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  1. I am keeping an open mind at this stage. Has anything at all been reported in Thai language media? It’s notable that there is so little media coverage. Maybe THAIGER will publish further updates??
  2. I have a video of the body being brought ashore. The body is in blue plastic behind the boat. The images are just 3 screenshots from the video. I have refrained from posting full images taken on 4 May when the body was first spotted floating in the Gulf of Thailand. The video images certainly appear to show a male body. Plenty of people would justifiably complain if I were to post more graphic images.
  3. The body was eventually recovered and brought ashore. It turned out to be of a deceased male with several distinctive tattoos. RIP
  4. https://thecinemaholic.com/ian-jacobs-mr-ban-deaths-what-happened-to-them/
  5. Episode 6 of the DEATH ISLAND podcast is out now. It covers the well known death of BEN HARRINGTON in August 2012 and features an exclusive interview with Paddy Callaghan discussing the suspicious death of ANTHONY CARDULLO aka TONY LOTUS in November 2013. Tony was the founder of the iconic, lucrative and wildly popular LOTUS BAR on Sairee Beach, Koh Tao. Excellent podcast!! https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub21ueWNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2QvcGxheWxpc3QvZTczYzk5OGUtNmU2MC00MzJmLTg2MTAtYWUyMTAxNDBjNWIxLzYwYzRjODgxLTljNTctNGMwMC04MGU4LWFmYjcwMGZhMjEwZS9lMGVjM2JjYy04ZjA4LTQ2NTMtYTM0OC1hZmNiMDExOWVmZTIvcG9kY2FzdC5yc3M/episode/MDMwOWQxM2YtMTE2Yy00ZmExLWExMzUtYWZlZjAxNjY2NjNl?sa=X&ved=0CAYQkfYCahcKEwigzozA68f-AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
  6. It’s very common knowledge that I have visited Koh Tao and a few other islands in the Gulf of Thailand plus some islands on the other side of the Thai peninsula. However, folks like you and your friend, frank like to gleefully spread disinformation about Koh Tao and about me.
  7. 7 dead people if you count Jean-Francois Louet. Hanspeter Suter was also a Divemaster so by including his name we get to 8. The novice diving students who died in avoidable accidents, Silje Mathisen and Rocio Gomez can be counted as 9 and 10 if you wish. Alain Dolfen was not killed in a motorbike ???? crash. He died after a night dive. I have been told that Michael Spjuth had delays in receiving top medical care after his motorbike accident because people did not know he had health insurance. I created videos about Yoshie Sazawa but forum rules prevent me posting them here. I hope I have addressed most of your issues. I am happy to be corrected about the issue of delays for Michael’s medical care.
  8. Plenty of Koh Tao apologists would like the world to forget about this French diving instructor and his connection to Koh Tao. They would also like the world to forget all about the diving instructors pictured here: Virat Asavachin (aka Mr Ban) shot dead near Sairee Beach in early 2002; Yoshie Sazawa (aka Sharlyn) ???????? vanished on 18 June 2004 and found 7 days later presumed murdered; Alain Dolfen from Belgium ????????; and Michael Spjuth from Sweden ???????? who founded BIG BLUE DIVING and died from head injuries suffered in motorbike ???? crash in December 2021. Also worth mentioning Hiroshi from Japan ???????? who died circa 2002 immediately after participating in a “snorkel test” ???? on completion of his Divemaster course. SEVEN (7) diving instructors and Divemasters counted here.
  9. The DEATH ISLAND podcast is increasing in popularity as more episodes are released. Episode 5 was released a few days ago.
  10. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub21ueWNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2QvcGxheWxpc3QvZTczYzk5OGUtNmU2MC00MzJmLTg2MTAtYWUyMTAxNDBjNWIxLzYwYzRjODgxLTljNTctNGMwMC04MGU4LWFmYjcwMGZhMjEwZS9lMGVjM2JjYy04ZjA4LTQ2NTMtYTM0OC1hZmNiMDExOWVmZTIvcG9kY2FzdC5yc3M?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwiYqrbAkpn-AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQIQ How many people are following the DEATH ISLAND podcast that commenced on March 29, 2023?
  11. https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/death-island/id1674848385 The journalists who created this podcast have worked out how hopelessly the Royal Thai Police deal with murders and suspicious deaths on Koh Tao. It seems they are also aware of the presence of many people like frank.
  12. I think the number of suspicious deaths and murders can be measured in the dozens. The mainstream media normally only focus on the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
  13. Here’s a tweet from a US journalist, Conor Powell about a podcast that kicks off today called DEATH ISLAND. I understand that it is to be a 12 part series about the mysterious deaths on Koh Tao. There is a link to an 80 second trailer:
  14. It’s the type of story trolls like to sweep under the carpet and the type of story that many English language news services overlook. Suspicious deaths have occurred on Koh Tao for decades and continue to the present time.
  15. Here’s an article from the Norwegian newspaper VERDENS GANG or VG for short. A Swedish man aged 37 was found hanged on Koh Tao and his stepsons were held hostage with their passports seized.
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