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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Don't bank on them knowing anything - they probably haven't been told.
  2. The only thing this is going to inspire is the resolution of tourists never to visit Thailand again - what's the bloody point of going through all the Thailand Pass rigmarole?
  3. OP, as I said earlier and as wasabi above points out - this is the best way to deal with it.
  4. You raise an interesting point. There hasn't been any joined up thinking since this whole fiasco started - by that I mean since they decided to let certain groups return in, I think, July 2020. Being married to a Thai I was in one of those groups and when I read the information on the Thai embassy's website it was very lacking in detail. I called and e-mailed the Thai embassy in London and was told to book a flight and a hotel without any date - a flight I might mention that even if I did book it, I would not be able to use (repatriation flights only) - absolute madness! It soon became clear, to me at least, that the embassy was not given enough information themselves. Had that happened in the UK the embassy would not have put out partial information and I'm also certain that a British Embassy, and most others for that matter, would not have put out information like that - they would have gone back to the government and asked for clear instructions. Of course, in the Thai way, it is not permitted to question those further up the food chain - you just have to do what they say. So its hardly surprising that the hotels don't seem to have been given the information about what to do with the Mor Chana App and the Antigen Test Kits. They don't even give their own people sufficient information - how can we expect more? It remains to be seen whether these ATK's and the reporting thereof is just a box ticking exercise that will not be followed up or if any of those who it seems have not been given any instructions so don't know, will face any form of penalty.
  5. Failing that, I can't remember but if you have to input the arrival date at the hotel and manually put in the hotel booking date - this could be the problem. The system is fully automated supposedly so if its just checking that information rather then reading the hotel's booking - you should be OK. You could try that before calling the hotel. So, again depending if you have to input this information - I know you do the flight arrival - its: Hotel booking date: 29 11 2021 Arrival date: 29 11 2021. If the automated system is reading the hotel booking, you will have to get the hotel to deal with it.
  6. I can see the problem. I think the easiest route is to contact the hotel and get them to do another booking confirmation for you - stating your arrival as being 29th - room booked for 29th. Clearly the hotel would have to also understand the problem and your actual arrivale time and date. To clarify - leave your real booking as it is but explain to the hotel you need the confirmation to state 29th. Unless they have staff that are very good with English, get a Thai to speak to them if you can. Obviously when you re-apply you need to put 29th as your arrival date and the booking confirmation shouldn't say anything about 28th. There may be other ways but I think that will solve is the fastest. The Thai authorities clearly didn't think of this and their automated system is simply kicking it out.
  7. Yeah, just don't try riding like that with them on the back.
  8. He can have any colour book he wants if he pays enough.........T.I.T
  9. Just to add to the previous post: I appreciate that this is not in the rules on the application site and that we may mock the TAT - me included but they seem to have been clearer on what is required than the MFA and they are definitely much closer to the actual rules published in the Royal Gazette: Section 9 has the information on the Antigen Test Kits.
  10. Not trying - never would in Thailand. I can't remember where I saw it but you are supposed to report the test result on the Mor Chana App as far as I know. I believe the referral to a second test on day 6 or 7 in 3.1 of the rules is an antigen kit. That's what is being handed out anyway. From memory, the Royal Gazette mentions antigen tests I believe. Yes, at the start of the last paragraph (not the tickbox paragraph). 'I declare that I have understood all that is stated above and shall strictly abide by them' Reading through all this, I've realised that they've probably got us by the b alls with this statement as the last paragraph goes on to state: 'and shall comply with the provisions under relevant Regulations issued under Section 9 of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations B.E. 2548 (2005) and any other disease prevention measures prescribed by the Government of Thailand, acknowledging that failure of such compliance may lead to consequences and penalties under the laws and regulations of Thailand.' How does it go - 'its all in the small print'
  11. Not that it will carry any weight but legally, in most countries anyway, you would only have to follow terms and conditions that you'd agreed to - as you have to both acknowlege and confirm when you make your Thailand Pass application: 'I declare that I have understood all that is stated above and shall strictly abide by them' But to quote the oft used maxim.......... This is Thailand.
  12. Mind you, they are both guilty of making crazy statements like the total oxymoron below ????????: 4. For the Exemption from Quarantine scheme: 4.1 I shall be quarantine for one day. 4.2 After a negative (not detected) RT-PCR test result, I am permitted to travel without restrictions in Thailand. https://tp.consular.go.th/en/policy
  13. Maybe but I have checked out the rules, as published in The Royal Gazette and the TAT's version of the rules follows those exactly. For example, the MFA rules list an antigen test as being for those using the Sandbox entry method - not those using Test & Go. I queeried that with both the MFA and TAT. Only the TAT bothered to reply and pointed me to the Royal Gazette - which lists antigen tests for both methods. At the end of the day, it will be down to the hotel and how much fuss you kick up I suspect.
  14. Clearly the hotel in the post above by Special Salami were applying some common sense. However, the rules do say that you must spend one night in a hotel. There again, that could be just the translation - there are often nuances in translations between Thai and English that have significant effects. The TAT have specified that the 'Hospital Partner must report the result within 6 hours'. Taking those rules literally, it seems that you should at least be able to go out if you have received a negative test result.
  15. With respect, no I didn't - this thread is about TM6. When I referred to Songkran I was merely relating the announcement of the scrapping of TM 6 cards a while back to the plethora of announcements that are made following almost every Songkran that I can remember - none of which seem to actually get further than the PM's mouth.
  16. Agree. I'm not making any accusations but its almost as if they put addictive chemicals in deliberately ????
  17. Its not a myth that they make the announcements after Songkran.
  18. Can't help you on the visa but I have a question: Don't US Immigration issue you with a reason for refusal? Its a little difficult to deal wit the reasons for refusal if you don't know them.
  19. But not Red Cat - you'll be coughing for months ????
  20. Good bits: Very versatile Bad Bits: Hard to read the clocks.
  21. And you say my glass is half empty?....................Jeez.
  22. Well as my flight arrives at 13.10, i'd hope to be tested late afternoon/early evening. In theory, according to TAT, the results should be available within 6 hours - which would mean I could be good to go before midnight. But, the rules do say that you have to stay one night (no quarantine remember ????). I'm fine with staying over, I just need to be off early morning to miss the traffic. It would be nice to stretch the legs though.
  23. All I'm saying is that if you move - something inconsequential previously, its now in your best interests to let the staff know and try to get some official confirmation - even if its just written on the boarding pass and signed. Some chance is better than no chance.
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