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Everything posted by NobbyClarke

  1. Thaskin is still admired and supported by many in Thailand. If I (and no doubt many others) had his wealth and connections I would rather be in a nice hospital bed than a Thai jail. The man is in the latter stages of his life. If he was my Father or Grandfather I would want the best for him.
  2. Fabulous news. Many many Thai people think the man is marvelous. Of course he will be involved. This situation has been planned for a long time. Very nice to see a big change on the horizon for Thailand. Let's hope things improve.
  3. Good luck to them. It is/can be a new start in life for most of the girls. Most will be sending money to their family for kids education, food and medical needs. Respect for the good one's
  4. No mention of the Chinese overstaying or Chinese criminals controling Phuket!!!?
  5. Nothing will change Arrest one another will come in. LOS needs the Chinese The two governments will sort it all out and it will continue. Loas is a perfect example. The Chinese are in LOS and here to stay.
  6. Why do they not return to welcoming the Aussies, Brits, USA, EU and the rest.
  7. I am not convinced about the Chinese influx. The news says that they are in mass lockdown.
  8. What will they do with the Russians when they refuse to return. The Russians are responsible for the mass increase. Maybe I am missing something!!!?
  9. An IDC will need to be built especially for the Russians soon. They are not in a rush to go home.
  10. I am aware of an English guy in "The Hilton" doing 8 years for the same drug. Thailand people will be on death row for these offences. I don't know how these fines and sentences are fair and equal. Someone, somewhere in high places knows.
  11. Tourists will be posting negatively on the internet. This will be reposted and less tourists will arrive. LOS needs a reboot. 30 years ago it was a fantastic place to visit. Everyone spent money, it was safe, (Thais had money) any disputes were solved by the Thai people and everyone enjoyed their holiday. People will always come to Thailand but only once in the main. LOS is still a fantastic place but, as everywhere, it is spoilt by the ideas of a few who have no ideas how the real world works.
  12. I'm sure the reporters will be praising Thailand 1000,000,% in their own countries ???????? Excellent thing to do for the tourism industry ????
  13. I hope his wife has been accessed his bank account already, otherwise do it quickly
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