He has money stashed so I would imagine a few brown envelopes will ensure a return to Germany.
IMO he should spend the rest of his miserable and perverted life in the "Bangkok Hilton". The Thai prisoners will show him the error of his ways.
What about the Western tourist who made LOS a tourist hub
Next it will be the Russians and Indians along with the Arabs.
The Chinese already have their own security courtesy of the Triads and brown envelopes.
Chinese people do not really help they are just a noisy, ignorant, selfish bunch who annoy everyone.
Has COVID slipped the governments eyes?
Such a shame for LOS and the Thailand people.
Unfortunately, the more people living there will enhance the problem.
Chinese, Russian and Indians with lots of brown envelopes are ruling, as such, they think the rules do not apply.
I still believe LOS is the most magnificent country in the World and these things always get sorted eventually.
Casino's, dope, scams, prostitute's,Triads, Russian Mafia, etc whatever next? (lol)
LOS will be LOS into the next century and will still be the greatest place in the world.
China and Russia will ruin los if not careful.
As far this guy he'll probably end up in "The Hilton".
The LOS is losing its appeal to the Western areas..
Phuket used to be a nice place.
First the Tsunami, afterwards, the new building, new money, prices through the roof. Then COVID, then the. Chinese and Russian bad boys invaded to run the place.
Now it is a danger zone.
I'm sure he has done himself no favours.
He's broken the rules twice and this could result in the worst consequences.
Why do people not read the rules of Thailand?
The poor little girl is the one who will suffer for the rest of her life...I hope, somehow, somewhere, she will get the help, support and care she deserves.
The person (or persons) that orchestrated this will and should, suffer forever.
I like "taken to Pattaya Police Station to sober up"
I'm sure he was given a few cups of black coffee and a nice comfortable lazy boy chair to help bring him back to normal and then left to return to his hotel🤔🤔🤣🤣
This is a very strange story!!
How did he leave the U.K. in the first instance?
How has he been allowed to compete in boxing matches? How was he under the radar, hundreds must have seen him boxing and he lived in a luxury villa?
I am waiting for part 2 of the story!