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Everything posted by jimgilly

  1. Read again what I said and do a little research before contradicting someone's post. Or doesn't history and the facts matter to you?
  2. They were banned by multiple countries in the past and it's time to start banning them again. They should be isolated from the rest of the world but they control Trump and others like him so they get to do whatever they want including the genocide of women and children with no recourse. Horrible world and it's only going to get worse.
  3. Your avatar says it all so why don't you go back to where you came from instead of criticizing someone who has compassion for animals unlike yourself. Unfortunately, people like you also breed which is the main reason the world is as screwed up as it is.
  4. There is something seriously wrong with many of these locals and all you need to do is watch the news for a week or two. They can be overly aggressive and it doesn't take much to set them off. Young and old often don't respect others including family, fear the law or the repercussions of their actions. Add the fact the roads are death traps and it changes the Land of Smiles to something less pleasant very quickly. IMHO, this is not somewhere you want to be if the economy takes a downturn as crime and violence could make this a very unsafe place to visit or call home, Time to seriously think of other options and do it sooner rather than later.
  5. The verifiable oldest person to have ever lived was 122 years old and the second oldest was 119. I seriously doubt she made it to 121 and unlikely there is any way to prove how actually old she was when she died. Still lived a long life compared to most.
  6. Simple, the dog gets put down and the owner goes to jail. Enough of these killer dogs and irresponsible owners who think nothing about it when someone is brutally killed which is becoming a regular event. Instead, there may be a fine and they may have to find a new home for the poor dog. Wonderful.
  7. Either your joking or you're an idiot or maybe both
  8. It looks to me like he signed a document where he admitted he was planning to defraud the insurance company otherwise there is no other proof of a crime from what I read. If he signed a document he didn't understand then he made a serious mistake and now he is paying for it. I personally know other expats who did the same and ended up on the other side of the law. Bottom line is never ever sign your name to anything you don't understand no matter if you're being coerced to do so because it will never end well. In any event, it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  9. The outcome of the coming US election is up in the air and will be decided by the power elite/technocrats who are the ones actually in charge. It makes no difference who wins as the objective is to create civil unrest, which among several other events, will lead to the collapse of the country along with a number of other Western countries who are being targetted such as the UK. In this part of the world, Thailand also has significant problems that are becoming more obvious by the day and will not be easily resolved. Bottom line, it is going to become very difficult in the near future to find a safe haven, if that is even possible to begin with as things get progressively worse worldwide.
  10. The verdict/sentence will depend on how much money the idiot has and will decide whether or not he gets to stay in Thailand. If it was up to me, I would send his dumbass back to where he came from as there is no excuse for putting your hands on, never mind kicking, a female in Thailand or anywhere else.
  11. This is just one more example of how thin-skinned, no sense of humor with a superiority complex these people are. Unfortunately, most people don't get to realize it until it's too late.
  12. Got a package a few weeks ago (supplements) and there was no VAT charged upon delivery. However, the same company in the US is now adding 7% to all orders going to Thailand. Are they enforcing the 7% VAT on all orders coming into Thailand or is the company in the US adding it when they shouldn't be? Thanks for the input.
  13. Just watch a couple days of local news and you see there is something wrong with these people. Must be how they are wired because it doesn't take much to set them off. Land of Smiles - hardly.
  14. So I guess you didn't understand the part about listing the positives and negatives of living in Thailand or if you plan to stay or leave. Better luck next time.
  15. I have no idea what you posted as I was looking to see what people considered the plusses and minuses of living in Thailand and if they planned to stay or leave but I guess that went over your head.
  16. I started a topic in the Thailand General Chat section asking what people considered the positives and negatives of living in Thailand to see individually what people consider the good and bad and also if they plan to stay or leave. It will be interesting to compare if more people think the positives outnumber the negatives and why they think that. I have my list and I'll share that later with those that reply to the topic.
  17. Thailand was ranked the 6th best country for expats to live and work according to a survey done by Internations. I'm curious to compare and see what people living here think are the positive and negative reasons for making the move to Thailand and who plans to stay and who plans to leave.
  18. Interesting that most replies are negative about Thailand being #6. Actually, I'll start a new topic on the positives vs the negatives of living in Thailand and compare the number of responses both positive and negative.
  19. Smart thing to move but you don't need to cancel the visa. It will lapse when you don't renew it.
  20. Just another day in the Land of Stupidity.
  21. The US and the West are on their way out in more ways than one. Countries are dumping the $ as the US is totally broke with the US national debt at nearly $35 trillion and adding $2 trillion to that yearly. Soon it will have to print more $ to cover its debt-funded spending as other countries stop buying and start selling the US treasury bonds they are holding. Add the 20 million illegals scattered around the country, (many CCP operatives), and the turmoil that will surely follow after the coming presidential election that could lead to a civil conflict among other problems, and you have a perfect storm brewing. The Thais know this and going forward I expect we will see a bigger shift away from the US as Thailand joins the other BRIC nations which will prove to be the right move. Don't believe me -watch and see.
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