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Everything posted by gerritkaew

  1. its not the owner at fault. its the breed....
  2. i write what i want, iff not like it, i say it online, easy. Iff good, i do the same...
  3. I read this all day long, brits who fall from balcony's and in a road accident. Spain, Italy, France, asia.. Stop drinking !!!!!!
  4. What a joke.. Iff it whas one off us we would been in Bangkok Hilton..
  5. No, iff the tourist not duck and avoid get hit he would get killed!!
  6. Only 64? oh, i think its nothing iff i see the way Thai people drive here. I went to bring my son to school this morning, iff i was a Thai i would have dye'd 6 times...
  7. Iff its whas a farand who hold the bar already 100 police man chase him to trow his ass i jail. Good for tourists. hope them stay away.. Its dangerous in thailand!!
  8. Look google to see what can happen on those things,, it’s scary…
  9. The doctors did a good job. Saving her life ????????
  10. its about time people like this get a fuw years jail time , that will stop morons comming and do this a litle less.
  11. Its about time the police close places like this for a fuw monads when things like this hapened. And this 'security' gards belong in jail. Or is it allowed to attack foreign people in thailand?? Yes, we get all ripped off by Thai, or belongings stolen by Thai, beat up by Thai, or women raped, yes a nice place to go for Hollidays .....
  12. Its an disgrace , is it safe for tourist in thailand? Chinese, Russians, Indians, English, all get atackt and even people try to kill them. Good tourist, why thailand why. You need these people, they bring busloads off money in here , hahahahaha...
  13. Yes, not reveal the name off the company so more people can lose there money.....
  14. Iff he can afford 15 million b to buy a condo he not a fool. Iff fools can make this amount off cash. Just he step in a good scam.
  15. Example. We go on a trip, police checkpoint; only Thai man must step out. Where you go he ask, pattaya Or drive must per and yes, it’s positive Jon drugs, 5000b fine. He my drive and family. he drinks but Never drugs, we. Pay 2000b and can drive to or destination. trafic cops are nr 1 corrupt !! its a waist off time. The whole country is on the take ???????????? . Acab
  16. It’s about time thay do this,, Iff you drive a truck you get stopt and in 95% you get a fine for,, nothing ! And Iff you go over the border you must pay also 1-5000b or you stand there for a couple off days. Border control and police,, all corrupt like hell.
  17. Iff he whas Thai he get max 500b, crazy to get 10k fine !! and 40.000 b damaged on that van,, whas it totaled ?? just a broken or scratched mirror !! thai justice to foreign. This the nice things living as farang in here. we always get blamed. Never a Thai. all we do in here is bring money. Farang the atm machine ????????.
  18. I. remember this case, he clime over a balcony and later forced himself in the room next door where in a "fight" he strangled the man next door,, his wife off the Indian looked man, but UK paspoort screaming and help from hotel arrived. But bail,, its thailand, afcourse he flee, he just murdered someone,,, THINK!!!
  19. yes i understand,, chinese get robbed , murdered and rip off in here!! No wonder they stay away...
  20. Yes for sure?? Nobody be that crazy to ask this!!! And the picture of the girl,, she not look as pretty as like in this picture, but still good-looking .. But, no way she diserve to dye like she did...
  21. he alive now but will soon be dead from the place where they found him. i thing its not healthy to walk there or even breath it !!
  22. Iff I reed, ‘women’, robbery, stab wounds I can only think about a ladyboys. they use drinks and knife s to robe people… but let’s wait and see what the police will find. r I p mister..
  23. No, the taxi driver alerted the gard and the gard went to the room to take a peek..
  24. Why dismember her and leave before hide the body? must have take some time to do so. so many questions,, but I think we gone hear all of it later. dick guy, may he get the same like she get. R I P young lady.
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