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Everything posted by gerritkaew

  1. I see the clip also, and I can’t believe she not see him. Iff you a small person okay but she is a big lady. She must have seen the road in front of her !! And the painter,, he not hear a car coming ? It’s not an electric car, unbelievably to see. only in Thailand.. rip mister.
  2. You can bring a max off 10.000 with you in the plane, legally. land he is a pensioner,, I thought you can live good from this. just gessing but it’s no random shooting.
  3. The rest off the world stops visitors from China but in Thailand that say, come here no problem. And don’t forget to bring money !!!
  4. Those Russian just flee the country, scared to send to war and het killed. Man or women, Putin send them…
  5. Normally you get run over by 5-6 cars. He be lucky to be alive…
  6. not every hospital is the same, my friend broke his leg wile walk on the street and hit by m bike, one hospital ask 400,000b and the next 40.000. And thay work the same, only a litle less to pay... I gues, as other doctors...
  7. Iff you see the film from a car and off the street,, both windows where open and the car sink after more then one minute. People just look at it and do nothing,, Nothing.
  8. I saw this on tv yesterday,, the driver off the black Isuzu not pay attention on the car he hit, just thinking about his own car. The Honda driver is at blame for killing this two people. isuzu driver for not helping the people in the white car. Both must do some jail time….
  9. come on,, its not a kanal, and when under water easy to open the doors,, its an old car so no aut locking. No, i would haved saved them iff i see it...
  10. a horrific dead, drowning. why,, iff you see it, you not get them out off the car????
  11. People like this must bevremoved from the forse, evenzo his chef for paid his fine. What a a h o l e.
  12. eBay. is it e46 or e90?
  13. I hope she is well protected, Putin don’t like to hear this. maiby she get poised like all his ‘friends ‘.
  14. Why should 2 man attack an innocent man for doing nothing. they drive on an island in a white Porsche so easy to be find, and attack two people for nothing, do you believe that?? just wait what the have to say about it. she like the car and would like to have one, maiby now she can buy one…..
  15. I anderstand his fear,, afraid to get executed for an innocent fishing trip..
  16. Get angry and kill someone after a small incident, okay look to me there's more to that story. And what happened to the 'friend' who hide the gun or maiby the owner off it? For me people like this, a life for a life. But we will see this smiling drunk guy will be out in 4-5 years...
  17. What i see is that the wrong one dye here, not the passenger. Hope she get some jail time and pay for the dead off the other one..
  18. People like this don't care about other people, ripping off people or infect them with something. sent back home after some Thai jail time..
  19. I stay in Phuket for many yeas, Kata is a very dangerous place to swim, even when no red flags!! R.I.P Both...
  20. confiscatie this money also!! You know for to get bail in thailand you must kill someone !!
  21. Its a populair dog in thailand now, pitbull and Bull teriër. You know its a dangerous dog who like to attack people ( kids ) and other dogs. More crazy then soi dogs. attack without reason. Just put it down and give the owner a fine and some jail time..
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