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cyril sneer

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Everything posted by cyril sneer

  1. good work from the ASEAN neighbours i'm sure these countries will become more desirable destinations in years to come
  2. early information so expect the cost for aliens to be more they're still bitter they weren't allowed to profit off the donated vaccines
  3. photo had me very confused for a few seconds thought it was a women in a hijab reading a book the wrong way round
  4. i'm sure Delta+ won't scupper their plans to open, but as soon as it becomes problematic they'll happily blame foreigners and shut down businesses again
  5. it'll be used as an excuse to keep schools closed, parents have paid up now
  6. If I was wanting to holiday here I probably would accept the hoops that need jumping through Arriving to find that every tourist spot is dead and all entertainment venues are closed/won't re-open ever again is what would put me off
  7. looked like they weren't going to meet their target for a while there... 7706 6984 6544 5702 5455 5001 > Nov 1st
  8. maybe I few years ago it would be, but Thailand had already started going downhill well before covid happened the tourist areas will take years to recover if they ever do, and they certainly won't be as fun as previously
  9. It’ll be the opening of schools that spreads it, not the tourists Though the tourists will get blamed
  10. if they arn't complaining about floods it's about droughts, make your mind up which one you want
  11. even if they all reopened they would be dead + a lot of entertainment venues have been demolished or converted into restaurants, this will be the future not such a desirable place to reside anymore if you want to enjoy life
  12. Got these and seem to be working To those saying it’s pollution, it’s not.
  13. They’re already prioritising teenagers over adults in order the get schools open (collect fees) so we can already see this isn’t happening Wife’s parents both high risk with no vaccine date in sight, they look after her 6 year old who won’t be vaccinated. The kids school recently had a cluster yet they are still pushing for term 2 fees. Term 1 cost 15000 baht with 2000 refunded, no online learning offered. T.I.T
  14. These days are usually where you see people at their most drunk Has an opposite effect
  15. I get it in October every year here Does anyone is get it this time of year? If so what do you take? Im sure this has been discussed before but don’t know how to search anymore
  16. It wouldn’t be another year though would it, term 2 is just 4 months Terrible idea anyway, so could happen if the price is right
  17. surprised the list isn't longer, i'm sure it will be before Nov 1st when will visa runs be re-introduced?
  18. schools need to say they'll be opening to collect their fees once received, they will either delay opening, or resume 1st november for 3 weeks then have to close
  19. the buddhists near me drink laos khao and smoke all day, it'll be no different on Thursday
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