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Posts posted by jimgilly

  1. If anyone wants an additional definition to the word stupidity it should be people that live in CM that stick around during off the chart levels of air pollution and think it won't have an impact on their health.  You people are really amazing, but not in a good way. 


    So keep the posts going on what the current levels are, where can you buy an air purifier, etc etc. as none of this really matters.  Many of you are already screwed by your inaction to get out when you could have so just stay put where you are at.  The world is overpopulated already so this may be one way of reducing the herd and many of you obviously have a herd mentality.  Final post on this and anything else with the CM forum as you people just don't get it.

  2. If you don't seriously consider how bad the air pollution is in CM you are making a big mistake.  The problem is only getting worse and it is not just for a short period each year.  You will constantly be breathing in highly toxic PM 2.5, which this year has now gotten CM listed as the most polluted city in the world. 


    If you like gambling with your health and that of your family, then go for it.  I got out after a number of years and only wish I did it sooner.  Life is too short to begin with and you'll likely only make it shorter if you decide to move to CM.

  3. What amazes me even more than the horrific levels of ongoing pollution CM is experiencing, is how people are pre-occupied about how accurate the readings our with different devices. 


    Really all you need to know is the levels of air pollution are beyond unhealthy - it is outright dangerous to be where you are and there is no telling when the air levels will get back to normal, if there is such a thing in CM.


    Too many of you are like the proverbial frog sitting in a pot of soon to be boiling water.  Anyone who has stayed in CM during these off the chart days of air pollution will only have themselves to blame when they develop serious health problems that will be a direct result of breathing in this toxic air.  And if you think it won't happen just wait and see. It's not a matter if if, it's just when.

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  4. Unfortunately I feel the fate for many of you in CM has already been sealed.  Just like certain levels of radiation exposure can have long term and fatal effects, the same is true with the high levels of air pollution you are experiencing in CM.


    The levels have been so high and for so long I believe many of you have already been subjected to permanent damage that will surface not immediately, but in the reasonable future.  By reasonable, we are perhaps talking about a time frame from 1 to 3 years.  If you've recently arrived then perhaps not so bad for long term stayers you should be very concerned.


    Anyone who has acted as this is a trivial matter will not think so when they become a victim down the road.  Of course, they will pass it off as something unrelated but in their final moments I'm sure they will reflect back on when they were warned how harmful air pollution is and the fact CM has reached levels that are surely destroying the health of every man, woman and child exposed to it. 

    Sorry for such a negative post but this is life and death and many of you still don't get it.


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  5. At the moment there really aren't many western restaurants in Roi Et and I think if done right, you could operate a successful one as there are quite a few expats in the area. 


    What exactly did you have in mind for the restaurant (any food specialty, pool table, etc) and have you already found a location?  There are a few things you could do that might provide a winner.

  6. Recent memory tells me Khon Kaen has had issues with air pollution for a while now but can't say how far back you have to go.  All I know is right now PM 2.5 levels for the past month and a half have been higher and by quite a bit, over readings I have seen for Chiang Mai.  Definitely not a good sign going forward and it's starting to look like the areas for better quality air are getting smaller and smaller.  Time to rethink Thailand altogether maybe.

  7. I'm guessing with the combination of high levels of pollution in Khon Kaen and the fact it is persisting longer than a day or two, it is only reasonable areas within 100 kms or so will also experience high levels also.  It will likely fluctuate somewhat based on the time and day and wind direction but then you have to consider there are fires being lit in your immediate area which I am sure are occurring.  Hopefully, most of it is short-lived unlike Chiang Mai where the problem can go on well past April.

  8. Khon Kaen is now much worse than Chiang Mai with a recent AQI reading of 164 Unhealthy.  People in surrounding areas should also be concerned what the quality of air is in their area as it may also be in the Unhealthy category due to the proximity to Khon Kaen.  They need to put in equipment to also provide PM2.5 readings for Udon Thani, Kalasin and Roi Et but short of that there are smaller devices that can provide reasonably accurate readings.



    • Sad 1
  9. 11 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

    Interesting thought since you don't know me at all. Yes, we all shiver at the thought of running into Mikey. I say what I want to say in public as well but since I tend to hang around classy people I'm sure I'd never run into Mikey or you. He's got a few problems he needs to address. Thanks for your input tho. Have a marvelous life.  

    You tend to hang around "classy people"?  Well "classy"  means "stylish and sophisticated" so I guess many people don't measure up to your high standards and are beneath your status level. Arrogant statements that you keep making show just how pathetic you really are and others will see right through you. 


    Let me tell you junior you're nobody special and you're going to find that out pretty fast if you make it to CM.  If you continue to make remarks in public like you do behind the veil of the forum, you're stay might be quite short and unpleasant.  Lose the attitude, grow up and stop thinking you are better than others. 


    Like Mike, I'm done posting as I've much better things to do, but I'm sure you will become a regular poster on this forum.  With no life or friends, it will be the only place where you can post your drivel and get a response or two.  Prove my point and make another snide remark to this post.  Like I said I won't be replying or making any further posts but I bet with you're inflated ego you won't be able to control yourself from replying.  Watch people and see if I'm right.

  10. 3 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    Try kapugnung bungalows. Maybe only 2 bed 2 bath. Very close to big c. If driving/riding toward big c coming from centre of city it's the 1st left after the big c entrance on main Rd.  Straight down that rd for 150 metres on your left. Plot of 10-12 bungalows. Slim pickings in kalasin. Price is between 6-7k a month


    The housing market doesn't sound very promising so maybe I should consider somewhere just outside Kalasin.  Anyone live in a province nearby where maybe there are more rental options?   Anyway, thanks for the tip.

  11. At best there are 3 or maybe 4 months where the PM 2.5 levels average only slightly above the max of 10 that the WHO recommends.  The actual PM 2.5 levels and number of days the levels are high has been increasing and will not likely get any better in the foreseeable future.  We are already hitting extreme numbers you don't usually see until mid-March so you don't have to wait for it to get bad - it's already here. 


    They should consider changing the name from Chiang Mai to Death Valley because that's basically what it is.  One more week and I'm out of here for good. 

  12. 22 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    Not everyone who has a retirement extension is living here long-term with a rental contract.  For example, there are numerous residents at McKean/Dok Kaew who have retirement extensions, there are overseas oil-field workers who come here on their time off and may not maintain a permanent residence in Thailand, but instead rent in a guesthouse for the several weeks they're here during their rotations off work, and when we were considering relocation to Malaysia, it was our plan to continue to keep our Thai retirement extensions because we thought we'd be returning to Thailand several times a year for shopping and Rotary events.  Having a MM2H Malaysian "retirement visa" and a Thailand retirement extension isn't mutually exclusive, but we wouldn't have had a long-term rental contract here, just the TM30 from the hotel or guest house we checked into before going to obtain our retirement extension.

    Nancy, your statement makes sense to me and the only question I have now for you would there be a need to complete a TM28  Change of Address form?  Thanks

  13. 2 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

    1600Baht is the standard fine levied by CM IMM for failure to report a change of temporary address(TM30).  (that also includes your first 10yr stay as all your stays, no matter how long are "temporary"!)

    Quote from the law (see my post 65 above)

    the “master, the owner or the possessor of the residence, or the hotel manager where the alien, receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed, must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours, dwelling place or hotel, within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned.


    In your case the person responsible for the fine should be your Landlord but from your previous statements it is unlikely that he will cough up.


    PS;  Have you contacted "ubonjoe" yet?

    Don't need to - already have a solution.

  14. 28 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

    Yes I believe you need to sort out the TM30 before anything else. 


    Yes I think you will be spending some time at Prom.  Enjoy Nancy's films.  I hope they have different films on successive days, you may need to watch them. (Don't forget your donations to Dukes)


    Of course you could always take the easier, and most accurate and up to date option and pop down to your local CM Visa Agent and get them to advise you if you have NOT PM'd "ubonjoe", as already advised, for semi professional advice as opposed to the so called "advice" from amateurs like myself and NancyL. 


    If you go it yourself I believe the following may help.  If he does not want to get directly involved, or is out of country, he has to sign the POA form and sign copies of his Blue book for the property and a copy of his ID card.  Must be signed in Blue Ink.  And of course a signed copy of the long term rental agreement.


    You will then pay the 1600Baht fine (even though it is actually his fine not yours!).


    What do you mean I will pay a 1600 baht fine - for what? 

  15. 5 hours ago, XGM said:

    The landlord doesn't need to go to immigration, he just needs to fill the form and sign it. You can take it to immigration and get the receipt. At least that's what I did when I rented a condo in Bangkok. You can download those forms.


    In my gated community here in Chiang Mai, they take care of it on their own though. About a week after we moved in they did it and gave me the receipt of the TM30 without me having to ask or even mention it.

    Besides the TM30 form, what else does he need to supply, copy of his national ID, house book, etc?  And what's the process of getting the TM 30 once I go to immigration?  Is this going to be another 2 plus hour wait in line ordeal I have to go through before the bigger ordeal of actually doing my extension?

  16. 1 hour ago, NancyL said:

    I fail to see how it is illegal to decide to move to a guesthouse several days before your retirement extension is due.  Maybe your wife got tired of you and tossed you out.  Maybe you decided to remodel the place and moved out temporarily while the job was being done.  Maybe some friends came from overseas and you decided to join them at the guest house since there wasn't sufficient room in your house and the guest house was more centrally located for tourist activities. Any number of reasons why you decided to take up temporary lodging in a guesthouse.

    Nancy, has anyone you know done this before because this would obviously be the easiest solution?

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