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Everything posted by firemans35

  1. I didn't think pot would cause hallucinations sp I looked online, apparently it can cause them. I'm heard of people smoking marijuana cigarettes laced with PCP and they go crazy and killing people.
  2. I lived in Pattaya for 2 years and knew most of what was happening now I'm out of the country but still have two bank accounts so what is this 50k photo verification?
  3. I have a russian friend who speaks perfect thai, German, English. I will ask him if he can and will do. I think he's in Pattaya at the moment.
  4. A few years ago, I opened an account at Kasikorn but I needed to buy some kind of insurance from them. If I remember correctly, it was 15,000. Even further back in time 2013 Bangkok Bank in Pattaya (main office) let me as a tourist open an account.
  5. More bd news for you if you are setting up a company to buy land. The last paragraph says “There are about 100 companies which have been registered by foreigners with this company. Of those, 44 companies are involved with land which have cost about 100 million baht of damages. Most of their customers are Russians.
  6. My first question would be why aren't the 5-6 men on the ride hailing app? If they were it would show where the customer was and they could compete for the fare.
  7. While writing my last post a story popped up, i clicked the link finished my post the read the story. Not long into it this was said "In reality all they have is 4.9 per cent of a company (there were 10 foreign investors) ,Foreigners can only have a maximum of 49 per cent shareholding in a Thai company. It is illegal for a foreigner to set up a company for the sole purpose of trying to own property." In reality all they have is 4.9 per cent of a company (there were 10 foreign investors) ,Foreigners can only have a maximum of 49 per cent shareholding in a Thai company. If the Thai company is set up correctly without using nominee shareholders who can prove that the capital for setting up the company was from their funds and the company is a genuine company trading and employing staff and paying taxes the company can own property. But this does not make the property the ownership of the foreigner it is the ownership of the company. Buying property in Thailand through a Company can therefore be illegal if you do not follow the law and is thwarted with many complications and dangers.
  8. This explanation of how to form your company sounds about right. I use to live in Pattaya and had a company formed and I knew the process but I'm sure it changed a little. I would go with this. Having said that, A few years ago I read forming a company with Thai share holders can of course be done but the Thai government may crack down on foreigners forming a company with Thai's that didn't in fact actually have the money or weren't actually in control so buying land and then losing or having to sell may be something that could happen.
  9. Like many on here, I think there isn't enough information. Did he leave the UK alone, did he fly to Bangkok with family and then take off? As someone here mentioned, in the UK at 16 he doesn't need to answer to parents so at 17 I assume he's considered an adult and not a minor as his Aunt said. With todays technology it's hard to not stay in touch with friends and family while traveling so there's more to this. Story also mentioned he's been missing since the 12th but his whereabouts were known until the evening of Sunday 14th.
  10. a South African tourist, 40-year-old Mr. John (full name withheld), When the situation escalated, the guards intervened, and in the ensuing struggle, Mr. Viljoen fell, hitting his head on the edge of some stairs. I assume when a reporter says "full name withheld" that would include first name and last name. So much for top reporting and privacy.
  11. She's wearing a bikini top not a full bikini and looks nice but this isn't at all a story. I agree with a previous comment. If Thai people think this is an issue then they are a fragile people.
  12. Didn't understand the custom? No, he had been out and had seen what was happening. Just a thug that deserves what he gets. Probably get off with a light punishment, perhaps he will need to pay for the thai man's medical bills.
  13. Being sold on a popular auction website. If I were living by myself in a very remote location I might buy one. Ha ha
  14. I've had mine and 3 other rows missed before for meals and drinks on Qatar. I've flown with them round trip 6 or 7 times and most of the time I have problems with them.
  15. I haven't been to Patong Beach for many years. Last time I was there the street Soi Bangla closed at night and was turned into a walking street. I didn't think it closed at 3:30 pm even if it did, I'm sure there are thai's also driving on the street after it was closed.
  16. Tried that for a friend once.Embassy just wanted to give me a list of Attorneys to call the next day. The Embassy is useless
  17. No, not at all. Not when it's my property on my property especially in my house. A man's kingdom is his home.
  18. Seems after reading comments for both sides what we should be asking discussing is if the crime of stealing from someone justifies the punishment received. Every country has their own laws so many opinions. Where I am from there are different laws for different situations as in the "stand your ground law", trespassing laws etc. Some will say this was a minor offense. The person that committed this crime stole and trespassed on someone else's property. Was the marijuana being grown for income? Probably, so it's okay to take hard earned I assume legal income from someone else that depends on it? I don't think so but I also don't think he should have been beat as bad as he was. Police should have been called but the beating as bad as it was may be an indication of the faith people have in getting justice in the Thai legal system. There is some blame to go around in this death, criminal, owner, hospital, police. Had the criminal been caught inside the other persons house then anything goes.
  19. I'm not sure that's exactly true. When I lived it Thailand I was told foreigners couldn't buy land. If you were married, she had to sign a paper stating you didn't give her money for the land.
  20. Doesn't say if the gun deaths are murder, suicide, accidental. I would like to see the number per capita
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