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save the frogs

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  1. Admit it. He fooled you. So did Trump. I would watch out for Kamala. She's probably not as stupid as she looks.
  2. you don't have repressed anger because you dealt with it so the alcohol cant get to you
  3. there is some truth to your post. however, people have been commenting on his dementia for a long time now. some people hate trump so much that they refused to acknowledge it. but you're right otherwise. what he did is a dirty move.
  4. how can anyone possibly know the cause of someone's mental breakup? or is it break-DOWN? alcohol brings repressed things to the surface. watch out for alcohol.
  5. For Soft Power, it might be a bit tricky. I emailed my Embassy and asked how to get the DTV if I sign up for cooking classes. They said I need a letter proving I will signed up for 3 months. So what if I want to renew? I guess I would also need another 3 months proof? Will people be getting fake letters to get around this?
  6. maybe she's too DEEP for you? "For us at every moment in time and certainly this one to see the moment in time in which we exist in our present and to understand where we exist in the moment as it relates not only to the past but to the future"
  7. If money wasn't an issue and retirement visas weren't an issue, probably a lot more expats would be retiring in Japan over other places in SE Asia.
  8. Yeah so how bad do the candidates have to get before people start realizing that the whole election process is a joke. And that the country is not a "democracy", but an aristocracy in disguise. The country is run by the billionaire class, who are not stupid at all. But they shove clowns in people's faces, and people vote for these clowns thinking they're in a democracy. I'm gonna vote for the tallest midget in the circus. My midget is better than your midget!
  9. you need a letter? I will contact a cooking school to ask if they can provide a letter for the DTV.
  10. nah, he's just acting like he's Mad as a Hatter. he's not entirely serious about everything he says he's a provocateur. I dont agree with everything he says, but he's thought-provoking and way more interesting and intelligent than a lot of other folks opening their traps you jealous because he's more famous than you?
  11. I had contacted an agency only to get info from them (and later realizing they cant be trusted anyway). But they did get back to me, so it suggests to me they will be involved with the DTV somehow, or they wouldn't waste their time replying.
  12. well, now i'm getting conflicting responses. previous poster did say agents can get involved. thanks for clarifying that money doesnt have to be in a thai bank, but still a lot of folks do not have that much money in their bank accounts back home. a lot of people are in debt, borrowing, on loans ...
  13. forgot about that loophole. so shady agents will create fake bank accounts for you for a small fee? and you're sure the govt won't check during the entire 5 year period? or maybe just each time you renew?
  14. kamala thinks it's funny that anyone would actually vote for her.
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