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  1. I lived in Petchabun in 1970-74. I rode a motorcycle from Petchabun to Chondan district very often. One day at the top of the hill I saw mama elephant and her calf at the side of the rode. I immediately shut off the bike and waited until they were approx. 100 meters off the road. Then started my bike and proceeded to the top of the hill and paused to watch mama and baby go down off into the woods. All of a sudden a bull elephant came crashing out of the woods where mama came from. He came right at me. Lucky my bike was on and and in gear. Screeched a wheelie, and got out of there almost crapping my pants. He chased and I could feel breath and spit on the back of my neck. He stopped after about 50 meters, but I went another kilometer down the road and waited an hour. I studied the road and noticed 2 more crossing areas. Every time after that I was very careful. I also rode the Lomsak- Chum Phae road for fun. New road from the Aussies. This was even more remote. I studied the crossings. I visited Petchabun many times 1990-2010. I notice that every single area I noted, now has signs. WARNING ELEPHANT CROSSING. I love progress.
  2. What "allowance" will the Minister of Agriculture get with this scheme.
  3. I live in MPLS. During that year it was one hell of a scary time for an old white fart like me. I had to stop shopping at my usual stores. I had an artificial leg and was still learning to walk. My grocery store is next to a bus stop. Sometimes I was the only whitey in the parking lot. It was one hell of a scary time. Gov. Waltz let them burn down the town. He said "let it burn" instead of calling the National Guard. I lived in Thailand for 30 years. I never was scared in LOS as I was in MPLS. There are many neighborhoods in MPLS that I can't go anymore. Still to this day. We had to shop twenty to thirty miles away during that time. So damn much destruction during that time. We were told by city officials not to call it a riot It was to be called a protest. Arson, shooting, looting for days. Estimated 500 million damage. There is a shrine for George calling him a HERO. They spelled it wrong, it should say HEROIN.
  4. I had similar symptoms. I ignored it. My daughter [nurse] found out. Rushed me to the ER. Blood clot. That is why I am able to reply today. My age now 79. Do not ignore it.
  5. The land dept. always get their share ++
  6. When the riots and arson going on in MPLS the Gov. said "let it burn" his nickname in MN is (Let it burn}
  7. CC = Corrupt <deleted>. Brown envelopes from the highest.
  8. He is known as "Let it burn". That is what he said during the riots and looting and burning. He sided with the looters and all the arsonists. He did not kick ass and take names.
  9. I miss Chalerm. He was interestingly fun to read about back in the days.
  10. Never hit a chicken on the road with your motorcycle. If you stop the owner will say it is a 1,000 baht fighting cock.
  11. I taught M1-1, to M1-7 all boys 12 years old. Smallest class 47 students largest classes M1-5, M1-6, M1-7 was 68 students. 900 students I would say maybe 90 students passed. However (every student passed.) One kid M1-7 weakest class, one student scored the highest grade in the school. I had never met him once. Thai Senators son. Amazing. Two years was enough. I also taught Univ. Senior English majors. I had to use a 4th grade text book. they said it was difficult. Later on I taught in Danang, VN. Kids 6-8 years old in a language school 10 kids per class we finished the book in 2 weeks. I have a masters in English and Educ. I have taught many years. The reason I taught in Thailand was because I had a farm and kids there. I wish I had known about VN sooner. The kids were eager and the pay was double what I got in Thailand.
  12. They included Ukraine funding in the same border bill.

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