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cyril sneer

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Everything posted by cyril sneer

  1. they don't even know Thai history, or pretty much anything out of their province show them a video of Bangkok, most won't be able to identify it on a positive note, whilst most don't show up for online learning, they do show up when there's a test
  2. thanks how about fruits? berries can be pricey and not sure which fruits mix well (apart from banana)
  3. would that be plain full fat yogurt? where sells decent whey in thailand?
  4. weight loss, improve poor health I was having oats mixed with eggs before but the eggs were making problems anything I could substitute eggs with? not sure chicken would taste good mixed in
  5. What is more important? Trying to come up with a meal plan and breakfast choices is either joke moo (rice porridge) or moo ping (grilled pork) I read both are bad for different reasons, what would be a better choice? Would like to add eggs into the mix but have an intolerance to them
  6. toys out of the pram because their plandemic didn't kill as many as they wanted to
  7. It never works.. The meds reduced it, as was too full to drink. There must be some medicine out there that does the same job
  8. 1000-1500 calories of alcohol a day But with the medicine a took it went down to 100-200 calories
  9. I would like to know this too Eat healthy (mostly chicken, veg, little rice) but drinking and no exercise is making weight go up every week A few weeks ago I was prescribed an antibiotic called Roxithromycin and couldn’t physically eat or drink more than 1200 cals a day, lost 3kg in a week. Surely there is a non-antibiotic drug that can do the same job? (I’m unable to exercise anymore due to health issues)
  10. Oh, thought it was something more specific, a benzo mixed with something else to make it hit harder
  11. and if you want pro Biden garbage head to CNN
  12. I had a near death experience after the first jab, so would advise against it
  13. yes, and the death figures will rise at the same time (unless hidden)
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