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Everything posted by NobbyClarke

  1. If they didn't know, where have you they been? The world knows what is happening in LOS. Blaming TUI is a pathetic excuse. Why didn't they test the child along with themselves? No sympathy whatsoever.
  2. What a Baffoon. Anyone with any sense would wait 1 night. He has not been arrested for no reason. How many will he infect in IDC? People, unfortunately, do not think of others.
  3. No-one is certain yet regarding Omicron. Yes, South Africa seems to think they have the answers. How it will mutate, infect other countries is still a guessing game. I listen to the scientists and doctors. Maybe I am wrong!!!
  4. Not to worry plenty of work in the" New Pattaya" The Chinese will bring in their own workforce.
  5. In other news... I've just cut my toe nails..... I used scissors from Boots and they cut my nails perfectly..... Get a life Bristol dad......
  6. Let's hope for the sake of the poorest people that it does no more damage to the opening of bars, restaurants and night life. LOS will survive regardless, however, another set back would not help.
  7. English teachers with English as a first language should logically teach English. Does not happen any more in Thailand. Please please government, think of the children not the cheapest wages.
  8. If people are working in the bars and restaurants unvaccinated?? He has a point (sorry op) It would be wise to ensure the whole population has been vaccinated at least twice. The Thailand people deserve to be treated with utmost respect, honesty and more financial support that they desperately and urgently need. Forget the bars, concentrate firstly on the Thailand people. Just my humble opinion.
  9. New South African variant next? I hope someone remembers, this time, that Thailand is not except from the rest of the world. I also hope that the kindly and friendly people of Thailand receive more financial help that they desperately and urgently need. LOS will survive this, however, LOS needs the Thailand population to survive this.
  10. In England people would call you a "snake in the grass" or "grass" to shorten the phrase. Why come on here to tell silly little tales?
  11. Thailand is Thailand If it's not one thing it's another Thailand WILL NOT change regardless. Thailand will never change. The high Baht, the low Baht, the amount of tourists, Covid, Sara, coups, governments, scandals, Chinese, Russian's, Indians, Westerners, property highs, property lows and even The Tsunami. What has really changed????........
  12. My gf wants to visit the U.K The U.K is still not safe for its own people. The flu season is on the way. Doctors are warning of the next Covid wave in the U.K I would advise no-one to travel to the U.K during the winter months.
  13. Forget everything. The most relevant and important solution is to have the whole Thai population vaccinated. If and when this does happen surely it's the time to open. The world press is bad enough now. I can only imagine what will be said when tourists begin arriving home with Covid. Thais first, tourists second. Maybe I am wrong or missing something.
  14. Personally I won't be returning until the population is vaccinated properly. I think this applies to many other tourists worldwide. It will and is happening. I live in the U.K. no masks, no temperature checks in the shops, many daily deaths and no structure. Thailand is deserving of congratulations for the right attitude,a small amount of deaths and the correct structure albeit slowly slowly catch a monkey. Yes, I am so sorry for the millions that rely on tourism and I am confident that the situation will be resolved.
  15. Does anyone else think he won't be even get as far as the court house? Expect he will fall down some steps or something similar. He will be killed in jail so I guess "the accident" will save a lot of money. Good riddance to the scumbag.
  16. One law passed today negated in a few years. It is just the master plan by the Chinese to help their take over of LOS
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