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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. I'm neither a millionaire or travelling across the country by taxis. And I hardly think calling the hotel to ask about a refund constitues as 'attacking the hotel'
  2. Thanks for that, I was just applying for my pass right now - I'll leave it. On that subject, has anyone had this problem. I entered the date of 25 May 2021 as the date of my second vaccine but when I looked at what I'd entered, it said 25 April 2021. Thinking I'd made a mistake, I tried to change it but it wouldn't let me. No matter how many times I entered the correct date, it stayed at April (04). I tried highlighting the date and deleting - that actually deleted it but it also deleted all my vaccine details, including the first dose. So start again but when I tried entering the date of my second dose it automatically went to April again. I'm guessing this is a cookie/memory problem and I might have to clear my cache??
  3. As I say, the hotel say not. I won't accept that but I'm expecting a fight. I also thing you mean Day 5? I will still be staying for Day 1.
  4. I remember wheh there were changes last time, the government said they would instruct hotels to issue refunds. Despite saying I wouldn't contact my hotel yet - I did. They told me "it hasn't been officially announced yet. You have to wait for the official notification first. Test & Go packages cannot be refunded". Great, seems like a fight is coming and I think I know the likley outcome. My Day 5 was 2900. They will probably issue a refund but the Antigen test kit, I presume they will be handing out will no doubt suddenly cost 2900.
  5. I haven't been anywhere near Patpong for at least 15 years but shouldn't the above statement read 'A long time before the pandemic........'? Last time I was there it was pretty quiet and seemed to be becoming a gay tourist area.
  6. I believe it still has to be in the Royal Gazette. I'm optimistic but I won't be calling my hotel to ask for a refund on my Day 5 booking until I see it on the TP website.
  7. Similar yes. I had my Day 7 PCR test (old rules) and tried to upload the result on the Morchana App but it failed to work. Despite having my address and phone number, nobody contacted me to ask why I hadn't uploaded the test result. I eventually managed to upload the result but only after I returned to the UK. Don't rely on what happened to me but in my opinion, I believe its just a box ticking thing (political). Once your in Thailand and out of quarantine, I don't think anyone's watching or gives a damn. Anyway, it seems likely that the Day 5 quarantine and PCR test is going to be scrapped in favour of an self administered Antigen test.
  8. Its not so obvious. We've seen bad reporting/translation on Asean Now before. Has this been approved? Has it been in the Royal Gazette? How many times has a minister or department made an announcement one day and Prayuth slammed it the next? I think it seems most likely this is going to happen and I welcome it but at the moment there have been no changes on the Thailand Pass site.
  9. EDIT: I have just seen that you are not vaccinated in which case, ignore the info below - I will leave it there in case anyone else needs it. If I'm reading you correctly, you seem to think you have to quarantine for a few days - you don't. If you're registering for Test & Go - this is what you need to do: PCR Test - negative result within 72 hours of your inbound flight time. If you are staying more than 5 days you have to book an AQ or SHA Extra+ hotel for Day 1 and Day 5. The Day 1 booking must include transportation from the airport and a PCR test. You will either be taken for a PCR Test on the way to the hotel or you will be tested at the hotel Once you get a negative PCR test result you are free to go (until Day 5) - you can stay wherever you want and the hotel doesn't need to be approved. However, you also have to book a Day 5 package which includes a PCR test but no transport. I presume the hotel will either arrange for the test to be carried out on their premises or send you to their testing partner on arrival. Again, wait for your negative PCR result and you're free to go. You don't have to book the same hotel - they can be anywhere in the country but they must be either AQ or SHA Extra +. You will need to have your flight ticket and your insurance + vaccine certificates before the hotel will confirm your booking and you will need their confirmation letter in order to complete the Thailand Pass application. You will need a confirmation letter from each hotel and it must show that it includes transport (Day 1 only) and that you have paid - the hotels will all be familiar with this by now. Before you say..... "how come you are free to go but must book a hotel again for Day 5, that's madness" - we know ????.
  10. That will almost certainly give you a problem without a visa. The extension is not guaranteed so airlines want to see a flight out within 30 days. As UJ pointed out, if you go visa exempt there is a way around that - book a flight out (or at least show one - see UJ's post) within 30 days.
  11. The problem is that most people only have Paint.
  12. Due to the amount of hate crime, the spreading of mis-information, fake news, conspiracy theories and all the other nasty parts of the internet my support for it being unregulated has been dwindling. If this proposal was actually being done to address those issues, it might just possibly be understandable but given this government's other behaviour, this is going to be used to get rid of some of the few remaining parts of democracy that Thailand has left. It totally fits with everything else this government has done to control dissent. It was pleasing to see Thailand's youth express their opposition to being conned last year but equally as displeasing to see them make the fatal mistake of bringing the monarchy into the equation. They were starting to gain support amongst the older population until then and Prayuth siezed upon their mistake to garner support against them. This is just one more step towards total permanent authoritarian control - the first was the new constitution. That document ensured military control forever but most of the population have no idea what it did to their so called democracy. Some don't even know they have a new constitution. Welcome to The People's Republic of Thailand....... what was it that someone called it yesterday.......Chailand?
  13. No idea what it is but I really can't see a scan tool being able to read a photo but not a document. Unless of course, they were offered a choice of scanners and the image only one was cheaper.
  14. You don't - you convert the PDF's to JPEG then you use the merge link to join the JPEGs together. The Thailand Pass site accepts the resultant document as 1 JPEG File. As I say, you have to be careful when using the merge thing - I sent 3 pages of my insurance policy and it came to 1.75mb - can't remember the file limit on TP but there was one. I did TP applications for a couple of guys that didn't have computers last year and I seem to remember their insurance documents went over the file limit when merged so I had to reduce the individual JPEGS before using the merge tool.
  15. Can I ask how others have dealt with their vaccine evidence? I had my first vaccine in March 2021, the second in May 2021 and the booster in November. I seem to remember that on my previous application it was only possible to upload 2 vaccine certificates and 2 QR codes. I ignored my booster and just used my 2 main vaccination certificates. However, although I don't think the Thai authorities have actually imposed a time limit yet, there was talk at one time that vaccinations would have to be less than 6 months old. I believe there is a section at the end of the application where additional documents can be uploaded - I was thinking of doing the same as last time and including my first 2 vaccinations in the main section and adding my booster in the additional documents section at the end. What have others done (1 February onwards only)?
  16. https://smallpdf.com/pdf-to-jpg I think you are looking at the wrong post. I've posted 2 links in 2 posts: This is the merge link I posted: https://smallpdf.com/blog/merge-jpg And this is the converter: https://smallpdf.com/pdf-to-jpg
  17. It certainly does work - as I stated, I used it last time. You have to watch the total file size though.
  18. This one is definitely free: https://smallpdf.com/pdf-to-jpg There are several others that are free. Some have daily limits so it may be necessary to use more than one site.
  19. There are merge tools available that will join several JPEG's together so you can then uplaod them as one - that's how I sent my insurance policy last time. One is here: https://smallpdf.com/blog/merge-jpg
  20. Yes, that amused me on my first application.
  21. Yes, thanks - I used a PDF converter last time but its a pain in the butt. PDF's have been with us for many years - its the internationally accepted way of producing and moving documents electronically. JPEG, PNG formats are for images - its just that Thailand hasn't realised that yet.
  22. Yes, that's the next problem. There will have been a surge with expats, those visiting family etc. The airlines will probaly have taken Re-Opening MK2 on board and made up their schedules accordingly - indeed the larger airlines are back to 2 or 3 flights per day from Manchester. But expect some rapid re-scheduling/cancellations when bookings drop to 50% or less (possibly already have). That could play havoc with your Thailand Pass and PCR test timings. Fun times ahead maybe.
  23. Just about to apply for my second Thailand Pass. Have they moved into the 21st Century yet and accept PDF files or do I have to scan everything to JPEG again?
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