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  1. S. Korea rural areas do the same… usually on the blue tarps. …. No biggie just pay attention when driving…
  2. Hefty Fines and jail time needs to show others snatchers what will happen if caught. .. cops should walk a beat and start arresting offenders
  3. A plan to have 90 day visa free or visa for US and Canada on arrival could actually work for people wanting to visit different countries in SE Asia using Thailand as a base…. let’s wait and see what happens..
  4. Thank You Ralfoo1…. Appreciated …
  5. I visited S.Korea Seoul 6 months ago… You must have a valid U.S. passport to enter Korea. From April 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024, the Korean Electronic Travel Authorization (K-ETA) is not required for US citizens for stays of 90 days or less that are for tourism or business purposes. You didn’t mention your country which would be helpful…. easy enough to use google for your specific country..
  6. Are banks closed Dec. 29 until January 2… I checked Bank website it has 2034 holidays not 2023.. Thanks
  7. I’ve not heard about this… is it going to be a requirement? Cost? How do they test if you has ABD will crash test dummies?
  8. If the IO requires a 12 month statement the same day it’s impossible if your bank is in NE branch it takes 1-2 weeks to get from bank headquarter in Bangkok. 6 months can be done same day at branch but may take hours if bank is busy. But 12 months is required. You can download a 12 month statement from bank which is password protected to open but prior visits to IO will not accept. Even if you download in front of them at office.
  9. Well there is something to look forward to the impending 70 coming in 2024… now I’ve got to make time for a trip somewhere… 555…
  10. Followed a similar story in Philippines overstay less than 2 years… the guys health was degrading and fortunately someone helped him with contacting he Embassy to organize him getting back to UK. A temporary passport issued.. flight arranged. He had to agree to the terms which meant at check in at immigration met him artAirport he had surrender his passport and unable to obtain a new passport until all fees paid by UK for flight, immigration fine for overstay etc. are repaid. The arrangement took a couple of months.The guy was very lucky in this case….
  11. I’ve flown extensively for 25+ years… only asked once for from the boarding card stub…. I told them it was in the seat pocket of aircraft… nothing more was said…
  12. Saw the video on TV the white pickup driver seem like he was being an arse. If there is a law to should be strictly enforced and if no law implement immediately. High fines and impounding the vehicle for 30 days might help influence drivers behaving badly.
  13. Reckon I need to get a spot downwind to enjoy the occasion….
  14. OP happened once at our local branch went back the next day. Better than sitting around waiting/hoping it’s fixed soon. Doubt the counter employees know exact reason and say system down…..
  15. Congratulations to Mildred… Healthy and Happy New Years to you and your families
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