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cyril sneer

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Everything posted by cyril sneer

  1. wonder if Thailand should start hiding their daily figures China have done it with success and got off other countries red lists
  2. it's a competition to see who can get the most likes next to their name if this feature was removed there would be less negative remarks, hopefully it stays
  3. that would be the logical thing to do, won't happen though
  4. problem is Thai people are most likely to sell the land and buy gold and lottery tickets eventually the government gets it all back
  5. always the sign of a bad poll when most have chosen 'other' why isn't double AZ on the list?
  6. there isn't a whole lot more to do with everything open
  7. you really think they are doing this often? my local gym was doing it for 2 weeks stopped bothering, empty alcohol gel bottles everywhere
  8. would you care as much if a xenophobic comment about the Chinese was made? probably not
  9. It’s all political anyway If Thailand was an Islamic country it would be off the red list
  10. how are the vaccinations going? how much % rise this week compared with the week before?
  11. maybe they see adults with underlying health issues as a burden so have chosen to vaccinate the kids before them they will still spread it after being vaccinated
  12. The far left writers must have been foaming at the mouth writing this article Literally written just to say Pakistan and Turkey will be coming off the red list
  13. Ordered some over the weekend, look forward to it What's this cough medicine it can be mixed with for greater effects?
  14. no, anyone who doesn't know popcat is wasting their life..
  15. having no time (stress, anxiety) and having too much time (boredom) are as bad as each other
  16. What about this one? https://shopee.co.th/product/27077521/10640843694?smtt=0.293379670-1631331991.9
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