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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. I'm pretty sure they can change the manifest. I was upgraded once when I was actually on the plane. I lost some glasses on that flight and when I realised and e-mailed Etihad, they knew I'd moved seats. Never found my glasses though ????.
  2. They announce a hell of a lot of things - especially after the usual Songkran carnage, rarely get introduced though.
  3. It wouldn't really matter if they stopped the requirement for a test before flying - some of the airlines want them anyway as part of their own policy - Etihad does. Emirates haven't gone that far yet but I suspect most will follow soon.
  4. Good point. If you move it may be a good idea to ask the staff to record the move. Its all rubbish anyway, they may know where you've been sitting on a direct flight but I'll bet my last penny they only know where you've sat on the last leg when you're on split flights.
  5. Asked my hotel if I can leave early morning if my test results are back. Yes I can.
  6. So they have ???? What's the betting they are running XP (Pantip copy) with the date set wrong? ????
  7. As others have said, its looks like they are the same as Kasikorn and you have to activate the facility. When I tried to do this at an ATM, part of it was in English, part Thai - I went into the branch and got them to do it. Again, not sure if your bank is the same but with Kasikorn there were several other services and limits that had to either be activated or set - might be worth checking.
  8. Re: Thailand Pass Dates 1 day Prior to that Applied for: There have been several reports of a glitch in the Thailand Pass system that result in the arrival date (and potentially other dates) showing as 1 day prior to the date the applicant entered on their application. Some people have called the 'hotline' and been told their pass is valid for 72 hours from that arrival date on the pass so 'they'll be fine'. Indeed, that information seems to have been passed on to the airlines: There are three options for entering under the Thailand Pass registration: Exemption from quarantine - if arriving from Test and Go countries only Sandbox programme - travellers from any country Alternative quarantine - travellers from any country Your Thailand Pass will be valid for 72 hours from the date of arrival stated on the QR Code. https://www.etihad.com/en-gb/travel-updates/all-destinations-travel-guides However if you are unlucky enough to have this problem you should scan the QR code on your pass and check all the other dates. My friend's dates were all wrong, arrival, date of birth and vaccination dates - all 1 day out. The airlines may scan your pass and see that information. I can't see them being too concerned about your vaccination dates but your date of birth being wrong may cause a problem - if they check. Before thinking you have 72 hours so 'you'll be fine', I strongly recommend that if all your dates are wrong, you contact your airline and if they say it will be OK, get it in writing from them before you travel. Remember that if you are refused boarding for this reason, you are likely to have to pay for a new flight - the airline will simply say, its your responsibility to make sure you have the correct documentation to travel to your destination. Personally, I wouldn't take the risk - I wouldn't even try checking in if my dates were wrong or anything else required was not in order.
  9. I'm going to seek clarification on that - I need to be off as early as possible or I'm going to hit the great New Year's Eve Exodus on Mitraphap. I can't see anywhere where it says you have to wait until check-out.
  10. The rules say that you have to wait at the hotel for the test result but they also say you have to stay 1 night. What they don't say is that you have to wait until check out.
  11. I can see that you've blanked out a portion but posting a photo of your passport on a public form is not recommnded,
  12. I have no idea what happened with the link I posted before - I copied and pasted it but it seems corrupted. This is the correct one: https://onwardticket.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAm7OMBhAQEiwArvGi3G9uLoTybOxo8pYFH468ZLCFCdi8o8zkl0R0DTTSjken11aeTNnukxoCTOsQAvD_BwE I believe there are several similar companies.
  13. I also got my Pass without a problem (6 hours) but that does not mean its drama free - it simply means that ours was. As you may have read, people, including a friend of mine have correctly entered their details and made multiple applications but each time their passes came back with the wrong dates on them - flight dates, arrival dates, vaccination dates, every date they'd entered, all out by one day. There are bugs in the system that seem to affect some but not others. I noticed they'd made some changes to the date selection system, can't say if that's caused this problem or not but its clear the problems are real.
  14. Someone posted that his wife's name was wrong but when he scanned the QR, it was correct - is that what you were thinking of? I scanned my friend's QR and her daughter's - all the dates were wrong by one day.
  15. I'd love to help but whenever I've tried to contact anyone official in Thailand I've rarely even got an acknowledgement. Having said that, I wrote to the TAT yesterday and actually got a reply today - they even answered my question ???? . As far as I know, the MFA are responsible for the Thailand Pass website, their contact numbers are available through a Google search but I think you'll be steered back to the helplines.
  16. I said I wouldn't recommend this and I'm not - I'm just saying it could be a solution if you just need a ticket for entry. Select an airline that is actually operating flights though ????. https://aironwardticket.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAm7OMBhAQEiwArvGi3FB3NFjdbn7HgwACLTUbQdWCM9iaMtvBcqHwi_h2TAed2RqR75ZnIhoCo2gQAvD_BwE
  17. On my friend's pass, all the dates are wrong. Its all very well them saying you'll be fine - you probably would be on entry to Thailand. The problem could come with the airlines. I know from personal experience that they are absolutely paranoid at the moment - everything has to be 100%, they are scared of being fined.
  18. That's exactly what I told my friend to try but better to leave it a few days and see if it gets fixed first.
  19. Some parts of Cambodia are opening on 30 November so you should be able to find flights before long - Siem Reap & Sihanoukville are 2 of the of the areas opening.
  20. Yes it probably is a Covid thing bit as far as I know - Vietnam is still closed to tourists, that's probably why you can't find any flights. I believe Malaysia opens 1 January.
  21. You can lead a horse to water but............... OK you carry on if you think you're being helpful - I doubt many others see your posts that way.
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