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Posts posted by Indya

  1. Hello,

    I'm looking for advice about switching from a Work Visa (Non-Imm B) to a Marriage Visa (Non-Tha). My husband and I are both UK citizens. My job is due to finish end July, but his job will continue until December. Could anyone tell me the process/paperwork involved in what I would do at the end of July? Am I able to connect to his work visa as his spouse, or can I be on a marriage visa? Perhaps a marriage visa is only for those married to Thai citizens, as that's the only information I can really seem to find out about.

    I'm happy to be recommended an agency who could help me out with the transfer process.

    Many thanks in advance,


  2. I'm looking for some advice on health insurance please. I have had a few health issues recently and have spent a lot of money, so I badly need to get myself well insured. I think I will need outpatient included as I know there are several procedures I need which are very costly and can be done on an outpatient basis. I am worried that the more I pay myself and build up records here, once I do have insurance, things will be written off as pre-existing conditions, so I am putting things off. Despite my research, I read very conflicting things about health insurance here. I had a fantastic policy in Vietnam which covered almost everything, no questions asked for around $700 per year. This insurance does not seem to exist here. I realise I will have to pay more here, but cannot continue without it. I am female, mid thirties with no major pre-existing conditions and would like to keep it that way! Many thanks in advance for advice.

  3. I'm searching for a reasonably priced female tailor. I bought  a wedding dress from ebay and need to have it altered and the top part corseted to fit. Whenever the word 'wedding' is mentioned the price seems to go insane which is why I ended up buying on ebay. I was quoted 25000 baht for a dress I managed to buy for 600 baht, and the quality is absolutely fine, as long as the additional corset and alterations don't cost another 24400!

    Any recommendations gratefully received.

  4. Hello,

    I'm looking for some advice on where I could get some reasonable priced engraving and printing done. For the engraving, I'd like to get around 100 bamboo straws engraved as wedding favours, so would just be names and a date. For the printing, I'd like to get small brown paper labels printed, again with the names and wedding date.

    If anyone has any advice on where I could get this done in Bangkok that would be great!

    Thank in advancebamboo straw.webp

  5. Hello,

    Not sure of the correct forum but I'm looking for some advice on where I could get some reasonable priced engraving and printing done. For the engraving, I'd like to get around 100 bamboo straws engraved as wedding favours, so would just be names and a date. For the printing, I'd like to get small brown paper labels printed, again with the names and wedding date.

    If anyone has any advice on where I could get this done in Bangkok that would be great!

    Thank in advance

  6. Hello!

    Apologies if this is in the wrong forum,, i wasn't sure where to post.

    I have just moved out of a condo and need to remove my name from the electricity bills. I usually just pay through my banking app each month so have no idea how to remove my name from the bills.

    When I first took over the apartment an agency was dealing with it, but they then left leaving it with the owners. I ended the contract abruptly, so the owners are none too pleased and unwilling to assist (despite retaining a nice 2 months deposit for the hassle) so I'm a little stuck.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  7. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I actually saw Mark Leoni for 2 months, around 12 sessions altogether, and I honestly think he exacerbated the problem - although to be fair I did not have the mri at that time. I saw Dr Wicharn at BNH and was fairly upset with the consultation. I waited an hour and a half past my appointment time for a 5 minute consult with him, where he immediately suggested surgery because I've had the pain over a year, with very little discussion or testing of my movement. Moreover, the surgery is estimated at 320,000 baht and there is no way my paltry school insurance will pay that out - I've also only had it since 18 December.


    I feel at a bit of a loss. Do I really need surgery for this? I feel like I haven't really had decent physio to tackle the diagnosed problem before going straight to surgery. I may give J-clinic a shot - does anyone know if they speak good English?

  8. Our school in Bangkok suspended outdoor activities today due to pollution levels. This should have happened all week and people should have been notified. I lived in China last year and the school used to keep all pupils indoors when the AQI hit 160 (which was almost all the time, and in fact it was always way higher than this). At least in China it is monitored and reported on. I've been watching the AQI carefully for the past week here in Bangkok and it has been incredibly high, yet I've seen nothing in the news. 

  9. Hi,


    I'm also looking for some advice about a good physiotherapist. I've had back pain getting more and more severe for a year now. I attended Samitivej who administered the most painful acupuncture I've ever had (almost passed out from the pain) and suggesting burning herbs around my body - I was not impressed - as well as a private chiropractor who was recommended on forums but honestly seemed to make it worse after 2 months (and a lot of money) with him.

    I have just had an MRI showing 2 herniated discs at Sukhumit Hospital. I started physio there last week and was in particularly severe pain after they did traction. I was told to attend every day but after 4 sessions I had such bad sciatica in my leg I could barely walk. The physio seemed to think I should just continue as per the doctor's orders, but I hobbled back to the doctor who was visibly shocked at how much weight had been put on the traction and told me stop and rest immediately, signing me off work for 3 days. Needless to say I have no desire to go near the physios at Sukhumvit again! I know people are suggesting BNH but I'm concerned about cost as my insurance only covers me 1200 baht per outpatient visit. Does anyone have any info on general costs at BNH or could recommend anywhere cheaper with a decent reputation.


    I'm getting pretty desperate as this has been going on so long. Thanks in advance!

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