposed to a non-Immigrant visa. The tourist visa would be valid for two months and then could be extended another month at an Immigration office in Thailand. So far so good.

    But then he goes on to say that "you can [now] apply for a non immigration type B and O at the Immigration Bureau" [in Bangkok]. Hey great! but true or not?

    Then here's the confusing part:

    "...you have to have at least 3 weeks, I mean visa. It means when you come in right, you have 4 weeks. In the first week you have to contact immigration, in Bangkok in Suan Phlu and submit the papers that you want to change your visa. You have to have a visa. Before we could change the category of visa from tourist to non-immigrant, but this time we can issue the visa as well."

    So in the same breath he says to apply for the Non-Imm visa in Bangkok you can do so with just an entry stamp ("4 weeks") but then says "You have to have a visa".

    ***My big questions, then, would be "Do I have to leave Thailand at all? Do I need to get a tourist visa before I can apply for a Non-Imm-B in Bangkok? Can I actually get a tourist visa in Bangkok? What exactly do I need first before I can go for the Non-Imm-B? I've been here 2.5 years and intend to stay indefinitely and eventually obtain an annual work visa.

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