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Everything posted by yodsak

  1. The role of ‘’Nebraska Man’’ in the Creation-Evolution debate Although Nebraska Man did not survive long enough to become widely accepted by the scientific community and was quickly forgotten when its true identity was recognized, Hesperopithecus is again being trotted out in the current recrudescence of creationist attacks on evolution. The creationists who belittle mistakes by scientists cannot admit that science advances, in part, by correcting error. role-nebraska-man-creation-evolution-debate Nebraska Man should not be considered an embarrassment to science. The scientists involved were mistaken, and somewhat incautious, but not dishonest. The whole episode was actually an excellent example of the scientific process working at its best. Given a problematic identification, scientists investigated further, found data which falsified their earlier ideas, and promptly abandoned them (a marked contrast to the creationist approach). a_nebraska.html Evolution as a process that has always gone on in the history of the earth can only be doubted by those who are ignorant of the evidence or are resistant to evidence, owing to emotional blocks or plain bigotry — Theodosius Dobzhansky.
  2. Haeckel's embryo drawings are something of embarrassment for biology, but how they have been used to mislead their dupes should be an even bigger embarrassment for creationist pseudoscientists, if it were even remotely possible to embarrass them with evidence of false claims, that is. How hypocritical of creationists to try to use drawings that were shown to be enhanced and so discredited, not by creationists but by scientists, and which were used in biology books for longer than they should have been not because they were important but because they weren't, as some sort of evidence that evolutionary biology is based on a forgery and that science is a dogmatic argument from authority. haeckels-embryos-and-creationist.html But these scientists were blindsided by other actors who were glad of the opportunity to remind people of Haeckel’s ‘fraudulent’ images, notably Young Earth Creationists and their cultural allies in the American Intelligent Design movement. what-do-you-mean-by-a-lie "It is time for students of the evolutionary process, especially those who have been misquoted and used by the creationists, to state clearly that evolution is fact, not theory.”— Richard Lewontin
  3. Creationists have continued to use the peppered moth to further an antiscience agenda. I think it’s important to respond with additional layers of evidence. And so here we have in some sense the ultimate piece of evidence that’s now written in stone.” — Ilik Saccheri As always, a lot of research remains to pin down the precise molecular mechanism by which this genetic alteration causes the melanic morph during wing development, but this is yet another nail into the coffin of creationism, and in particular, their rabid abuse of the peppered moths example of natural selection in the wild. Will this now finally end the creationist obsession with spreading falsehoods about peppered moths? If history is any guide, the answer is a resounding no. But, like before, proponents of mainstream science will be there to counter them at every step. — Debunkingdenialism.com. Fighting pseudoscience with reason and evidence >the-triumph-of-the-peppered-moths-and-the-failure-of-creationism > debunking-creationism The response of the creationist and “Intelligent Design” community provides a textbook example of a conspiracy theory in action, with cherry-picked quotations, allegations of collusion and fraud, and refusal to acknowledge new evidence. "This is one of the most iconic examples of evolution, used in biology textbooks around the world, yet fiercely attacked by creationists seeking to discredit evolution,” — Professor Martin Stevens 2018-08-truth-darwin-moth.html creationism-as-conspiracy-theory-the-case-of-the-peppered-moth.html
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