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Posts posted by SPREX

  1. On 5/3/2021 at 4:06 PM, digger70 said:

    Successful Registration ,Done Today3/05/20 

    Madam Digger Rang hospital They asked for the Yellow book 13 Digit Number and they booked me in for 8 /06/ at 1 Pm 

    The 13 Digit number   Is Apparently  the same number that they put on the Pink ID card 

    (if you got/Get one)

    5 Mai 2021


    will always have priority for Covid-19 vaccines, the public health ministry said yesterday, denying reports that some expats living in the kingdom are also allowed to sign up for free injections.
    The ministry said if the government wanted to take care of everyone living here, it had no intention of giving expatriates free vaccines due to very limited vaccine stocks, so Thais would be the first. to get them.
    "Vaccines at the moment are only for Thais who are now at a high risk level or who live in areas of severe epidemics," spokesman Rungrueng Kitphati said. “They [expatriates] should wait for clear government policy.
    “In the future, the country will provide more alternatives for vaccines so that they can have a chance to get it. Do not worry.
    "There will soon be a surplus of vaccines, so it will not be difficult to obtain them."
    On Monday, some expats announced on social media that they had successfully registered to get the vaccine through the Mor Prom Line app.
    @joecummings wrote on Twitter that he booked his vaccination at McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai in June.
    However, the ministry was quick to deny that the government intended to give free shots in June and July to foreigners over the age of 60 with underlying health conditions.
    To date, 1.498 million people from priority groups have been vaccinated, including public health workers, frontline workers and people living in high-risk areas.

  2. 1 hour ago, Burma Bill said:


    The latest on this OP and please bear in mind that ambulances on official business are allowed to cross inter-provincial borders (from today's Khmer Times);-


    "Kampot police sent two Chinese men to the provincial court for questioning yesterday, accused of impersonating doctors and driving an ambulance, attempting to flee to Preah Sihanouk province, violating the government’s provincial travel ban...........they are accused with three counts of “impersonating a doctor, using an ambulance without permission from the Ministry of Health or the provincial Health Department and violating the government’s provincial travel ban,” and face up to five years in prison each if convicted"




    No mention of deportation in this post.


  3. On 16/04/2021 at 20:26, David T Pike said:


    Je parlais de la mort de covid Einstein! 

     Sorry, my post is addressed to the person who asserted unbelievable figures in the population and in the number of Thai accidents
    it's a constant on Thai visa many points of view without ever providing any document from the Thai authority for people who live in Thailand it's a bit of a mess ...

    • Confused 1
  4. 2 hours ago, David T Pike said:

    Un sur un million! ????

    For number of deaths over the last 3
    2018 / 2019/2020 I let you find the real figures far from your statements ....
    Note that the motorbike fleet in the kingdom is more than 21 423 877  motorcycles (2021) according to the LDT and that they are responsible for more than 80% of fatal accidents on the roads of the last 4 years including 2021 to date



  5. On 23/02/2021 at 22:21, Thaifish said:

    Je suis le jour 4 dans la mise en service de l'unité ... Les questions que vous posez sont difficiles mais je vais répondre avec ce que je vois .. Il y a eu des tas d'interruptions sur l'unité. Nous avons eu une panne de courant pendant 4 heures (arrêt solaire) + un affichage d'avertissement majeur apparaît qui, à travers le système, s'est éteint, a augmenté et s'est arrêté pendant quelques heures. L'avertissement a été déclenché par une surtension du fournisseur d'électricité. J'ai remarqué que depuis que le solaire est allumé, nous obtenons environ 230V ... avant qu'il ne soit autour de 210V ... si tôt dans la scène avec le soleil toute la journée.


    Les finances ont l'air mieux que ce à quoi je m'attendais .. Je m'attendais à une production de 40kw mais ça a l'air de 60kw par jour !!! les premiers temps. J'ai de gros problèmes avec les lectures de l'ordinateur et du téléphone, mais le chiffre de production semble proche.


    La meilleure estimation à ce stade avec seuil de rentabilité est de 5 ans 11 mois. La consommation moyenne est de 1196Kw p / m ou 5,0000bht. Coût par Kw 4,18 Bht. Le compteur a en moyenne 13,3 Kw de gain après une nuit de consommation .. : -)


    Est-ce que je gagne de l'argent en vendant au réseau? .... Oui, comme l'a confirmé mon Terak à Nang Rong PEA aujourd'hui. Le prix d'achat est de 1,96 Bht Kw .. J'attends toujours l'installation du compteur intelligent ... cela pourrait prendre jusqu'à 6 mois ?? C'est la Thaïlande ... Mètre payé en installation 4K Bht .. donc en cours sur des chiffres supérieurs à environ 731Bht par mois.


    Amortissement et durée de vie prévue? Aucune idée ... Livré avec une garantie de 5 ans ... toux toux ... l'argent payé le jour est lorsque la garantie s'arrête en Thaïlande. Les onduleurs ont 5 ans ... Peut durer 10 si chanceux ... vraiment chanceux ... Panneaux solaires peut-être 20 ans ... 1 coup de foudre peut changer tout cela .. Le système est mis à la terre pour un tel événement.


    Entretien prévu ... Nettoyez les panneaux photovoltaïques tous les six mois, ce qui est inclus dans le coût d'installation pour les 5 prochaines années .... C'était une surprise dans le contrat ...


    Coût de réparation?? aucune idée ... 5 ans de garantie pour s'inquiéter à ce sujet ...


  6. On 23/02/2021 at 17:34, Crossy said:

    La question est donc: comment se déroule la paperasse PEA?


    À quoi êtes-vous inscrit exactement?


    An excellent question that few people can answer I studied and installed a set of 5KW PV ongrid as well as a 5.5 KVA generator the set has been working perfectly for 6 months
    So I proceeded to my request for an export contract on the grid
    know that it is not PEA which examines the file and finances the takeover but the energy ERC

    Request recording is only online the process for VSPP is very long (3 -6 months) 

    office of BKK which gives its agreement and transfers the file to the Provincial energy office
    First of all there are requirements and an installation certification to do this is what I did an Engineer came to check the conformity of my installation which requires certain technical provisions in accordance with the standard for the Mono phase it this is the M3 plan
    moreover, be aware that any installation with panels placed on the ground is not eligible
    The PV and their grounding in wells must be dedicated and not be connected to that of the house
    Protective surges must be installed as well as other provisions
    Please note that inverters must be part of the official list recently released by the PEA and MWA operators
    reminder it is strictly forbidden to connect your installation to the public network without authorization from the unencrypted operator to run the meter upside down
    the risk of sanction if the operator finds out about the thing, he will install a way acronym at your expense, i.e. around 10,000 baht and may, in accordance with the regulations, recover the amount of sums that have escaped him by the drastic amount of the counting
    I therefore attach you the general installation plan of my set
    an example of the obvious advantage of the gain on the last invoice of Feb-March 2021

    My installation is searchable by the public here  https://www.solarmanpv.com/portal/Terminal/TerminalMain.aspx?pid=130304

      For any questions you can contact me through my Facebook page


    All my information is free and without intention of  monetization 











  7. Ah! Ah! il serait temps de se renseigner au bon endroit, le carnage de la route serait plutôt le carnage de l'information

    Veuillez vérifier vos informations et chiffres par respect pour la Thaïlande où vous vivez.




    Analyser la moto janvier 2021

    https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNzQ4NTdjYzUtYTQ1MC00MDhkLWE1NzktODNkN2U0ZmI2YzRhIiwidCI6Ijg2ZmE5NzhlLTRiZjktNDAzNy1iOTZiLTlkYmRjY2I4ODY3YSIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D&pageName=  ReportSection 


    For the registration of vehicles and motorcycles it is here













  8. 6 hours ago, internationalism said:

    if unlikely to be related, there is no point for the title.

    and no point for passing this as an important information 

    March 26, 2021 12:30 P.M.

    death after the vaccine is not related to the vaccine according to the ministry of health

    A man who died 13 days after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine was chronically ill and it was not a consequence of the inoculation, a senior health official said on Friday.
    At a press conference at the Nonthaburi Province Public Health Ministry, Dr Tawee Chotpitayasunondh of the National Communicable Disease Committee said the deceased patient was male.
    He confirmed earlier reports that the man had an aortic aneurysm and had surgery to treat the disease at a hospital at the end of January. The patient remained in the hospital for about 40 days before being discharged. > A week after discharge, his condition was normal, said Dr Tawee.
    The patient knew he was at risk for Covid-19 due to his chronic illness and requested and received a Covid-19 vaccine on March 3.image.png.429a3d07871dcc726261aeab221999cb.png


  9. 3 minutes ago, desert dueller said:

    Quelqu'un appelle le contrôle de vol de Swampy et vérifie si des avions en provenance d'Arabie saoudite sont arrivés clandestinement récemment et sont partis à la hâte. Ils ont la mauvaise réputation d'employer des équipes de frappe portant des scies à ruban et de démembrer leurs citoyens dissidents à l'étranger.

    You're talking nonsense ... It's a shame you always have to check Thaivisa's information..  3 March 201 19H30 PM  https://www.thairath.co.th/news/local/central/2043283?cx_testId=0&cx_testVariant=cx_0&cx_artPos=0&cx_rec_section=news&cx_rec_topic=crime#cxrecs_simage.png.b15e6a6e938331eb62dcad09e0bed696.png

  10. 13 hours ago, webfact said:
    Police say mutilated corpse found in Ayutthaya could be “white skinned” foreigner
    Picture: Thai Rath
    Police in Ayutthaya are investigating after the torso of a man was found in one district and the legs and arms in another.
    But the head is still missing.
    They say it could be a Thai or a foreigner - they have no missing person's report yet.
    All motives are on the table as a large task force has been assembled to handle the case.
    A tips hotline has been set up.
    Wang Noi police were first called after a man's torso was found in an area of a deserted housing estate leading to a brick factory.
    The arms and the legs and the head were missing. He was thought to be aged about 25-30.
    Though 30% burnt in a fire ignited to conceal evidence the police say he was white skinned suggesting he may be a foreigner.
    Then Bang Pa-In police found burnt legs and arms by the side of route 347 (Pathum Thani to Bang Pahan Road) in Bang Pahan district. 
    Pol Col Chainarong Somphroh organised a video conference to handle the case before telling the press that no head had been found and no missing person's report had been received. 
    DNA tests were being carried out with the expectation that the parts belonged to the same man.
    Later yesterday region 1 deputy commander Maj-Gen Suphathee Bunkhrong said that the complex case would be investigated by seven separate units.
    This included an immigration unit as there is a feeling this could be a foreigner because of the white skin, he said.
    Witnesses had reported a fire at 10pm on Sunday night. The man was 160-165 cms tall. 
    All CCTV on the route between the remains is being studied. 
    Police are keen for tips particularly about a missing person and have established a hotline on 06 2271 6711. 
    More about this as we hear of it. 
    Soure: Thai Rath

    The case has been clarified the victim is a Thai Mr. Subin Kethirun, 53, from Nonthaburi province. it was her wife who killed her her grandson helped her cut up the corpse




  11. ????  where is witten ??? A Nida poll conducted last week in Thailand revealed that nearly half of Thais think that foreigners should be forced to have a Covid-19 vaccination.



    On February 21, the "Nida Poll" polling center, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) revealed the results of a public survey on "Who is the first to be vaccinated against COVID-19?" The sample group of 1,318 people found that 56.9% said provinces that should be vaccinated as the first target group were those with a severe outbreak, 16.77% said that all provinces started at the same time, 10.70% indicated that the provinces that were tourism destinations that Importantly, 10.39% said all border provinces and 5.24% indicated provinces with high industrial investment. As for the age group that should be the first target for vaccination, 38.01%indicated that working age 20-59 years, 37.10% indicated that the elderly group (60 years and over), 15.10% indicated that all age groups started at the same time and 9.79% said that children and youth under the age of 20 when asked about the occupational groups that should be vaccinated. Being the first target group, 40.48% identified medical personnel, public health 14.41%, general contractors / workers 8.87%, 7.59% of all types of tourism professionals, starting all occupational groups at the same time 5.29%, professional groups. All types of travel and transportation 4.93% Student / Student group 4.85% Business owner / Self-employed 4.38% Government officer / Employee / State enterprise employee 3.82% Private company employee 3.49% Butler group / Maid / Retirement / Unemployed 1.41% Farmers group Fisheries and 0.48% political groups


    regards !!!!

  12. On 10/02/2021 at 15:27, Raphael Hythlodaeus said:

    Je voudrais voir une ventilation des chiffres entre les touristes, les affaires, la santé, les retraités et le mariage.

    Ici à Cha-Am, je connais 5 expatriés qui sont revenus et ont été mis en quarantaine. 4 sont des résidents de longue durée qui possèdent ou louent une propriété et 1 seul peut être décrit comme un touriste (un retraité qui préfère rester en Thaïlande plutôt qu'au Royaume-Uni).

    Here is the breakdown for tourists, source Ministry of tourism and PIBCIS data base IN-OUT of immigration  image.png.8575e22115c69011bb8934eee466bb3e.png

  13. Il y a 1 heure, ExpatOilWorker a déclaré:


    MOT a essentiellement dit Fork et un arrêté d'enregistrer les données d'avril à septembre 2020. Ils ont même fait effondrer les cellules et les cacher dans leur document original.




    MOT 2020 Arrivées article_20210125140437.xlsx 103,06 kB · 16 téléchargements





    Report per month available   here december in-Out PIBCIS image.png.640f6caa715d85792c38072fc0721b20.png




    • Confused 1
  14. 1 hour ago, ExpatOilWorker said:


    MOT a essentiellement dit Fork et a arrêté d'enregistrer les données d'avril à septembre 2020. Ils ont même fait effondrer les cellules et les cacher dans leur document original.




    MOT 2020 Arrivées article_20210125140437.xlsx 103,06 kB · 0 téléchargements

    So please find out why the data is not implemented in the file that you present here is the data of the year of the MOT they will be implemented later there is nothing extraordinary

    this is the cumul anual per Region  and openh filter per Province 




    • Confused 1
  15. 31 minutes ago, Caldera said:

    Enfin, une comparaison qui fait vraiment ressortir l'ampleur de la baisse des arrivées étrangères, sans la tentative habituelle d'enrober les choses.


    I prepare the overview of all years 2020 per month  

    The financial balancing revenu report is not completed 

    to many people do not read and talk to much without minimal reseach .... 

    Not that TAT agency is not in charge of the data but only MOT ministery economic division issue all report supported by IN-OUT BIPCIS data base Immigration 

    • Confused 1
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