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cyril sneer

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Everything posted by cyril sneer

  1. Used 4 waivers in 5 years Current school is applying to get me a 5th waiver (I enrolled on a course). I already have my non-b and work permit but could still get rejected. Will find out soon - only want to do it 1 more year then I'm done with it unless they change their waiver system and <deleted> courses needed
  2. Done that already, including videos Gets forgotten the next day
  3. Live quite south but this is my plan, let her visit for 2 weeks and go around every <deleted>hole there is Edit> We both currently live in Thailand with decent income and accommodation Tried explaining that we’d be working in supermarkets and wouldn’t save a penny. Im sure she’d change her mind if visited, if not she can stay there and I’ll stay here
  4. After watching the queens funeral and Googling London salaries she is more ‘sure’ than ever before. I’ve tried explaining the high cost of living and the horrors of house sharing but it doesn’t work. She insists getting a work permit won’t be an issue after following another Thai girl on TikTok. How else can I convince her? Maybe a documentary on reality…
  5. my wife was able to make one for me the day after our wedding I think she paid an agency to help it go asap
  6. with a higher salary they'd only just buy and borrow more
  7. some terrible responses on here saying to abide by the law. anyway here's your solution, 50 baht on Lazada ???? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/hidden-beer-can-lid-bottle-cooler-cola-bottle-cooler-bag-camping-trip-i3846330449-s14676278354.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i37.690c3e58HaLNKP
  8. Just internet Can’t have it all..
  9. Does anyone have any info about where's best to get translations done for marriage? Google isn't helping with mixed information: - Some people paying 800 baht, others 3000+ baht Some waiting 1 hour/day/week for them to be translated... Some needing just 2 documents translated, others 6,7,8.... Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  10. what's he doing in Pattaya? shouldn't he be in Bangkok or Chiang Mai?
  11. Getting married in 1 month, filled out and sent the affirmation to the British embassy, and had it sent back to me ready to print. Now want to change the ampur to my gfs home town as she wants to change her name at the same time. Can the affirmation just be re-sent to the embassy with the new ampur name?
  12. Got a new ATM card 2 weeks ago and it hasn’t been working for these 2 apps When I call the bank they say it’s an issue with Kasikorn every time Anyone else experiencing this problem?
  13. where are these located?
  14. I needed it for a work permit, there was no receipt for a TM30 being registered (new passport) Won't bother from now though
  15. got it done, it might be a Phuket thing it was an immigration volunteer that told me I needed it (on top of the owner ID, tabian baan, contract, TM30 form, passport docs) *It would be more understandable if moving into a house or condo, but this is just a monthly hotel/apartment and i'm likely to move again soon
  16. I've provided all the docs I thought I needed to, and now immigration are asking for the owner of my condo to come in person Been given an extra form 'Power of attorney' and have to give it a duty stamp of 10 baht. Never have been asked to do this before. Are they trying to make it as much hassle as possible so I use an agent?
  17. was just a joke, didn't mean it to cause so many reactions
  18. wait and see what amendments get made recreational use will soon become illegal with a fine up to 800,000 baht and/or 6-months in prison
  19. Saves battery, helps the environment The browser extensions aren’t as good as a well designed web page
  20. Are they really unwanted/unnecessary? If so why is nearly every popular website or OS now include them. But yeah, the amount of updates probably makes it more of a challenge
  21. my gf is 15, can't see it on the app store
  22. they shouldn't sell it in powder form makes me sick all the time
  23. Booked an appointment with the British embassy Do I need to do the same with MFA?
  24. better to be dead than work for that wage
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