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Posts posted by HamonRye

  1. Hello,


    Currently looking to buy 2 flights - BKK to Dublin with the same airline that has just a 1 hour stop at DOH before my next flight, with one of the companies on Skyscanner.


    Both flights are with Qatar Airlines.


    Can there ever be a problem if my first flight is delayed?


    eg, are there instances where i would have to pay for a new connecting flight (again) if my first flight was delayed?


    Cheers for any help.

  2. Does anyone know why you can go and buy booze in a 7 Eleven in the early hours of the morning, but not 2 till 5pm?


    Is it now the done thing to stock up on Chang when you buy yer breakfast roll?

  3. Hello,


    We are heading back to the UK soon but need to spend some time in Bangkok first but might need a couple of months there, so a visa is necessary.


    So anyway, given the above, we went to Vientiane to get her a Thai visa, but like alot of other people we met, we found out you now need an appointment which can take 2 weeks + to get.


    So we have booked the nearest appointment for just over 2 weeks away and crossed into Vietnam at the Cau Treo border as her days in Laos were coming to an end. We are now in Vinh.


    So my questions ;


    How easy is it to get a Thai visa in Vietnam?

    (SEA citizen)

    Say Hanoi for example?

    We are currently in Vinh of all places.

    Do you have to also book an appointment for the Hanoi Thai consulate?

    Would they require her to show proof of funds at the Thai consulate in Hanoi?


    Would cancelling the appointment in Vientiane cause a problem for a Thai visa application in Hanoi?


    Just thinking about our options given that we are also waiting for a meeting date in Bangkok.





  4. 13 hours ago, impulse said:


    No, the long and short of it is that the cost of raw materials and other inputs like rent keep going up, and because of competitive pressures (too many rooms and too many malls being built) and government edicts to keep prices down, they can't raise their prices to keep up with their costs.   They're working just as hard or harder than they did 5 years ago, and they keep bringing home less and less in real purchasing power every year for their efforts.   


    I challenge any of the complainers here on TVF to work in that environment for a few years and maintain their happy smile.


    Mate, I'd probably just hire some Burmese to do all the shit work.????


    There's a Burmese barman down the road who serves beer like he actually gives a shit. Or maybe at least he pretends to give a shit. Must be on a paltry wage. 


    Ah, well it's not the lack of smiles in BKK i'm talking about in general, it's the often unininterested, somewhat grumpy look you get when you come to pay the bill i'm thinking of.


    Probably no different from London though i guess. Although London could be the most multi cultural place going.


    I think it's just me and cities. Cold souless places.


    Anyway, i'm off too Isaan and Laos soon. Yipeee!!


    (I'm the miserable looking one sat at the bar)



  5. 16 hours ago, impulse said:


    Try making a living renting out 600 baht rooms -any sized room- in a high cost area like BKK and see how much you smile when the bills come due.


    Cheers people.


    So to summarise your comments Bangkokians dont smile as much now when you hand over the cash because there's just too many of us damn foreigners here now?


    Is that about the long and the short of it?


    What would they look like if we all f*ucked off to Myanmar then?



    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, alex8912 said:

    Mostly smiles in BKK. You just came here from Myanmar and want to stir up the pot. Bangkok is huge,  one girl at 7/11 not giving you a big smile is because in Bangkok young girls can afford braces and are shy to smile a lot until they come off. 

    Go have fun in smoky Isarn. 

    Have you been to Yangon though?


    So couteous they are when you hand over the cash. And you can have a friendly chat. I felt my money was appreciated.


    Here i feel like an inconvenience when handing over the baht.


    Oh, an on the subject of 7 Eleven's what happened to the welcome when entering?????

    • Sad 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, baansgr said:

    No, there job is to check tourists have been registered, not to interrogate innocents on holiday.



    That's the way i see it.


    All that's needed is a quiet word with the hotel owner who can show them that the person has been registered on their phone.


    All sign in books for hotels have "1000 baht fine" written on them if its incorrectly or partially filled, so in most cases i dont see the need to be hassling tourists IF they have already been shown the registry form online.


    • Sad 1
  8. Hello peeps,


    If the girlfriend applies for an Irish visa what is the process exactly, as need to find out when we should fly to nearby Thailand?


    Is the application made all online, or do you have to fill it in online, print it off, and then apply in person?


    4 to 6 weeks wait after application?




    St Patricks day, means no email to embassy for awile.



  9. 5 hours ago, blackcab said:

    If you are marrying a Burmese lady in Burma, do you need a Certificate of No Impediment from the British Embassy in Burma?


    Or are you absolutely certain a Certificate of No Impediment from the British Embassy in Thailand will be accepted?

    Yeah, been told by a legal advisor here that we need it.


    Hoping this will be the document i need ;


    What do you think?





  10. Trying to marry a Burmese lady in Yangon.


    Been told i need proof of single status.


    Walked around to the British Embassy here, but could not go inside and gave me contact details.


    So i phoned them and they gave me the Gov.uk website address, but all that is giving me is a PDF list of legal advisers here.


    Any ideas about getting this document and getting married in Burma in general?



  11. My girlfriends sister is a U.S citizen and single mum who is about to open a business over there and would like us to work and help out with the child etc.


    How easy is it likely to be for the both of us to get the required visas and work permits for this in the U.S?


    Any idea if we should just go there on tourist visas first, or is it normal to get working visas and permits before we arrive?


    Can you get this sort of info online or is a visit to the appropriate U.S consulate necessary?



  12. 4 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    Google the subject and you'll see that the first 90 days are USD 3/day, after which it increases to USD 5/daily. Wondering though why you dont get a visa extension like anyone else? 

    Evisa, so cannot extend. We are also on bikes and just got our India visas which for some reason start when you get them, not when you arrive.

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