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Posts posted by PhonThong

  1. 6 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    'Israel is the only county in the world that has no officially nominated

     capital city, and it took 70 years for a man with balls such as president

    Trump to right the wrong, judging from many feedback on this subject'


    Seriously impressed that you think trump is an uber male :shock1::laugh:.


    Personally, I think he's a wealthy idiot - overcome with a belief in his own (especially now he's backed by the USA's) power.


    Guatemala?  Who cares :saai:...

    If you don't care, then why bother commenting?

  2. On the other hand,


    A handful of U.S. companies are already promising to pay one-time bonuses to their employees and bump up hourly pay if President Trump signs into law the tax reform bill that has been voted on by the Republican-led Congress.


    AT&T was the first company to go public with its plans to pass along coming tax savings to workers, saying once the tax bill is passed it would pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 of its non-management workers. Front-line managers, the company said, will also be included in the bonus pool. The bonus could hit employees paychecks over the holidays if Trump signs the bill before Christmas, the company said in a statement. The telecom giant also confirmed it would invest $1 billion more in the U.S. in 2018.

    Bonus Time: File photo shows an AT&T sign at a store
    Stephenson, AT&T chairman and CEO, said in a statement. “This tax reform will drive economic growth and create good-paying jobs. In fact, we will increase our U.S. investment and pay a special bonus to our U.S. employees.”

    Comcast announced Wednesday that it would award one-time $1,000 bonuses to more than 100,000 employees, which would include frontline and non-executive employees.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Too bad the employers will take these tax savings and use it for stock buy backs or putting it in offshore accounts


    Unfortunately that is exactly what has happened with every other tax cut business has received from the Republicans in the past 

    I own a trucking company back home where I employ hundreds of people. Also own one here in my wife's family name. That's why we are here at this time. 

     Sugarcane harvest. We run some 70 trucks in Thailand. Also employ drivers,laborers,mechanics and others as needed. 

     I have no offshore accounts and since we a not a publicly owned company your comments are foolish.

     So, other than trying to sound as if you know what you're talking about. What has your liberal a$$ done for your fellow man. "Since you are so concerned".

  4. 9 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Too bad the employers will take these tax savings and use it for stock buy backs or putting it in offshore accounts


    Unfortunately that is exactly what has happened with every other tax cut business has received from the Republicans in the past 

    Well, I guess I should just put your idea into motion and see how my employees feel about that. 


    By the way, sorry the Obama care mandate got repealed. You must be suicidal now.

  5. 9 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Good to know that the your investments are the objective measure of the economy. If that weren't the case, I might conclude that to your way of thinking, it's all about you.

    It is and has been my main objective to look after the welfare of me and mine.

     Not that of the lazy freeloaders.

     I will not apologise for it.

    Tax breaks help employers to maintain a healthy bottom line, so that they can provide jobs for the willing.

    You don't seem with your comment to fit into that category.

  6. 17 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I've got good news for you!


    Teen pregnancy rates are way down in the USA.

    US teen birth rate drops to all-time low




    Homicide rates are where they were in 1950

    FBI: US Homicide Rate at 51-Year Low



    By the way, the steepest decreases in teen pregnany occurred during the Clinton and Obama Administrations. In Homicides the steepest decline occurred during the Clinton Administration. During the George W. term it kind of hovered, then resumed its fall during the Obama administration.

    So, your saying Clinton and Obama are responsible for lower teen pregnancy rates? How, pray tell did they do that? You are really reaching...

  7. 2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    No, Trump cannot personally fire Mueller.

    See Post #12 Part (c)  by Riclag.


    This according to Fact Check

    Q: Can President Donald Trump fire special counsel Robert Mueller?

    A: Not directly. Only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause. But Trump could fire the DAG, or order the special-counsel regulations repealed and fire Mueller himself.

  8. 13 hours ago, impulse said:


    How many guys you figure Tom Cruise had to blow for his last job? 


    It's not as if Ashley Judd, Mira Sorvino and Salma Hayek are any less skilled than he is.  Or less skilled than Adam Sandler,  just to drive home the point.




    No, but Salma Hayek is a whole lot richer than the bunch of them... At least since she married that billionaire.......

  9. 10 minutes ago, wayned said:

    He can't fire Trump!  Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein has to fire him and has said that he will not unless there is cause.  So if he won't, then Trump will have to fire him and continue down the list until he finds someone that will.  I'm sure that his attorneys are advising him not to do it but who knows what world he is going to wake up in tomorrow!

    Actually, Trump only has to fire the DAG and then he can fire Mueller himself. Or order someone else to fire him as you said.

  10. There is no interprovincial communication here. Just ask one immigration office in one province to check on your information from another province. Not happening. Probably why you must do 90-day checks and annual extensions in your own immigration office.

     Driving violations will not be known outside of the province they occurred in.  So, lose your license. Just move to another province. Start with a clean slate.

  11. 10 hours ago, Becker said:

    Well, it's not written about someone in Thailand and thankfully the rest of the world have no use for Thailand's idiotic defamation laws. People participate in the threads that interest them and no one gets people more fired up than the man-child these days. If that offends you then why don't you just avoid these threads? I know, radical idea but why not give it a try?

    Not offended by it at all. I don't care one way or the other. Just curious why so much emphasis on the U.S.. If that offends YOU, then so be it.

  12. 1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:



    Respectfully, do you not understand the difference between the editorial section and the news section?


    If this was written about someone in Thailand, the deformation lawsuits would be flying like crazy. Also, why is the world news on this forum mostly about the U.S.?  Apparently, the rest of the world doesn't really matter all that much. Please don't say because of Trump. He is just a small part in the sum of things.

  13. 5 hours ago, juice777 said:

    I haven't been reporting after I come back to Thailand. When all this first started I thought I didn't have to. The agency out side put the slip in my passport when they did the paperwork. Then my condo agency did the same, because I haven't changed address or stayed in a hotel in Thailand for a few years I was under the impression that I don't need to.Now I just don't want to rock the boat by reporting in when I come back on my visa runs.


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk




    Why are you being fined? It is the responsibility of the landlord. Or are you the owner?

  14. 14 hours ago, webfact said:

    Dashboard cameras proposed as Thailand claims worst traffic fatality ranking

    By The Nation




    As Thailand is unofficially acknowledged as having the highest fatality rate in road accidents worldwide, road safety advocates and police are backing a proposal that would see as many as 80 per cent of cars equipped with dashboard cameras and carrying “Photo in Car” stickers to discourage violations.

    Don’t Drive Drunk Foundation secretary-general Dr Taejing Siripanich said Thailand last month ranked highest in per capita road fatalities on the World Atlas website. The previous top-ranked country, Libya, was not even in the top 30 because many deaths blamed on accidents had been re-evaluated to reflect violent deaths in that country’s civil war.


    As a result, Thailand, previously ranked second, unofficially took the top spot with an estimated road accident death rate of 36.2 per 100,000, but the World Health Organisation has not yet announced formal statistics, he said. After Thailand on the list are Malawi (35), Liberia (33.7), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (33.2) and Tanzania (32.9).


    Such finding were in line with his foundation’s studies, Taejing said, which showed that Thailand saw 22,000 deaths in road accidents in 2016, or approximately 50 to 60 cases per day, while 1 million people were wounded and sought hospital treatments each year, 60,000 of whom were permanently disabled.


    “Various measures have been implemented in the past 20 years to boost road safety but they weren’t so successful because Thais know what actions break the law but do them anyway as they have become conceited after not getting caught,” Taejing said.


    The cameras would help to discourage traffic violations as motorists would know that the chances of being caught on video were heightened, while footage could be posted on social media, leading to public condemnation that would be worse than legal punishment, he said.


    “If all cars on Thai roads had cameras, traffic law violations would be greatly reduced,” he added.


    Taejing said his foundation had proposed the measure to Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, who had agreed and issued instructions in May last year for the Finance Ministry to consider tax incentives for dashboard cameras and for Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam to implement the plan in the national road safety strategy.


    However, there had not been any concrete action to date, he said.


    Police’s Special Branch Bureau 3 commander Pol Maj-General Ekkarak Limsangkat said video and audio from dashboard cameras could also be used as evidence in court, which could incentivise installations so motorists would have a record to protect themselves in case of a conflict.


    The application of technology could also help protect innocent people and punish wrongdoers because the culprits in many hit-and-run cases escaped justice after fleeing the scene, he said.


    People would be dissuaded from breaking the law when all cars are equipped with cameras and carry the “Photo in Car” sticker, he added.


    The comments were made during the 13th Thailand Road Safety Seminar held at Bangkok’s BITEC Bangna Exhibition Centre last week.


    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30333764

    -- © Copyright The Nation 2017-12-12

    I have YouTube stickers on my truck. They know they are being videoed. It works great at police checkpoints too. They want nothing to do with me.

  15. 2 hours ago, jaywalker said:

    OOOOOH!!!! Another "Crackdown"! How original.


    That makes sense, as that's about the age they start driving.



    I also wonder who the driving instructors will be? Just folks that have been around & grew up in the Psychotic World of Thai Driving is all they've got.

    I think the age they start driving is more in the range of 45 or 50 yrs. of age. That is for cars and trucks, not motorcycles. Though the age is coming down.  In the north, they will rush to pull out in front of a line of traffic just to go 30 kmh below the speed limit forcing everyone to try and pass. Of course, they will not move over to make that any easier. 40 years ago when I first came here. Hardly anyone had a car. There was the occasional rich person in town that had a used Mercedes, but that was the exception, not the rule. So, the now-elderly never had a chance until recently to even learn to drive and their reactions are too slow for traffic and they are scared to look other than straight ahead.

  16. 31 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    At least you've admitted you've not been there.  Without being there, you've got no idea what it's really like.


    Perhaps the invasions were a reason they hate the US? LOL

    I haven't been to N. Korea, but I know they hate the U.S...Not because they are radicalized but because they have been indoctrinated into believing the United States is the great Satin. They know nothing about the U.S... Only what they are told to believe. 

     Children in Middle Eastern Countries attend Mosque and they learn whatever the Clerics teach them. Happens in the Mosque in the U.S. too.  

     I worked in the middle east and you are correct that not all hate the U.S... Even those that say they do would kill to get a visa to go to America.

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