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Posts posted by atecom

  1. 11 hours ago, Pronto2 said:

    I can only sympathize, elijuwa. Cannot offer any advice, because I too have had some similar payment difficulties with Grab.  In my Grab account, I have my credit card noted as my "primary" payment option.  Most of the time it works fine at the conclusion of the ride.  But, I have had three rides when, at the conclusion of the ride, the driver asked for cash.  The first two times, the drivers seemed concerned that the app had not charged the card as it was supposed to.  The third, and most recent time, the driver was quite bothered and adamant that I had "done something wrong" when selecting the ride to start with. 


    In each instance, of course, I paid the driver cash.  Minutes after that third and last ride, I received a phone called from a Grab service person, stating that it was my fault because I "selected cash payment" at the beginning of booking the ride.  No amount of my saying to her that I did not, and that the credit card is logged as "primary" payment, would do.  Nor could/would she answer why it worked properly so many other times.  In her view I was at fault.  This has only happened 3 times, but clearly something is amiss.  I think I probably have used Grab for the last time - bemoaning the loss of Uber, along with many others.


    I find it reverts me to cash if I open the Grab App at a time when I have no data connection or phone signal and it can't properly connect me to the servers. This has caught me out a few times because like you I have credit card as the first option and expect it to be charged there. I have developed the habit of checking part way though the trip what method is selected.

  2. 4 hours ago, wpcoe said:

    I think you can.  A recent post here indicated that the taxi queue on the ground floor is now sectioned into regular, short-distance, and large-vehicle taxi queues.  You should look for that short-distance taxi queue.


    (Oops.  Just noticed that you probably went yesterday.  But, I'll leave the post in case someone else finds themselves in your position.)



    You are correct, I ended up taking a short distance taxi to the free zone. While there I found out there is also a free shuttle that goes between the Free Zone and the airport terminal, which departs on the same level as the Taxis, though not exactly sure where the stop is. Airport Shuttle route 'L'.



  3. On 17/04/2018 at 8:26 PM, atecom said:

    Has anyone encountered any denials of Drivers Licence under the more restrictive system.


    They took my blood pressure (Of course instantly right after a 30 minute walk to the medical centre), and noted me down as 165/91. They filled out the medical certificate and eventually handed it to me in an envelope. When I looked at it, that was the blood pressure they ad noted on the certificate. I will return to the clinic in a month for a followup, to see if I need t be put on meds, however in the meantime, if I hand in te medical certificate with that reading, will I be denied at the department of land transport?



    ~Eamon Delaney

    Ok, I can confirm 2 things there were no problems with obtaining a drivers licence with that BP on the medial certificate, went in at 1PM, Came out at 2:30PM with my car driving licence. However If you have an Australian Provisional licence (As I do for Motorcycles) They will require you to do the motorcycle course and written test.


  4. Has anyone encountered any denials of Drivers Licence under the more restrictive system.


    They took my blood pressure (Of course instantly right after a 30 minute walk to the medical centre), and noted me down as 165/91. They filled out the medical certificate and eventually handed it to me in an envelope. When I looked at it, that was the blood pressure they ad noted on the certificate. I will return to the clinic in a month for a followup, to see if I need t be put on meds, however in the meantime, if I hand in te medical certificate with that reading, will I be denied at the department of land transport?



    ~Eamon Delaney

  5. I have a METV issued from Sydney that I used to enter first time in mid March, and they did not stamp on it (Although they guy only stamped me 30 days in, so probably wasn't aware I had a METV, and I didn't bother to get it corrected cause I was heading to Cambodia for Easter long weekend anyway). On my return from Cambodia, they stamped correct number of days, but still nothing on the visa itself.


    Most likely option: they mistook it for a SETV, though I've never used an SETV so i;m not sure what the usual stamping procedure is there. 

  6. Ok, thanks for the info.


    My main worry is if they decide to change their minds and say you have to have filled out the TM 30 for returning from domestic travel, if I do so 10 times before needing immigration services, Its not too horrible to pay 1600 Baht, but I don't want to be out 16000 Baht.



  7. I'm posting here, because I understand this can vary a little between different areas and office. But I have a few questions about the TM30 notification forms for the CM office.


    I am planning on renting a Condo in Chiang Mai for a few months, while also doing a lot of travelling, but not sure how feasible this is with the TM30 requirements.


    A ) So as I have it, any time I spend time at a hotel or a place outside of the Condo, I will need to inform my landlord of the dates of departure and date of return? Is this enough, can they process it with just that?

    B )  The 1600 Baht fine for not updating residence (Assuming they decide to fine me instead of the owner), is that per occurrence of misreporting, or will I just get fined one 1600 when I visit the immigration office?

    C ) I hear some condominiums have a TM30 Service. Does anyone know if Is this just like checking out and in at the condominium lobby whenever I leave and return, and giving them my passport.... etc, and they handle it from there?


    How are other people getting this done? If I do the TM30 in person, how long does it usually take at CM immigration? (Not including travel time to there)




  8. Would 2 years on METVs be pushing it for immigration for entry into the country? (1st METV, +90 Day extension for final entry, followed by SETV + 30 Day extension) then returning to Aus for a month, then repeating a 2nd year?


    Assuming its not always feasible for me to cross at a land border and entries, and there may be times I need to fly in Via BKK or Chiang Mai (But avoiding Don Mueng). Has anyone had trouble with immigration doing this?

  9. 19 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    The Visa has an "enter before" date 6 mo after date of application - but you don't get 6-months solid upon entry - just 60-days per entry (extendable by 30 more). 


    You are not expected to have a residence booked for 6 months - or even 60-days - since your first visit using the visa might only be for a week.


    If you have proof of a hotel booked for a week or two, that should suffice to meet this requirement.

    Ahh right, Im not sure why, but for some reason the rules of the Visa dates never clicked for me till I read your post here. I knew I had to leave the country (Or at least border run) every 60 days, but I always looked at the 6 months after application as a 'visa expiry' date (As in absolutely cannot stay in Thailand past this date), rather than an 'enter by' date. So in theory I could enter the country the day before my enter by date is finished and stay for a final 60 days (or 90 if I get an extension)?


    I think it's a lot more clear if so. Thanks!!

  10. On 12/19/2017 at 8:44 PM, konisaan said:

    I made the application today at the Sydney consulate. Read here for the outcome:



    How about for the proof of accommodation spanning the time in Thailand they seem to have? I was planning on renting a hotel for a week or two, while finding an apartment, then renting the apartment. Do I need to book confirmed accommodation for the entire time (6 Months) then cancel? I sure hope there are other ways.

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