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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. How does it matter? Even if it was possible to remove Prayuth's government - those that are really in power will remain so. Following the procedures put in place when the 'con'stitution was changed in 2018, the only way to change the real holders of power is a further change to the constitution and how do you do that if you're not in power? The 2018 'con'stitution was a masterclass in how to disguise a dictatorship as a democracy.
  2. Which is of course, ridiculous - as is the fact that they won't let people go to an ATM. The cash requirement is just used as a reason when they don't actually have a legal one.
  3. The US is probably up there because of people being shot in their cars ????.
  4. No, agreed but quite what excuse reason the I.O. would use in that case, I know not but probably 'suspected of working illegaly'. I doubt many would argue too much but as I understand it, you have a right of appeal. However, I believe that to make that appeal you have to be prepared to spend a while locked in an immigration jail until the appeal is heard - I can't see too many 'tourists' being prepared to do that unless they intend staying in Thailand long term but even then............
  5. The one thing that shocked me when I joined a gun club in Thailand, was that none of the handguns (Glock's) owned by the club were fitted with traditional safety catches. No idea if a safety catch would have prevented this accident but it might have - depends on the exact circumstances. I would say though, that my club is very big on safety. If you do anything even slightly wrong, the culture there is that other members - as well as instructors will immediately alert you. I'm not a gun expert and have little experience with handguns but I've used rifles regulary outside All of the rifles I've used have had saftey catches. I've read Glock's explanations as to why its products don't have an actual safety catch - they claim they have 3 other safety mechanisms. As fas as I can see, none of those mechanisms would prevent an accidental discharge in a tutorial situation.
  6. Bang on. I've never heard of anyone being refused entry purely because they didn't have the required 20,000 baht (in reality). What I have seen is border runners or others who the I.O. considers have spent a questionable amount of time in Thailand without the correct visa, denied entry using the lack of funds as an excuse. If you are entering through an airport, I believe there is no limit in law, to the amount of entries you can make but the rules do say you need to have 20k (or equivalent) in cash - so if the I.O. is unhappy about your entry but has no other legal reason to refuse you, they just use the 20k rule. If it was purely about the 20k, I think they'd let you go to an ATM - as we know, they don't. I've never been checked but I usually carry 20k as a mininum.
  7. I'm not saying there is. But an enlarged prostate + an above normal PSA - I would definitely say there is but that is of course - a personal opinion. I understand the risk of infection posed by biopsies but at the moment there is no other way of a.) absolute confirmation of malignancy and b). grading tumours. Perhaps I've been lucky - I've had 3 biopsies, 2 standard and 1 guided perineal without problems. The perineal is obviously more involved and requires an anaesthetic but carries less risk of infection. However, from what I've read the newer type of MRI scan reduces the need for biopsies. My brother-in-law was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate around 10 years ago and was told it was nothing to worry about on at least 3 occasions. Last year he had a change of GP and discussed his prostate problems during an appointment for another matter. His new GP was concerned and wrote to the Urology department of our local hospital requesting a biopsy. Long story short, although his PSA was much lower than mine (14 from memory) - the biospy and subsequent scans revealed his cancer was far worse than mine - it had broken through the capsule and was present in several lymph nodes. He is therefore, outside the criteria for curative treatment and is now on hormone therapy to slow the progress of the disease. The only other option he has for treatment is chemo but with PC, that on its own is not curative and in the UK, is either administered to compliment other treatments as part of a curative treatment plan or on its own to reduce symptoms in the final stages. Far too many men are dying from this disease because they either ignore symptoms, are unaware of them or are misdiagnosed because a biopsy has not been carried out. In the UK there is no screening programme because of the amount of people who's PSA tests high, are recommended for a biopsy and are subsequently found not to have the disease but have been exposed to infection. PSA + Biopsy may carry risks as a method of testing for PC but as yet we don't have anything better (although the new MRA scans are improving things). Whilst a very high PSA level like mine indicates a very high likelihood of PC, a lower PSA does not always mean theHaving stood in a doctors office and told the results - which felt like being shot in the head, I will always advocate biopsies until there is a definitive altrenative method of checking for malignancyre is no PC - as evidenced by my brother-in-law's case. I believe that PET scans are very reliable - they pinpointed the site of very small recurrence with me which was then confirmed by a perineal biopsy. The results were then used to accurately map sites for brachytherapy. I have no idea why PET scans are not used in initial diagnosis and can only guess its because of the cost. Having stood in a doctors office, given my results and told I had 2 - 4 years left (which felt like being shot in the head), I will always advocate biopsies until there is a definitive alternative method of checking for malignancy. Thankfully I responded to my treatment plan better than most and I'm still OK 7 years later. I had the aggresive form of the disease yet I know of others that had the less risky grade but are sadly no longer with us. Knowing what I know now - if I didn't already have the disease I'd be knocking on my GP's door and demanding a PSA test every year. Depending on the results I would decide on whether a biopsy is needed or not - not my GP. Fortunately my GP is very pro-biopsy so that would not be necessary. Risk of infection -vs- risk of death is a no brainer for me but everyone should take control of their own health and make that decision.
  8. I believe that most cases of prostate cancer are very slow moving - there's a saying that you die with it, not of it. In such cases the treatement is usually 'watchful waiting' (continual monitoring). I'm not a doctor but to the best of my knowledge a doctor cannot determine the grading of the cells - Gleason Score without a biopsy. As you've had a biopsy I presume your cancer was graded? If so it was probably determined as low grade and not requiring immediate treatment. Was your doctor recommending regular MRI's? I guess that would establish the size and any growth of the tumour(s) but its not something that's usually done here in the UK or it wasn't when I was diagnosed - The first steps are continual monitoring and as the progress increases you may well be recommend to have hormone therapy. I've not heard of MRI's being used as part of that regime but I suppose its possible that they newer type of MRI could be useful. Just be sure your doctor worked out your Gleason Score.
  9. If its still contianed within the capsule your chances are good. However, if its growing, how do they know it hasn't spread? An MRI will not necessarily show that and certainly isn't used at your stage in the UK. The usual following diagnosis, treatment and re-occurance is a full body PET scan. To the best of my knowledge an MRI is not good enough to detect small cancerous areas. PC can show up anywhere once it escapes the capsule but the usual spread is to the bones, lungs or brain - it travels via the lymph nodes. If I was you I'd insist on a PET. Best of luck.
  10. If I was you I would demand a biopsy. I'm guessing you've had PSA tests? They give an indication but only a biopsy will confirm the cause of the enlargement. High PSA's don't always confirm cancer and low ones don't always negate it but they are all that is offered in many countries unless you pay . I've been living with the disease for over 7 years now, my PSA was 189 on diagnosis which was pretty damning, a DRE gave a further indication and the biopsy provided confirmation. I've had both radio therapy combined with hormone therapy and brachytherapy folliwing a slight re-occurence last year. The one thing you must not do is procrastinate. I've been extremely lucky - despite such a high PSA level, the tumours had only just broken through the prostate capsule - once it gets out there's very little they can do except for slow it down. Yep, I'm preaching but I make no excuse for that - I take every opportunity to advise guys to get a PSA test regularly and if there's anything wrong, demand a biopsy. A lot of doctors advise against biopsies because of the risk of infection. I prefer not to take the risk of dying thanks doc. If the new type of MRI is reliable then that is probably a good option (others will have better knowledge of it than I do) but take action - cancer waits for no man. As I say, I've been extremely lucky and responded far better to treatment than many do - I know of others that have not been so lucky - get tested!
  11. The old way was PSA check then DRE + biopsy. There is now an enhanced MRI scan that cuts out some of the need for a biopsy. I can't speak for Thailand but in the UK they still do a biopsy if the MRI indicates a likelihood. A rectal biopsy carries a considerable risk of infection - some doctors don't like them at all.
  12. One of the translation agencies should be able to help you with that. You may not be needing a translation but these people deal with the MFA regularly - usually taking affirmations of freedom to marry there and back. There's quite a few of them on Mahattun Plaza on Sukhumvit Road in Phloen Chit.
  13. Neither did I until I switched to 'Cali' strains - a lot of people I know have had the same problems. I think they've just been messed about with too much. The most popular of the 'Cali' strains - Stardawg or Star Dog in English also has rooting problems when cloned. I'm used to roots within 7 days but Dog can take 3 weeks - by which time the growth tip has rotted on around 30% of them. All in all, I find Cali strains a real pain in the proverbial.
  14. Your main question is difficult to answer as there are so many variables - but I'd like to add a couple of things that you should probably consider. 1. Air quality: There are some areas of Thailand where its atrocious. I'm no doctor but I'd take a guess that the older you get, the more you are succeptible to respiratory problems. 2. Ownership: Although there are various ways of 'owning' a property - relationships can change so you need to consider whether that would concern you or not. 3. Population: Although I integrate with the Thai population more than most seem to, there are times when I just feel the need to speak English with another English speaker. You may want to consider if there are any bars etc. in your chosen area that are frequented by foreigners. Generally - I think you'll have to compromise on some things. For example, I love where I live and although some would, I don't consider it as too far from an airport - 2.5 hours. I fully understand why you wouldn't want to be 5 or 6 hours from an airport but how important is that? How many times do you expect to need to use an airport?
  15. Not exactly - they are feminised. Nobody who produces them will ever guarantee them as 100% female but it is extremely rare for them to produce a male. With some strains there is a higher likelihood of a feminised seed producing hermaphrodites - I had some Gelato Cookies that produced 6 'hermies' out of 10 seeds. It can also take much longer to sort through plants grown from feminised seed and find the best phenotypes to clone and grow on. It takes longer but its far better to grow from normal seeds and 'sex' them - weeding out any males. You then 'clone' them by taking cuttings. Hermies can come from normal seeds but in that case, its either caused by stress, light leaks or some other wrong treatment on the part of the grower. With feminised seeds, they hermie because the genetics are mucked up. I never saw a hermie for 10 years until I bought feminised seeds - some people never get them but its luck of the draw. The currently popular 'Cali' strains seem more prone to hermies than most. Each to his own but I much prefer clones.
  16. It most certainly is not - it is of the same species as cannabis but has a very low THC content. There are three sub species of cannabis - Rudaralis, Sativa and Indica. Ruderalis is fairly rare now, Sativa, Indica and hybrids of the two are the most popular. Hemp is a Sativa, All cannabis plants rely on both sexes to reproduce properly although they do sometimes produce 'hermaphrodites' which pollinate themselves.
  17. Hmmmm, many years ago I was out of skunk so I got a little bit of black morrocan off a guy in a club and rolled one up. Smoked it in the car park, went back inside, up to the bar, ordered a beer and turned around, leaning on the bar to scan the dance floor. I kid you not - everyone on the dance floor had Elephant's heads.???? Long story short, the guy I bought it from failed to tell me it was opiated. Had a similar experience in The Hague where the weed was also opiated and I mixed it with 'Space Cake' except this time there were 1 meter tall Mice in my bedroom. Good fun but it can be scary. I can imagine that opium rubbed on the paper would create an enjoyable smoke without the Elephants - there was obviously way too much of the stuff in mine.
  18. You mean the Thai Embassy? I haven't applied there for a few years but if you want a specific date, I believe you can make an appointment. Failing that, be there when they open. From memory, I believe you will have to stay in London overnight though.
  19. Still too long for me but please note: I said personally. If I'm going to commit expense, I'd rather put that expense to good use. On the rare occasions where I've needed to do a border run (not for quite a few years), I used to simply go online and look for the best flight promotion. - I remember getting a return flight to Singapore for less than 2000. I did however, have more choice on my re-entry point than those on tourist visas or exempt entries as I was on a Non O so not worried about being allowed back in..
  20. Why confused Dr Jack? They are not stuck, flights out have been operating for a long time.
  21. Agreed, make a holiday of it without much additional expense. Personally I wouldn't want to sit in a minibus for 8 hours, get stamped out and in again and another 8 hours back - as some used to do pre-covid.
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