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  1. Why don't you strongly request that they do? Krungsri in Hua Hin do it without being asked.
  2. I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was. As the song goes.
  3. I've met Thais who believe this restriction is for cars only. Go figure! 😁
  4. Ask any bar girl; your Western farang is usually bigger (yours in particular). The regular women I've dated say the same though. Poor lad.
  5. Bottom advertising for top 🤢
  6. Happened to me. My wife was walking our dog on green space opposite our house. Two very gentle Soi dogs had died mysteriously over the last previous two days, she saw another one that day and walked our dog away quickly, but our dog obviously ate something without my wife seeing it. Our dog was frothing and shaking within 10 minutes. Died even before we got to the vet. I wouldn't be able to control myself if I knew who it was. People who poison are themselves lower than animals.
  7. This was not a scam, there was no deception involved, the girl acted in the full knowledge what she was doing. It was very nasty though.
  8. You're just wrong because when a Thai gets into to a fight, there are always more joining in and they only fight mob-handed. And there's likely a gun available in the neighbourhood too.
  9. Well I only spend on bar drinks, not bar fines, so not sure 😁
  10. It's, simply that many people are racist which can be fuelled by feelings of financial jealousy. Not just in Thailand. In an alcohol fuelled situation a slight mistake or offense given by a foreigner which is not apologised for (as of course it should be) can lead to trouble. Also Thai men can be problematic with their refusal to admit when they are wrong and I challenge anyone to argue with that. Of course it takes a foreigner not to understand this too
  11. Bar girls call you 'papa'
  12. Half a Xanax is my son's solution. Business class used to be mine.
  13. Most email programs allow you to back up your whole mail account to a file (if you have set the account to keep the data on your computer as well as on the server of your mail provider, using IMAP protocol and not POP for incoming mail) which you can export from the program and then import into the same program on your new computer. But if you don't want to learn this then send hundreds of emails to the same email address, after you have set up the account on your new computer. Remember to send with any attachments included.
  14. They threaten this every few years and nothing has ever happened. I doubt this will be any different.
  15. Some countries do. Japan only abolished theirs in 2010.
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