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Posts posted by techie

  1. Something is definately not right here....

    80% killed?

    Governement not agreed to putting up funds to identify bodies?

    The fact that the news took this long to come out is another big big issue, most other countries would of reported this in hours, probably less, there are families that need to be informed, 300 families are missing people and if some authority has got any reason to block information then i fell very sad when considering Thai policies...

    Im not sure where the migrant worker assumption has come from if there has been no official identification process set up...

    If no real evidence or explanation comes out as to how 300 bodies ended up in a grave then it just shows what kind of country Thailand is, and if it pans out that authorities have or are actively trying to conceal information then it is very sad......and worrying..

  2. the government has employed many many (wasnt it 1000 ?) extra people to search the web for "illegal" websites or what is their understanding of being illegal. after they banned all they could find, they wouldn't have work to do and probably loose their jobs..... so its more than logical they will continue to just do random BANS only to show they do have still work to do, even there is nothing illegal with the website..... (or me thinks, any foreign website is considered to be illegal nowadays) or would you like to loose ur job ?

    am I wrong ?

    I really hope you are wrong AsiaWolfie, But i got a horrible feeling what you have put above is the way it will go, if it hasnt already,..? knowing how thais are they will probably do as you say and you can be sure it will be an incredibly hard task getting the ban lifted...

    Not good news at all...

    The fact that the site above, with no content, has had a ban put in place doesnt look good does it, especially after he has taken action and it has been banned again....crazy

  3. Has anyone got any statistics on the amount of executions in the last few years, i get the feeling hardly any have taken place...

    Even though the death penalty is in place in thailand, which i dont personally agree with, it doesnt carry out as many as other countries......

    just be glad you dont live in China, iran, saudi arabia or the great usa........

  4. Very sad situation, my heart goes out to this poor chaps family being so far away from him when this was going on.. must be very very hard to deal with if it isnt possible to be there for him when things are critical...

    I think i will definatly be looking up that innoculation book just to make sure i have done all i can, but i guess if it occurs like this poor chap then little can be done...very sad :o

  5. I can only hope things will workout.

    Why do you need to hope for it to work out Norman..

    It will work out ok when you have paid, the fact that you have agreed terms with the owner and signed something to say you will pay means that is what you have to do..

    You aren't considering not paying up are you, Theoretically as you say it may be a civil matter but i wouldnt take a chance on not being arrested or this guy doing his nut if you dont pay up...

    Need to see it from his side, he had a bike worth money, making income and now its gone, did you have insurance??

    Just pay up and when you go out you will "feel safe and free"

  6. im glad you find it amusing....

    It does however directly contradict what you stated earlier about prices being hidden...

    I am afraid to say that even though you must see this as there way of hiding the truth, i simply see it as a board with prices in Thai and English...

    I guess if they wanted to be even more racist than some people think they already are they would display all prices in english to really rub it in...

    Im not sure what evidence i am trying to discredit marco, please let me know...am i trying to discredit racism that i really dont believe is there or am i trying to discredit the dual pricing that is "hidden" but we all know about...

    What evidence is this..please let me in...

  7. Yup the average tourist if fully aware of the double price... because it's well written at the entrance of any park/attraction/hotel/whatever ...helloooo.

    EXACTLY...but you said before it was hidden most of the time.?????? Why the change of mind??

    Ok , look I don't even answer cause obviously you don't have a clue

    Maybe i dont have a clue, but as you decide not to answer maybe that makes two of us :o


    Well its obvious at some point you need to be aware of what you have to pay, how else would you know how much to hand over...if you dont like the price they give you then go elsewhere....and if you cant sus out that others are paying less or more then god help you.....

    To say they hide the prices is crazy, unless you are in a habbit of just throwing loads of cash there way and just taking whatever they hand back as change and then walking away happy :o

  9. i think the issue here is the varied interpretation of the word racism....

    To me these issues above only highlight cultural issues and nothing more, when i think of the word racism i think of segregated communities and people lives being made very uncomfortable in many ways for the simple reason that they from another religion/race/country...

    And to be honest i believe many members would have to seriously consider there position in Thailand if it was like that, BUT they don't because it simply isnt like that....

    In thailand you may be always considered an outsider and will probably need many years to be accepted as it were but its really no different than a thai moving to the uk...

    If you can only see anything that differentials two different nationalities as racism issues then that is about as negative as is gets....

    Yes im sure some will see the dual charging of "black and white" as it was put as racism but i strongly believe the director general of the parks who made that decision (in the link above) did it for money reasons and not because he is racist and wanted to put "whites" off from going to the park...

  10. And it would be classed as illegal as well in the U.K. if they don't hire women as firemen.

    Not sure of you point but i would agree with that...

    I dont make the laws..

    meemiathai, no i am not sure if there was any misunderstanding all i was trying to do is point out that as i am white i payed extra money....the chinese tourists behind me payed 20bt each, of that i know to be correct as i was with them...

    Im not saying it is right or wrong because it is down to the person who takes the money and gives the ticket to decide isnt it ...

  11. Some people has got a very strange interpretation for the meaning of racism and mix it up with everything they can.

    i agree with that meemiathai...

    The fact that someone is trying to make a few extra baht out of a person who they consider to be from a diffrent country and hence probably earning a different level of money isnt about racism, it may not be right and maybe the money doesnt go to where it should but its not racism....

    We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure!

    I would personally disagree with that but hey everyone is entitled to their own views... :o

  12. Yes i agree Donz....as i said before i personally dont think thailand or thais are in any way racist and i never think of it like that...

    It is about money, now for me i would happily hand over 1000bt to get into a park regardless of what others are charged IF i knew it was going to be put back into the park and its upkeep....now thats all that hacks me off about it, where the money goes...

    Now if its a hotel, restaurant or anything simular then it just pisses me off....and i hate to think of all the times i have paid more because i am not Thai...its about principal...

    When we recently built a home in Thailand i had to hide up when the missus was speaking to the engineer as when i was present the quotes we got were up to 1,000,000bt higher... :D

    We actually purcahsed a new car with the money we saved form me hiding behind the sofa :D

    Be interest to hear of how many people on here have to send the missus in to get a price or a quote for something, i bet im not alone :o

    I guess everyone is out to make money so you cant blame poeple for trying it on when national parks are doing it openly, but im not in any way trying to say Thailand or Thais are racist, thats just rubbish..

  13. And did you know that Thailand also doesnt charge extra for colour of skin like you have accused them of.

    Im accusing no one of nothing, my simple point it that i pay 200bt the missus pays 20bt and the chinese tourist behind me will pay 20bt also..

    Now if that isnt a case of someone paying extra for skin colour then you will have you explain to me what is?? I am white....

    Comparing tourist admission prices in Thailand with the same thing in Europe/America is like comparing apples with bananas. A tourist in these countries is usually on the same economical level as the tourist destination so there will be no big differences.

    Im not comparing it with europe ZZZ, just pointing out blatent dual pricing based on race/colour in countries other than Thailand would be looked on as a race issue...and in the U.K it would be classed as illigal....

    Funny article ... the guy should be ashamed

    Maybe this guy should be ashamed, but if you knew who he was or what he does then you would soon understand that his only problem with dual pricing is that it may discourage more people from visiting these wonderfull parks...he has a few books you can read if you like..i can tell you he is one guy not worried about the money in his pocket..

    I personally dont think Thailand is a racist country, i have lived in places in eurpope where race is a serious issue and to me Thailand doesnt even come close..

    I happily pay the extra because 200bt is still a very small amount to pay to visit some of the best parks in the world, i do not hold it against the person on the gate as they area just doing as instructed..

    Hotels and restaurants are a different matter, you have choice, if you dont want to pay extra just dont go...

    And if anyone feel they need to reply with the sad "Go Home" bit then dont bother, its a very sad way to express an opinion wouldnt you agree!!

  14. I personally dont think Thailand or Thais are racist in any way...

    If this was a european country then charging a person extra for there color of skin would certainly be looked on as racist but not Thailand...

    The reason why dual pricing goes on is the same reason why you may get pulled over by police and fined 100bt for just being on the road...because they can..

    When big parks can make good money out of it you cant blame anyone else for trying it on can you..

    Its about money, and for the people who think their extra 180bt fee at the national park gates goes to a good cause had better read this and think again, the extra charge is soon being reviewed and i have a feeling it wont be going down...

    This is where the money goes....-- national park payments --

  15. Norman......is this a wind up?

    Cough up you tight fisted git......and then get out of the country, you're a waste of space.

    :o:D You seem to be sitting on the fence with this one lucifer....

  16. For the worry this is putting you through and the cost that a lawyer must be charging there really is only one option...

    If you simply can't prove the owner has scamed you then you will have to pay..

    Do yourself a favour, ditch the solicitor who keeps referring to street beatings and be honest with the guy, if you cant pay all at once make an agreement over terms...and hope he goes for it..

    It may not seem right but as it is now reported as a police matter then you can gaurentee it will require you paying up..

    Do as other have said, put it down to experience...

  17. Is she gonna be happy about her pic being put on the net Lancashirelad..??

    Can you phone her at all, she must have some knowledge of the local roads, highway numbers...

    If not ask for a nearby city..

  18. To be fair the whois is saying that the domain was only registered in march.

    And it is a fairly common mistake not to ftp the index html over.

    Google last went to the site on the 12th and nothing was there then either..

  19. yes you right, I should have read your profile, most impressive, VErisign, Worldpay ... Great. What you did for them? Oooooooooooooops NDA , so you can not precise.

    Btw us, some of the largest would mean M$, or Sun microsystem , would be quite an achievement / success to do work for one of those (I hope we can agree Microsoft in one of the biggest company , and Sun is not far behing (Sun = Java in case you are in doubt)). Anyway Verisign, even if it's just the UK branch it's not bad. that is clearly a good start, hope you will improve soon

    Sorry i dont know what you are talking about???

    I have now read all the info you posted and yes their is no reference in there concerning the top 100 lines or 100k as you said.

    In at least 2, namely the tech doc about the spider, and the glossary of tricks, it's stated the spiders do not parse after 101K or 150 K.

    Your inability to post a link to this from the links you gave speaks volumes...maybe i am not blind as you stated above......

    They advise people to report to the local police those who claim they can push a website hight in the ranking but can not show any legit work.


    Say you are not interested if a page take 2 mn to load is bad, really bad. You are running only for the money, not for your work.

    Did i say that in my previous post, please read what i have wrote correctly..

    I havent got a clue who you are refering to when you mention sunbelt or indo siam, i know not of how they work or of what they do..so it is not fair for me to comment on how they operate.

    I like to address technical points, propose technical solutions, you prefer to say your company know best.

    Did i?

    Btw us, are you aware that is a community, not a IT fair with your stand in the middle?

    What are you on about??

    To clear this up for you as i can see it has upset you greatly, i have joined this forum for a reason..read my first ever post..

    I have not come here to advertise regardless of what you may think, i simply posted on a topic that i thought i could offer advice, if this topic would have been about building houses then i would not have commented...

    If you are in any way offended by my comments the simple solutions is just do not read them, my only goal is trying to point out to you that removing php or simular will not make as much difference as some other methods..

    Yes i am only new to the forum and i doubt i will be offering any more posts if this is what happens to every member who posts...

    In no post have i ever critizised what you do or the way you operate, if you feel you need to comment on clients we have worked for then that is fine (this is a forum) but please if you feel you need to then make it FACTUAL..that is all i ask..

    And for your information i am not here to try and seek work, why you believe from what i have posted is beyond me..

    I shall not reply to this as it is just nothing to do with the opening post, it is unfair for that member and a waste of time for the forum, and i have no wish to turn this thread into an arguament.

    Let it be..

  20. But good luck trying to change the mind of a Thai wife. Maybe you could accidently drop it?

    Be carefull though as you may have to fork out to get it repaired before sending it over....then having all the extra probs when in thailand... :o a double whammy, when the better halfs mind is made up its normally made up...

    We are considering sending some items over but i just cant see it being practical cost wise..

    As lopburi3 said they arent that much in Thailand, plus it will be new and maybe have a guarentee..(how good anyones guess) :D

  21. To answer you point sting01, firstly i did have a read and what i found in the robot document you offered is this..

    How does an indexing robot decide what to index?

    If an indexing robot knows about a document, it may decide to parse it, and insert it into its database. How this is done depends on the robot: Some robots index the HTML Titles, or the first few paragraphs, or parse the entire HTML and index all words, with weightings depending on HTML constructs, etc. Some parse the META tag, or other special hidden tags.

    We hope that as the Web evolves more facilities becomes available to efficiently associate meta data such as indexing information with a document. This is being worked on...

    the other pieces i did not go through as well as i should have but after a look i still can find no reference, perhaps i do need glasses..

    On one page you offered i found this..

    The following individuals made this project possible by submitting their opinions on each ranking factor, and adding comments where they felt it important. I have taken note of many of these comments in my description of the ranking factors and each score is representative of the group's overall opinions.

    Opinions...so i read no more, the whole web, including this thread is made up of opinions, are they right or wrong?

    What i enquired about in my first post on the matter was this, read the big text....

    However i would be interested if you could point me to an OFFICIAL source which goes more in to the top 100-150 lines relevany rates/compared to metas. as this is something i am very interested in..

    i am not trying to state how many sites we have succesfully sent to the first page no, i am trying to point out there are far more important things than worrying about the top 100 lines/k, php, html, flash, scripts etc etc than what you are stating.

    Here I am a bit in shock. A professional, in each and every profession, have a duty to advise his client. Or? Mostly people who ask for SEO work to be mad are individual person, or very small companies, those people also need advice and help.

    Some clients have sites before they come to us, FACT, all people have a budget FACT..

    We do tell people what actions we would take to their site to help the seo, if they can afford the cost they pay if they cant we work with what they have...We are a company and we will not send a client away because we feel their site isnt good enough for us to work with... :o

    Even though we deal with some very small companies we also deal with some of the largest companies in the WORLD...they do not need advice. Please read my profile and you will have reference to our most well known dealings...

    People f*****g do not cares to be top one in one page if someone use some wording, but they simply are asking to get visitors and keep those visitors.

    I dont know why you feel you need to swear but yes our clients do care aboput being at the top, it is a business for them. Getting top spot means visitors dont it?

    I dont know what you are on about when you say type in siam+indo, i have no idea who steve is so i not sure what to expect, either way the result came out as i would expect..

    IF any one approaches us and ask for top page we evaluate what they have and get on with it, if their page takes 2 minutes to load i am afraid unless we have their permission we do not make the changes, we have completed what they asked of us, if however they ask us for advice on a faster, cleaner web friendly page we will do that also,

    All our customers are given a guideline of what to expect and we follow it up with constant support to enable them to keep their site where it belongs..

    Some clients have sites with over 10-20,000 pages...it is not practical to start playing about unless they express an interest in us helping them out....

    I would love to be able to help people out but we are a business and as such we act like one...

  22. sting01...

    Thanks for your links but still i could find no reference to the mentioned top lines or the top 100/150k? that you mentioned..

    I will finish on a parting note here as this is such a good debate..

    what is published about the way (not just google) but ALL search engines work is to be taken with a pinch of salt. As mentioned there are hundreds of pages on the net stating how it all works, they are all opinions. Yes google explains how it works on its own official pages but when i am seeing sites going to the sandbox, pr0 going to pr8 overnight and other strange happenings its hardly keeping in line with what they state..

    NOTHING is set in stone...

    Part of our job is to take a page, no matter how it is formed and get it too the top, simple, we have to do it or we dont get paid...

    Part of this involves tracking sites, we only officially track after dmoz status has been granted, (hence our editors)...we do this for our customers, they want to see results..

    What is fact here is that to us (after tracking) it makes no difference.

    If the page is totally useless and non relevant content, crap title etc, etc, etc, etc it will be hard

    If the page is ok, but has good links and relevant content (good for user).. it will be easy

    From what we have seen a making a perfect page with perfect script just doesnt make a difference..

    IF you put out a perfect page but the content was totally off the mark then you can expect to be in the sandbox...

    We have to work with all these factors whilst keeping in budget, (we cant rework every site)...

    If there was any trick to getting to the top it would not be on the web, its a dark world and if anyone knew how to hit top spot in a competitive field then they would keep it to themselves..

    the real truth is if you make a page which is relevant, good content, good navigation, pr6+backlinks, anchor text, title, in directorys, regulary updated and you give it 6 months you will come out smiling..

    taking out other scripts will not make a diffrence...its a balancing act...

    google recently anounced a press meeting where some of the top seo guys in the world will go to the interview to try and get a few questions in...GOOGLE when the results came back i will comment further about how google works, but up to now i cant because other than like everyone else it would just be my opinion..

    And yes, in the past 18 months we have turned around 231 customer sites so now when they type their chosen keywords in they will be getting results that they need, (and over their competitors)..


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