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Everything posted by jombangkok

  1. I did my original license pre-video. And I don't recall watching anything in subsequent visits.
  2. Thailand is my only residency, I live here on NON-B visas as I work here, I am not a permanent resident though. In 2 weeks, I will not be working, and my visa will be cancelled. I will temporarily go back to my original country. I do this purely to apply for a new NON-B visa and indend to return within a month of me arriving there. Is my "current residency" Thailand at that point? Or is my temporary visit to my home country my residency? I wouldn't have any address, bills, or anything at all specifying that I reside there, maybe a 2 days hotel stay at best. Even official documents from our government states I am NOT a resident (address in official documents states: DEREGISTERED). What should I do? Thank you!
  3. I've only ever used residency certificates in English and had no problems. This includes 3 drivers license trips (original, and two renewals since). Off topic, do these things still require pre booking?
  4. Right, I meant to ask if I can print my 50 tawis, take them to the place with TIN and Passport, and they can check and certify them. Or can they provide 50tawis as well? Or is it just only the the ภงด91's? Definitely sounds like a huge load of .. so's to me too. The Admin department is not to blame though, they simply report what HQ's policy says. I might have to ask the higher ups directly to see if they can allow it.
  5. Totally blindsided but my company has informed me that as they are not responsible to help with anything non-business related, they will not be providing any help at all. The documents I asked for were the following: Monthly ภงด1 (needs via Rev Dep. with power of attorney) Current company affidavit Company affidavit from companies 1-3 years prior to submission date List of shareholders Company registation copy Copy of last 3 years financial statements and receipts (needs via Rev Dep. with power of attorney) BOI certificate copy They essentially said that I need a POA (Power of Attorney) for some, which they have to provide, which they won't. And even the documents that does not need it, they won't provide them. They also won't validate any documents authenticity (I asked them to maybe put a stamp on the 50tawis they sent me). Am I completely screwed or is this salvageable?
  6. That would make sense. In this case @DrJoy are you saying that, if I print the 50tawi PDFs that I have, I can certify them just like that?
  7. Thank you, could you expand on what PP is? I googled and, do you mean ภ.พ.? I have never seen any of these examples (in google images) and for sure I have no original nor copy with me and I save a lot of documents. Most documents I have are also digital, payslips, 50tawis, ภงด91s etc. I do have the TIN as a physical copy so there's that..
  8. Seems like they just opened applications today https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=1744
  9. The document also states that I need ภ.ง.ด. 1 and "copy of the filed personal income tax returns" which I assume can be 50 tawi? It does state ภงด50 but it is as an example. The document states that "which must be officially certified by the revenue officers". I have called and they have told me they can not provide this. And my company obviously can not certify them as they are not revenue officers. What do I do here?
  10. I would like to ask again if someone possibly have a contact for a freelance agent who can go through my application, documents and generally "help out". The more I progress into gathering the documents, I do think these 250k THB agencies are a bit steep. But I'd still like for someone to at least have a look you know?
  11. Thank you! The original final-grade papers I have from the school doesn't actually have any kind of text indicating a degree, not even in Swedish. I hope it is still accepted. 90/91, that's great, I will get myself over there and figure this out. I have all the information, just not the papers. Them certifying it is good as well, so in either case I'd have to go.
  12. 1. I guess this will be difficult, I'm from Sweden which has a gymnasium system and all I've got is the final grades. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnasium_(school) 2. The problem is that should have them, but I don't have the actual files. So my question is wether I can get them from the department of revenue or not. Like, print new copies or something. 3. Still not sure about this, in the document it's either or so I'll try to figure this out more. Many countries (mine included) has this system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnasium_(school) which is my highest "degree" in this case. Do they have a box for this or do I need to do something specific for this? I would love the contact details, thank you
  13. Hello. I have started to look closer on the documents required (a bit slot but hey) and I have some questions that I hope someone could answer. As people state you can do it all alone, I guess it should be doable, however I am quite confused on some points. I am reading the list from the Required documents link here: https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=1744 specifically on page 2 - "DOCUMENTS REQUIRED WHEN APPLYING FOR A RESIDENCE PERMIT IN THE CATEGORY OF WORKING/BUSINESS (October 2021)" First thing that might make me confused is the fact that this is the requirements for both WORKING as well as BUSINESS, as in "Running a business". There is a distinction between them which is laid out in this document on point 3.2 where 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 notes someone running a company, whereas 3.2.3 is for someone just working. Here is the list for convenience: Let's me focus on a few: 3. I can get a police check from here in Thailand somehow? As my domicile is here. 4. I do not have a bachelors degree, do I just skip this or do I submit the documents I have (courses at uni done) and a note to explain? 5. Does this place "Office of Foreign Workers Administration (Work Permit), Department of Employment Library" actually have a list of my employment history as well as copies of my work permits (dating back to 2015!?). I probably have digital copies only. 7-8: I have PNG90/91 for 2021, and 2019. But digitally. It says to have PNG90/91 for 3 years prior to 2022, so I need for 2019, 2020, 2021. I've also never ever seen a PND50 nor PND1. Am I able to get this from the department of revenue if I go there? 9-16: All seems to relate to being a company. Are all of these irrelevant for me who is applying under the "working" category (as opposed to business). Or does my employer need to provide some of these? In general, "officially certified" means a stamp from the related place? Thanks to anyone who can answer on this!
  14. I feel like this wasn't properly answered (or I just don't understand it) and I have the same question. If I am on a NON-B, with multiple entry permits. Then I get a PR. Do I even need the NON-B anymore? Will the NON-B be removed or will it stay as I get the PR? If I have the NON-B with multiple entries, do I still need to get the PR-re-entry endorsement to avoid it being cancelled on re-entry? Edit: on a third re-read, I guess the second sentence means you do need the endorsement, but I'll let the question stay up just in case someone would like to confirm.
  15. Hi, does anyone have a personal recommendation for an agent (agency, or just a person is fine)? I want to go through my situation to ensure everything is correct. I also want to get feedback on my Thai and what I need to work on to pass the interview, so if they can do that too that would be great. On the interview itself, I read this on https://cdn.legamart.com/attachments/2f09f948fb5666f0ff3431358b98d10600bdf1ccc2aae29ae3f3dace51af8780.pdf Anyone have examples of the highlighted parts? Like discussing about the documents in Thai? And a presentation, like a presentation about a topic or myself or what is this about? Also in Thai, I assume.
  16. I recently asked a firm in general and I believe this to be relevant: So it appears that the current employer needs to be 1 year only.
  17. Some more question. What is a reasonable agency fee? Got quoted 250k recently. Another possibly odd question, is a lack of friends and family a big issue? Very close thai friends, 0 if I am completely honest. Save for my long term girlfriend. I have people I contact every now and then from work a few years ago, but in all honesty WFH have more or less killed the small social life I had, since 2020.
  18. So the interview is not part of the application? That eases my pressure substantially.
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