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Everything posted by firemans35

  1. Like many on here, I think there isn't enough information. Did he leave the UK alone, did he fly to Bangkok with family and then take off? As someone here mentioned, in the UK at 16 he doesn't need to answer to parents so at 17 I assume he's considered an adult and not a minor as his Aunt said. With todays technology it's hard to not stay in touch with friends and family while traveling so there's more to this. Story also mentioned he's been missing since the 12th but his whereabouts were known until the evening of Sunday 14th.
  2. a South African tourist, 40-year-old Mr. John (full name withheld), When the situation escalated, the guards intervened, and in the ensuing struggle, Mr. Viljoen fell, hitting his head on the edge of some stairs. I assume when a reporter says "full name withheld" that would include first name and last name. So much for top reporting and privacy.
  3. She's wearing a bikini top not a full bikini and looks nice but this isn't at all a story. I agree with a previous comment. If Thai people think this is an issue then they are a fragile people.
  4. Didn't understand the custom? No, he had been out and had seen what was happening. Just a thug that deserves what he gets. Probably get off with a light punishment, perhaps he will need to pay for the thai man's medical bills.
  5. Being sold on a popular auction website. If I were living by myself in a very remote location I might buy one. Ha ha
  6. I've had mine and 3 other rows missed before for meals and drinks on Qatar. I've flown with them round trip 6 or 7 times and most of the time I have problems with them.
  7. I haven't been to Patong Beach for many years. Last time I was there the street Soi Bangla closed at night and was turned into a walking street. I didn't think it closed at 3:30 pm even if it did, I'm sure there are thai's also driving on the street after it was closed.
  8. Tried that for a friend once.Embassy just wanted to give me a list of Attorneys to call the next day. The Embassy is useless
  9. No, not at all. Not when it's my property on my property especially in my house. A man's kingdom is his home.
  10. Seems after reading comments for both sides what we should be asking discussing is if the crime of stealing from someone justifies the punishment received. Every country has their own laws so many opinions. Where I am from there are different laws for different situations as in the "stand your ground law", trespassing laws etc. Some will say this was a minor offense. The person that committed this crime stole and trespassed on someone else's property. Was the marijuana being grown for income? Probably, so it's okay to take hard earned I assume legal income from someone else that depends on it? I don't think so but I also don't think he should have been beat as bad as he was. Police should have been called but the beating as bad as it was may be an indication of the faith people have in getting justice in the Thai legal system. There is some blame to go around in this death, criminal, owner, hospital, police. Had the criminal been caught inside the other persons house then anything goes.
  11. I'm not sure that's exactly true. When I lived it Thailand I was told foreigners couldn't buy land. If you were married, she had to sign a paper stating you didn't give her money for the land.
  12. Doesn't say if the gun deaths are murder, suicide, accidental. I would like to see the number per capita
  13. Most hotels want you to leave the key at the desk when you leave. Obviously she didn't do that. It's her fault deliberate or not.
  14. I've heard people there in cambodia have been know to carry hand grenades.
  15. That may be true and I'm not arguing with you but that's not what this article says.
  16. I was in Bangkok last month. Riding the BTS I heard the recording in English that went something like this. The Health Ministry has said wearing masks in open areas is no longer required. The BTS "RECOMMENDS" wearing a mask in the BTS Train. Never did they say it was mandatory. I think you need to read between the lines. No masks in open areas but inside the BTS Train is an enclosed area. Why the recording didn't say it is Mandatory to wear masks I don't know.
  17. Read a story about 1 year ago. A foreign man living in Thailand sued a hospital for dual pricing. He lost. Judge said it was good for the Thai economy. It's one thing to charge more for tourist attractions and another for medical. Seems many people don't mind paying a little higher price. For me price isn't the issue. The problem for me is I like many things and people in Thailand I think they are taking advantage of tourists. I won't be going to many of these places.
  18. I came across this same subject on a different site. Below are some of the comments. "The only way that I could think of the word being offensive or negative in the English language is if it is used to define or dismiss people. For example, saying something like "they don't matter because they're just a foreigner". Unquestionably there are contexts where referring to someone as a foreigner (an outsider or interloper; a person from outside one's community) could be considered offensive. If you follow that link, you'll find that most in the vast majority of cases, to "call someone a foreigner" is implicitly negative/rude. "I teach college in a state university, and I avoid calling anyone "foreign" because the term also means "strange, odd, or unfamiliar," which are words that often carry negative connotations. I refer to students from other countries as international students, because I see the term "international" as more objective and less offensive." "I'm not sure if you're a native English speaker (or just really ignorant), but the word "foreigner" is most definitely offensive, at least in the U.S. With the tradition of discrimination against immigrants in the U.S., along with the recent issues of Hispanic and Syrian immigrants, the word "foreigner" has taken on a negative connotation."
  19. When I first started spending time in Thailand I was told by a Thai the word Farang supposedly was an offensive word used by some locals. If it is actually offensive doesn't make it okay just because everyone uses it. I actually don't mind being called farang. Just like a black person calling me a cracker or honky (which has never happened except maybe behind my back) I find it a bit funny and even call my self that on a rare occasion. I guess a persons level of offense depends on the tone in which it was used.
  20. Some are blaming the driver of the white Car for being careful saying the driver must be unsure of their ability. Looks like to be the driver of the white car was creeping forward so they could get a better look at what was coming in the opposite direction. There is something in between the two roads. Perhaps it was partially blocking the view. Also looked like to me the driver of the MB was driving faster than he should have been and panicked
  21. After having a conversation with one RTP the answer to your question is probably yes. He told me some of the things he was taught such as repelling from a helicopter so there could be some type of jump training.
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