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  1. Most email programs allow you to back up your whole mail account to a file (if you have set the account to keep the data on your computer as well as on the server of your mail provider, using IMAP protocol and not POP for incoming mail) which you can export from the program and then import into the same program on your new computer. But if you don't want to learn this then send hundreds of emails to the same email address, after you have set up the account on your new computer. Remember to send with any attachments included.
  2. They threaten this every few years and nothing has ever happened. I doubt this will be any different.
  3. Some countries do. Japan only abolished theirs in 2010.
  4. No country should have a statute of limitations on murder. This is premeditated obstructive delay and is barbaric. When the murderers return to Thailand after leaving until the statute expired, they'd better stay away from the south of Thailand.
  5. Yes, it's not a renewal of the visa, but my previous lazy shorthand can in no way be taken as advice to others that a visa can be extended. They should always seek proper advice, not rely on a post in a forum by someone they don't even know, otherwise they deserve everything coming to them. Good grief. That applies to any online open forums, including 'latest expat tax advice' and the rest. As an example I never even leave the country without rechecking the latest regulations on re-entry in case they have changed since the last time I left (usually a matter of years). Ignorance is no excuse.
  6. He needs to stick a rubber tube up himself every night? My god. And I hope he sleeps alone.
  7. Look at the number of 'sad' responses to your silly pedantry, and maybe take a look at your life? Anyway, as others understood, I was referring to yearly renewal of extension of my O-A visa, using the very unoriginal TM7. General comment to forum users: Thinking a little about other users of this forum, the Asean News 'newsletter' headlines I saw on my phone this morning make me sad, it's become very juvenile. The 'Featured Topics': loud farting at night, 'falling' for marriage and ruining your life, white people smell like wet dogs, wetting the bed a lot, do Jews have high IQ.... The little value I get from Asean News is becoming drowned in a sea of puerile drivel. No need to tell me not to let the door hit me on the way out, I'm too quick for that. Sad though.
  8. You're dreaming about water sports, just buy a rubber sheet for better enjoyment.
  9. Look back through the recent posts here. Emojis under your comments only show people are saddened or confused by you....
  10. There you are doing it again. You're self-obssessed. I've told you already, it's not all about you. 😊
  11. You get far more negative emojis than any others when you continually nitpick and/or take offence. I've seen it. Now go away you irritating person. You really do think it's all about you. 🙏🏽
  12. I've been asked for tea money only once by immigration; to transfer my visa stamp to a new passport. I gave the money and said I require the proper pink receipt. The money was returned to me inside my completed passport. I've had my OA visa renewed yearly for 10 years without having any questions about not having a TM30 despite my obvious passport stamps showing Thailand exits and entries. Maybe I have the right face? 😇
  13. Two 'confused' icons under your posts I'll add a third 😅
  14. I was writing for readers in general. Remember, it's not all about you....
  15. Police taking tea money for an infringement that didn't take place is common here. You change lanes 5 or 10 metres before a solid white line starts on a road but they magically see you doing it 5 or 10 metres later. They station themselves at likely spots to pay for their anticipated soapy massages for the next week. If they threaten to hold onto your license until you reach the police station demand it back on the spot, it's just another form of pressure for you to hand over a bit of cash. They won't write a ticket if they even get 200 Baht out of you. Just negotiate calmly and with humour.

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