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Posts posted by Mintman

  1. I have a worrying question which i hope someone can help clarify for me-

    I have a long outstanding debt to a UK Bank, not big, but enough. The debt collecting agency got my number here and has now said that if i don't pay it will be passed to the courts in UK to get a court order to approach immigration here and request the cancellation of any visas i have to stay in Thailand. I work here on a non B. Is this really possible ? Needless to say, I am very worried about this!

    Please dont worry about this as the banks are insured against bad debt They just have to prove they have done all they can to recover the debt before they will get paid And that is what they are doing at the moment ,My mate has 28K of bad debt to credit cards and people told him he would be arrested as soon as he enters the UK Well he has been back 3 times in the last 5 years and the only person waiting at the airport for him was his sister,The only time you would have a problem is if you went back to the UK to work Then they would be knocking on your door.Good Luck.

  2. I have lived in Thailand for 12 Years and i opened a Notionwide Account when i went to the UK 6 months ago,I had a UK bank account and i use my Brothers address as my UK address, They never asked me anything about living abroad,They were just interested in how much money i was transfering and how much i would be putting in my account each month and that was it.Cheers

  3. I always have an interest in self-sufficiency and sustainable/renewable energy etc. For example, my (ex's) hotel grows all the herbs and vegetables that are used in the kitchen. Waste water is recycled (to some extent) for watering the hotel garden.

    How concerned are you about reuse of natural resources? Do you grow your own? Do you use solar water heaters, wind power or buffalo power(!)?


    Hello Simon,Well i am certainly interested in Saving energy and Home Grown Produce,I bought 4 rai of land in Roiet Province 2 Years ago and i intend to build a house there possibly this year and i will be looking at Solar Power Surely a must for a country that has all year round sunshine,I will also be recycling waste water and Rain Water,What i intend to do is to Grow lots of Veg and Fruit on the 3 Rai i will have left after the house is done,And i intend to get the locals involved and if i get enough inetrest i will buy a further 12 Rai and have a Market Garden,Bye the way this is not a project to make Money I do not intend to sell to Big C or Tesco Lotus Just somthing i would like to do for self satisfaction,I have been living in Pattaya now for 12 Years and have something very rare in Pattaya a Business that makes money not a lot but it keeps me and my wife very comfortable indeed,Sorry about the life story,Anyway Simon maybe we can share some ideas in the future,And i am sure a few more people will have some good ideas for us to look at,Thanks Robbie...

  4. Sounds to me you lot want to get out of the house a bit more instead of watching American Movies on TV,You are all being brain washed into believing that it is real life.Try going to the beach a bit more and relaxing You will be surprised how nice life can be when you live in the real world,Have a nice Day...

  5. chivas,very funny.it was more like a crown royal bottle shape,not round,lol.it wasn't like canadian whiskey but closer than the yankee stuff.as far as local(i think it was)it was quite good.to bad i'd been traveling 2 days or maybe my brain would have kept up.thanks everyone for trying to help.in fact is was like crown to taste with a slash of coke.

    So i was WRONG,What i think is funny is that they call American and Canadian Burbon Whiskey, The only country that makes whisky is SCOTLAND All the rest is just not whisky Cheers

  6. hey all,

    maybe someones knows the brand name.last year down south,i bought a bottle of whiskey.the bottle shape was like regency.seen only once.anybody have ideas what it may have been called?

    Chevas Regal Dear boy From Bonnie Scotland Cheers,

  7. Yesterday evening I had to go to see a customer in Patong.

    So I parked my car at the end of Soi Sensabai(btw 60Baht now). When I went back Soi Sensabai and came to the point where you have to to turn left into the main street(opposite this boxing stadium).

    A pickup just wanted to turn left when another pickup came from the right and wanted to go inside Soi Sensabai, but he had to wait a bit until the other pickup could drive into the main road to the left.

    It was a few seconds to long for the driver who wanted to make his right turn so he opened his door, came out of the car and went straight to the other pickup, opened the driver's door and kicked the driver's face around 15 times with his right fist closed the door and went slowly back to his own car and drove off.

    I opened the passenger's door and found the car full of blood and the driver already unconscious with a smashed face. Police from Bangla came one minute later for help.

    What a disgusting situation :o !!!

    This could happen to all of us I thought later........................


    Kicked him in the face with a closed fist, now that's some kind of Thai boxing!

    Point taken though Gerd, the road rage here continues to get worse and worse. Everybody needs to be careful on the roads and just chill.

    Are you sure it was road rage? Or was it for some other reason,Maybe he had not payed his gambling debt or a loan he had or maybe he was visiting his wife when he was at work,Just remember things are not always what they seem,Dont jump to conclusions,I have never seen road rage in Thailand I have lived here for 12 years and driven thousands of kilometers and never seen anybody get angry behind the wheel,They are always to drunk anyway Cheers...

  8. Can anyone tell me which is the best water filter reverse osmosis or a UV filter ?

    I gather there is a lot of waste water with the RO sytem. Homepro sell both types but they were unable to tell me the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two types.

    I also understand that the RO system removes ALL of the minerals some of which are good for you.

    Help please...............thanks

    Well i have been using the RO System now for 3 years and i change the filters when required usualy twice a year,I use a water tester to tell me when the water quality changes,The filters are not to expensive when you consider you save loads on buying bottled water,There is no waste of water as the system is connected to the mains,The water passes through the system and is stored in a small tank until you want to use it,All i can say about the UV System is that to check the price of the replacment bulbs as they can be quite expensive at least they were 3 years ago Hope this helps you with your choice Cheers

  9. It is well known in Pattaya that this sort of thing has happend several times at this bank,Only last month a friend of mine lost 20K From same Bank They said his Lady must have used his card,Police did nothing.Only thing you can do is get your money out of there quick, dont use Kasikorn Bank in south Pattaya Road

  10. I think that if this Goverment does not get it right Then the Military will step in and that is how it will stay,No point in going round in circles,You must have stability if you want to survive in this Global Economy,Good luck Thailand Hope you can make it.......

  11. Ok,

    So I'm living here in Pattaya now, and I need to buy a vehicle. At this point, I have narrowed it down to two basic options:

    1) Buy a new Honda Jazz on Sukhumvit or

    2) Try to somehow find a cheaper, 2nd hand farang-owned car.


    Anyone with a great deal on a used something-or-other car, that doesn't have a lot of kilo's, and doesn't eat a lot of petrol, and doesn't hardly ever need servicing; or anyone knows where I can find one...


    Lemme hear from you now.

    -Many thanks

    Just a few things to be aware of if buying secondhand,Check the Log Book for Number of previous owners and Year first Registered,If they say they have not got the book then say Bye Bye They are lying,Also ask to see the service book and make sure it has been serviced regulary and is stamped with an official stamp from a main dealer,You can easily tell if they are fake stamps they will all look the same and the color of the ink will be the same and probably not dry,Good luck...

  12. This is common practice with most models in the Toyota Range Except Fortuner which has an alloy spare the same as fitted all round the vehicle which is surprising,Maybe the new models in the Fortuner range are fitted with a get you home spare,Worth checking when you buy one Then no surprises when you get a puncture Happy motoring..... :o

  13. Can anyone direct me to a supplier for satellite equipment in Pattaya, I am specifically looking to recieve Dream TV from Agila 2


    If you give Tery a ring on 016876694 he will be able to supply and fit the system you want,His shop is at the sukumvit end of south Pattaya road on the right hand side where all the baht buses stand You will see a large sattalite dish outside the shop.Good luck Rob

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