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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Those tourists that do come are going to be hugely disappointed. Rows of shops with their shutters down and other closed down facilities don't really contribute to a happy holiday experience. On my recent visit I was very surpised to see a previously very busy 7/11 had closed down. Even more of a shock was to see that The Dynasty Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 4, otherwise known as 'Mongering Central' was closed - permanently or temporarily I know not but that's a real barometer of the current situation for one group of tourists.
  2. Yes, the UN et al are in cloud cuckoo land if they think that Russia will ever hand over its war criminals for trial - the only way that will ever happen is if there is a much larger conflict, Russia is defeated and an enforced regime change takes place.
  3. Well no, it wasn't but people do book onward travel - I am refering to normal tourists remember and they are staying for a sert amount of time. What else can they do? I booked my onward travel in advance and I got the last room available at my chosed hotel - believe it or not, some areas of Thailand are very busy with domestic tourism, especially at weekends. If you don't know a country, its neither sensible nor cost effective to book travel on the hoof. Why would anyone who knows nothing about Thailand think that they should ignore a written instruction that test 'the hospital partner MUST report the results within 6 hours'?
  4. I wish I could be so optimistic. Putin has planned this over many years. He wants Ukraine back in the bosom of the 'motherland'. The stories about this war being started because of Ukraine's bid to join NATO and that being a threat to Russia are plain rubbish. they already have 2 NATO countries on their borders and if they take Ukraine completely they'll have a lot more. The reason Putin doesn't want Ukraine to join NATO is because if it did, it would be lost to him. To enable support for his plans, He's created a parallel reality over many years, created a myth that the whole world, especially the US, are out to destroy Russia. The Russian state controls the media, any credible opposition are either poisoned or sent to prison on trumped up charges or both. Putin has also created a culture of fear within his own government. To secure his own future and therefore achieve his aims, he managed to change Russia's constituion to allow him to run for election for 2 more 6 year terms - the results of those elections are a forgone conclusion. Whilst he was doing all that he's made sure that those closest to him amassed massive wealth through corruption - who was ever going to question him? People disappear in Russia or die of some wierd illness that cannot be detected a few days later. I very much doubt that anyone will be allowed close enough to him to 'take him out'. I believe the chances of this turning into a larger conflict and going nuclear are quite high, however, it is also possible that Putin will try to retain the areas he's taken already and the 2 Russian speaking areas and let things lie for a while - telling the Russian people he's succeeded in what he set out to do. I doubt that will be the end of it though - just like he did in 2014 when he took Crimea, he'll start it off again in a few years time. He cannot be seen to have failed, if he does, he's finshed and there's a very strong chance that eventually, the truth about what has actually been happening will be revealed. The brainwashed Russian population won't change their views overnight but they might move slowly if Putin's somehow toppled. The BBC regularly put out excerpts from Russian TV and media - revealing the narrative that's being spun in Russia. The Russian military has not of course, hit any civillian targets, it hasn't bombed apartment blocks, it hasn't murdered anyone in Bucha nor has it shelled any hospitals, schools or theatres in other areas. It certainly didn'launch missiles at a Railway station this weekend. Russian TV shows their soldiers handing out chocolate to kids, food and warm clothes to their parents. To people who live in the free world with free speech and an independent media, the Russian lies are laughable - childlike even, if only the subject matt wasn't in reality, very dark. Yet, because of the time Putin has spent creating his parallel reality - it appears the majority of Russians think its all true. It is therefore, not surprising that Putin's approval ratings have soared to 83% since he invaded Ukraine to carry out his 'Special Military Operation' and liberate Ukraine from the Nazis ???? In my opinion, NATO have got this completely wrong. They are relying on crippling sanctions rather than military intervention - remember the Treaty of Versailles and what that resulted in? Russia is now more isolated than ever, they may cease their actions in the short term but they are highly unlikely to return any territories they have gained. In that case the sanctions will continue and the Russian economy will virtually collapse. However, just as Germany did as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, Russia will spend as long as need be building up their military capability and then lash out. If a war is not fought now, our kids will have to fight it in the future and just as happened in 1939, they will be fighting an enemy that is very well prepared. The Treaty of Vesailles created Hitler and the German people were carried along by his paranoia. Crippling sanctions will create the same situation with Putin and the Russians. The West did nothing when Russia took Crimea and here we are, just 7 years later, Putin's back for another slice of the cake. He doesn't appear to have done so well in his objectives so far but watch where things go now as a refreshed and regrouped Russian army fights to take Donetsk and Luhansk in the coming days/weeks. Putin must win those regions and the destroyed city of Mariupol to create a land corridor through to Crimea or he's finished. What will he stoop to next to save his neck? Nukes? Chemicals? At the moment the West is hoping that if they supply Ukraine with more and more weapons, they can sort this out themselves. Its not just Ukraine's war, its Europe's war and a war to preserve democracy in the free world. The Ukrainian military seems to have done amazingly well so far but I think their next task will be a completely different matter.
  5. ???? I don't understand where you're coming from. The test I'm refering to is the test you do on arrival in Thailand under the Test & Go scheme. You do of course (at the moment) have to provide a negative test before you fly. There is always a chance that anyone can test positive and their proposed holiday be wrecked - if nobody was going to take that chance, there would be no tourism at all. I don't see how that relates to my post though.
  6. You are quoting for direct flights. I travelled with Etihad over the Christmas period for less than £600 and again in March with Qatar for £451. Flights in June returning July today (no crazy layovers and with hold luggage): Austrian Airlines £570 Agent Lufthansa £584 Agent Qatar £590 Agent
  7. The Thai government also says nothing about a war on their border - but then again, a government that installed itself via a military coup, who's Human Rights record isn't too great, and locks up any credible opposition can't really say a lot can it? Russia has a mock democracy, controls it media and stifles free speech - sound familiar? People who live in glass houses and all that.
  8. I don't think prices are up so much across the board at the moment. It appears to be the same old story - the price changes daily/hourly. I looked at an Etihad flight in June a week ago and it was over £1000 economy. By Friday just gone it had dropped to around £700 direct with Etihad and £561 through an agent. Clearly though, the oil price is going to affect prices at some point but I believe airlines forward buy their fuel so increases might not have filtered through yet. One thing I've noted recently is amount of booking sites that as their first price, list one that does not include hold luggage. The amount of people that are able to fly long-haul without any checked baggage must be extremely limited. I almost booked a flight last year without realising the price didn't include luggage but that factor was hardly noticeable on the booking site - especially when you've used the same site for years and such things didn't exist before. I regard it as a con and wonder how many people turn up at the airport not knowing they have no baggage allowance? I thought this practice was limited to budget shortfall carriers such as Ryanair - now it seems you have to read the small print on all sites. Direct websites seem to be much clearer about what you get for the price.
  9. Maybe not but I'd like to replicate my box and want to know if I can simply copy them across? Many of the Apps on my original box no longer work and the seller of that box doesn't seem interested. The new one updates all TV and Movie channels each time I switch it on but I do pay a small (considering what I get) yearly subscription. I just don't want to risk carrying it back and forth between the UK and Thailand. I'm guessing it would involve setting up partitions etc. - probably beyond me.
  10. Not only Immigrants - the importation of secondhand cars hase been banned. There are limited exceptions I believe - such as emergency services vehicles and those used by diplomats. I believe the ban also extends to motorcycles.
  11. The importation of seconhand cars was stopped for ANYONE a few years ago.
  12. If you're talking secondhand - nobody can import a car now. The rules changed a few years ago. Prior to that retirees with the correct visas could import a car but it was not really viable in any case due to hideous import taxes.
  13. Related - I have 2 android boxes and carry the newest with me between Thailand and the UK. I'd have to check the storage/memory size of older box but on the basis that it is suitable - my question is: can I copy the entire content of the newer box onto the old one? My apologies if it seems a stupid question - I'm a tech user, not a techie.
  14. Then you are either lying or very lucky - there have been plenty of reports on here from people who were simply handed a plastic bag with the ATK in it. The hotel staff on both of my visits and indeed, both testing sites, had no idea that testing was supposed to be done within 6 hours. I'm done providing you with something to brighten up what must be a very sad life - you are 100% correct in everything you say. I've got it totally wrong and all I've done is moan - along with all the other people that have had problems. That suit you?. Maybe its so bad I should delete the thread? However, just have a re-read of the above quote from your post and have think about how that relates to a tourist - possibly on their first ever trip to Thailand.
  15. More claptrap. How does having a burglary make me look like a 'worldy traveller' ? I mentioned that to explain why I have had to travel twice during the current restrictions - being the smartass you are, you could probably deal with that from 6000 miles away, I couldn't but I'm not about to discuss that further. I am pretty sure that if I hadn't mentioned that, people like you would say I knew the restrictions and shouldn't have travelled. Any sane person would realise that I cannot hold the Thai authorities responsible for Qatar's failings. However, I do hold them responsible for: Taking 6 days to approve a Test & Go application. Failing to instruct Thai hotels regarding the testing rules. Failing to ensure that Thai hotels instruct guests on what to do with their ATK. Failing to provide a compulsory App that works correctly (MorChana) With specific regard to 'normal' tourists - failing to allow entertainment venues that a great many tourists use to open. I am pretty sure that most tourists have no idea that many bars and clubs are closed. I'm also sure that you, as you are such a fine fellow will say they should have checked first. Do the Thai authorities not have a vested interest in making sure things run smoothly? Is 5 months not long enough for them to get their ducks in a row? You just cannot put yourself in the shoes of a genuine tourist can you. If you want to call me a moaner, that's fine - how I am thought about by an insignificant OAP is of no consequence to me.. You've now gone through the bottom of the barrel and are scraping cr ap off the floor.
  16. But its a catastrophe that will happen anyway. 150 dead in a day or in 6 months is still 150 dead. Covid cannot be stopped, it will rip through the population and hopefully, gradually burn itself out. Even China with its draconian lockdowns is struggling. Those countries that have locked down hard find that the disease starts spreading again as soon as they open up. People are going to die and that's very sad but there is very little that can be done - life has to go on otherwise there will be deaths for other reasons. People have to eat. Lockdowns did some good initially and probably saved lives until a vaccine could be found but they cannot go on forever. All that can be done now is to allow vaccines to do their job and hope that the range of new medicines help those who get Covid despite being vaccinated.
  17. Agreed and half of those are probably people like myself who have connections to Thailand.
  18. I wouldn't have to keep posting if you'd A. read my posts properly and B. Stop spouting rubbish.
  19. Seeing as we are talking about Test & Go, my travel experience is entirely relevant. I pass many check in desks at airports going to countless destinations - there isn't a 'Thailand corner' you know? I repeat, I have never seen 40+ people waiting at any Premium check-in. I don't need to get out more, you need to learn how to back down when you're wrong - you are making yourself look ridiculous by scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  20. I take it its the back of the MDF that is at risk and not the gloss (foiled) side? Extremely difficult to get to most of those parts but I'll try, thanks.
  21. I hadn't realised termites eat MDF. I have installed a western style kitchen 4 years ago and its almost certainly MDF. I haven't had a problem yet - is there anything I can do as a preventative measure?
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