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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. I think what you mean is: if you apply for a Thailand Pass on the basis of a 30 day exempt entry but actually enter with a tourist visa, could there be problems. There might be yes - depending on the length of your insurance cover which I believe is supposed to cover your entire stay.
  2. An online petition on change.org, asking that people support a proposition that both Johnson and the chancellor Rishi Sunak should resign has received over 300,000 signatures in less than 24 hours. https://www.change.org/p/borisjohnson-and-rishisunak-broke-the-law-they-have-to-resign-partygate/u/30440935?cs_tk=AqzeHL3vdGIUJtH8X2IAAXicyyvNyQEABF8BvCJ-N-XY8_hKEex6dkjlM4I%3D&utm_campaign=b6720826c1684a40916aa168fdbc5249&utm_content=initial_v0_5_0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_update&utm_term=cs
  3. Let me try to explain: The reason for that stems from the concern that Putin's actions are born out of his own paranoid fears that the West is against Russia. Similar concerns relate to the fact that Putin may lash out because of sanctions imposed on Russia just as Hitler did in response to the Treaty of Versailles. I think most people would agree with you but those conflicts are not connected to the war in Ukriane.
  4. Someone else had a go at me a couple of days ago because I hadn't mentioned other atrocities going on around the world - as if I supported them - even accused me of racsim. What these people don't seem to realise is that your thread is about Ukraine, I doubt anyone is denying that other conflicts take place but I fail to see why that should prevent any opposition or comment against Russia. I for example, don't understand why refugees from Ukraine are acceptable in the UK but those from Syria are not. But should that stop Ukrainian refugees from coming to the UK? Clearly it should not. I am not starting a discussion on that matter by the way people, I'm simply using it as an example.
  5. What I want is peace, Putin to stop his agression immediately and for the kiling and raping to stop. Unfortunately we are dealing with someone who is clearly unhinged and will not stop until he dies. He lives in a parallel reality and seems to have got so far into it that he believes his own lies now. Even if he is somehow persuaded to stop now, he will remain a threat and NATO will have to stand up to him one day. I'd rather that is dealt with now rather than leave it to my kids/grandkids. Sadly, dealing with it may include a nuclear war yes but what do you want........should Putin be allowed to take Ukraine and then keep on going? He will almost certainly do that - especially if nobody steps in to help Ukraine. Do you believe Putin's line that he is liberating Ukraine from the Nazis or his altenative line that he will not accept a NATO member on his border?
  6. So you think Ukraine should simply give in to a group of (mainly Russians) people living in the country that want to breakaway? What you don't seem to realise is that Russia has promoted and backed that insurgency. Within 30 miles of where I live in the UK there is a large Asian communtiy, mainly Pakistani. Should the UK give up its land to them if they decide they want to breakaway? I can tell you that that would never happen. Ukraine has every right to protect its territory. Would Putin accept the same in reverse?
  7. That is a completely separate matter - even if its true, it doesn't take away from what's going on in the Ukraine and that argument should be in its own thread. Personally, I think that anyone who supports or believes Russia in any of this, needs to see a doctor.
  8. Who ever said it was our 'Prime Concern'? I am very concerned about the Ukraine situation - you should check out my comments on the thread entitled 'Don't Mention The War'. As I believe its inevitable that NATO and therefore the UK will get drawn into that conflict at some point. I want someone in charge of the UK that I can trust - not a liar that doesn't know what time it is. Let's put it this way - how would you feel if you were stopped, breathalysed, arrested and convicted of drink driving when it was clear that the arresting officer was drunk? Those who make the law must abide by it even closer than the rest of us but to be honest, I could forgive him for a minor indiscretion - its the lying I won't accept. He's still at it today.
  9. Brexit wasn't 'dumped' on Boris he was one of the main proponents of it. His anti EU stance can be followed back to when he was a journalist and invented the story about 'bent bananas' - a total fabrication. Who was it that said the UK would be £350 million per week better off if it left the EU? No way was Brexit dumped on him. The man is a serial liar and thinks he's imune from any form of retribution. Do you forget some of the other things he's done Steve? His stupidity began long before he was Prime Minister - as Mayor of London he spent £43 million of public money on his crazy garden bridge project - a bridge that never got built, The gala dinner announcing it cost £500,000!!! That's people's taxes remember. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-47228698 How about trying to change the rules to get one of his MP's off the hook? Then saying he made a mistake in doing so but refused to aplogise. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/nov/03/appalling-double-standards-labour-criticises-tory-attempts-to-save-owen-paterson Or accepting £52,000 from a donor for the refurbishment of the Downing Street flat and then quickly repaying that donation out of his own pocket to try and cover it up when it came to light. Theresa May had just had that flat redone yet Boris is rumoured to have spent a total of £200,000 on it. One of the items he bought for the flat was wallpaper at £840 per roll!! Remember he get's £30,000 of public money for refurbishment - where the other £170,000 came from is anyone's guess but you can bet that's been 'cleaned up' now. https://metro.co.uk/2021/08/26/lord-brownlow-peer-paid-52808-toward-boris-johnsons-flat-refurb-15157255/ The inquiry into the government's handling of the Covid Pandemic will be interesting - especially when its rumoured that a middleman was paid £27 million for simply putting the UK government in touch with a PPE supplier. Need I go on? Yes, they are all sleazy and corrupt but Johnson takes things to a whole new level. Johnson was on TV night after night pushing his message that we must all abide by the rules - rules that he clearly didn't think applied to him.
  10. Not really, I know quite a few married guys who's wives spoke reasonable English when they met - they just say they can't be bothered to learn and leave everything official to their wives to do. It also depends on what you regard as basic - I'd say I speak a little more than basic, I can ask directions, order food etc. etc. But its conversations that have me beat. However, its not really surprising the OP had this problem when the I.O. obviously realised that his ED visa had been a sham. Those who genuinely want an ED visa struggle to get one now - I understand the rules and requirements are much tighter now as a result of those who abuse the system and the schools that let them.
  11. As I expected, Johnson is plying the line that he's sorry but he didn't lie, he just didn't realise he was breaking the rules. Now he wants to get on with the important work he has to do regarding the situation in Ukraine. He's sticking to the line that he didn't realise he was breaking the rules because if he admits that he lied in parliament, he's broken the Ministerial Code and that says that in such circumstances he is expected to resign. He'll most likely get away with this but things might change nearer the next election where ministers have to decide who they want as their leader. A lot could also depend on contents of the final report of the enquiry by Sue Gray which was suspended pending the outcome of the police investigations.
  12. Yes, I can't work that out either. In fact, if you do put traps in all round you will almost certainly need a vent pipe or the system might not flow too well. I have one planned. But its another place where creepy crawlies (or worse) can get in if care is not taken. After seeing a few news reports I have taken to taking a good look before I sit on the loo and I tend not to spend more time there than is absolutely necessary ????.
  13. Don't forget that we are talking about the British Prime Minister - a position of trust. The man stood in Parliament on several occasions and said no rules were broken. How can the public believe anything he says now? (Not that I ever did)
  14. So what is that this proves he lied. My friend died at the time of these regulations and his wife was not allowed to have any of her family visit her to offer comfort. She had to grieve alone over something that was a huge shock to us all - 6 months from diagnosis of brain cancer to his death. I don't think she will regard this matter as minor. Those who make the law have an even bigger duty than any of us to abide by the law.
  15. Clearly, as I think you know, he will do as he always does.
  16. It has just been connfirmed that UK Primi Minster Boris Johnson and the Chancellor Rishi Sunak are amongst those fined for breaking Covid 19 regualtions in what has become known as 'Partygate'
  17. Its amusing that you can write 2 or 3 posts explaining why you can't apologise for making false accusations and in those posts you mention the very thing you say you're not allowed to talk about ????????????. It also amuses me that I'm accused of having racist intent when my wife is Asian. You did not suggest those things by the way - you were quite categoric in fact. And I didn't 'keep trying to talk about Myanmar' - I simply asked you, several times, to retract your comment as it was made without a shred of evidence. I'm beginning to wonder if we speak the same language.
  18. As I have already stated we have a miliary to do that and by the way, they get paid for it. We have also been told that we can be prosecuted for doing so. It may surprise you - and I'm sure you won't believe this but I did seriously consider going there when the conflict began. I didn't and the main reason was that a few thousand well wishers won't make any difference - what is required is a serious, well armed, military force - Nato for example. You clearly can't accept any other point of view and you won't even apologise when you make false accusations - we have very different thoughts. I think we have exhausted our discussion don't you?
  19. Yes, I have been to the Ukraine. I'm not a young guy and have a quite serious medical condition. My country has a paid army and its their job to do that but if I was ordered to go to Ukraine and fight, then yes I would go. Interesting that you answer a question with a question. I don't know about others but one of the qualities I admire most in a person is the ability to accept when they are wrong and say so.
  20. Oh, its off topic for you to accuse me of something without a shred of evidence so you don't have to accept you were wrong to do so? Yet you can write a post stating its 'off topic' ????????????????. Ever so slightly selective with your replies eh?
  21. I'm trying to understand you but its difficult - although you are far from alone on those thoughts. So can I just ask you...........its normally governments and/or political/religious groups that start wars in the main. Civillians are usually totally innocent yet they are almost always the victims. Is your thinking that that is their problem and nobody should help them? You, I guess are one of those that would see a guy getting kicked to death on the street and walk on by - would I be right? I am fully aware that there are many other conflicts that nobody has done anything about for whatever reason - that doesn't make it right. Neither are we discussing those conflicts here. Its about time the UN or some other body set about stopping ALL conflicts, there is no justification for any of them. It is perfectly possible for ALL people to live together if they'd only stop their selfishness, greed and trying to impose their will on others. In the meantime its my belief that the innocent must be offered protection. The UN, particularly the Security Council do very little other than talk, pass pointless resolutions and cost the tax payers of member countries an absolute fortune. Zelensky was totally correct about the UN needing reform. If the UN had any serious clout, we wouldn't be having this discussion - total waste of space.
  22. In that context maybe but its nothing to do with any lies he may or may not have told - unless they are about the conflict in Ukraine. One again I will take this opportunity to remind you that you have still not acknowleged that you accused me of not caring about other conflicts - in particular, Myanmar. You did that without any evidence at all and as it happens, are completely wrong.
  23. Will you please stay on topic? This discussion is nothing to do with Boris Johnson! (I am by the way, one of Johnson's biggest critics).
  24. That is not what is being discussed here. Johnson's lies or truths are miniscule when compared to what Russia is doing in Ukraine. If you are trying that well practised Trump/Johnson thing - deflection, its not working, your comparisons are not vaild by a long chalk.
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