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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. This is probably the result of a database hack but getting someone's bank details has been relatively easy for years with a 'skimmer' + camera - even your PIN. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KolQY5cQWk
  2. Don't panic, they have promised to announce the details of the proposed 'No Quarantine' scheme within 2 days which going by the usual Thai maths will mean sometime next week. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.......................hope mind.
  3. My point is at the differences between very few of the population being fully vaccinated and a high percentage being so. It is clearly illustrated - just look at the period in January/February when infections were running at around 40,000 per day - a similar figure to that currently. The difference is stark - 18 January the 7 day moving average of infections was 44,812 with deaths at 1131. By 18 October those figures were 43,715 & 124 respectively - over 1000 fewer deaths! Any suggestion that vaccination doesn't work is ridiculous.
  4. Even when independent sources such as worldometers are used, there are some that argue. One thing I've learned throughout this pandemic (although I rarely follow the lesson) is that these people are often conspiracy theorists and totally unreasonable. No matter how many facts you present them with, they will not change their views. I had one guy in the UK claiming Worldometers was an arm of the UK government.
  5. Not as fast as Lateral Flow but PCR tests are now available at many airports and are analysed on site - some give results in under 3 hours.
  6. Anti vaxxers should be taken out and shot for speading such false information. Take a look at the deaths in the UK in January/February this year compared to now. Infection rates in the UK are fairly high at the moment but they are not translating into deaths. Post facts, not fiction! https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/uk/
  7. Pointless commenting until the actual rules are published - as we know very well, different things apply depending on the speaker, the day AND the translation.
  8. Most of who? "Do you still believe" Are you approaching 100 years old? Never even heard of hiding under my desk and I've never believed I'd die in a nuclear war. I think you'll find that its not something most of us even think about. You're completely out of kilter with rational thinking. I've only read two of your posts, one about older Thai women having better bodies and being preferable to younger ones - I thought you were taking something when I read that post but now you're worrying about nuclear war, I'm convinced of it. You're either on something or you really need to find something to keep you busy. Maybe both.
  9. Perfectly acceptable - you forget, tourists should count themselves lucky to be able to enter the country not the country be lucky to receive tourists. ????
  10. Exactly, hot air is all it is and if you think about it, its quite normal for Thai governments. As we are all, no doubt, tired of the announcements and counter announcements that have been spouted since the Pandemic began, should we be? Or should we have learned a long time ago to simply ignore them? Take Road Safety for example - Pre-Covid the Thai government were constantly trying to look like they really cared about the country's hideous road safety record. Announcements were made after the carnage every Songkran or major accident - this was going to be done ot that law was going to be introduced. Did they happen? Remember the major accident in Chantaburi province between a minivan and a pick up truck - both loaded with passengers? I believe 25 were killed. People sitting in the back of pick up trucks was going to be banned and minivans would not be allowed to travel inter-province (quite what good the latter would do, I know not). Have either of those measures been introduced? I believe the pick up thing was briefly and then abandoned or watered down because of protests from 'poor farmers'. Whatever, you will still see pick ups full of people and mini vans still travel all across the country. Another more recent one was the big bike licence which would require the rider to have experience or take a different form of test before being licensed to ride a bike over 400cc. I believe that was scheduled to happen in February 2020 - still nothing. Most Thai governments that I've seen have spouted claptrap but this one is probably the worst.
  11. Nah, you credit them with being far too clever. Up to now, it would be a fair guess that a good proportion of the 'tourists' who've endured the different forms of quarantine were not actually tourists, they were people with connections to Thailand and once they finished their sentence they headed home to their existing Thai abode. The real tourists have not been attracted by the various schemes so far - as evidenced by the very low numbers partaking of the Phuket Sandbox failure. They seem to have worked that one out - not difficult to count arrivals really. When I say you credit them with being far too clever - you have to remember that they are targeting real 'tourists' and those tourists will have to stay in a hotel in any case. Whether its a quarantine hotel or not, they need to stay somewhere so I don't think this is some cunning plan to fill the hotels and then keep you there.
  12. So they don't want the tourists back then? That sort of sentiment is very much outdated in a global world. Thailand has tried to be for Thai's and failed would be a better motto. Just look around at neighbouring countries - Thailand may well be further down the development route than some but in my opinion, its stalled and others are fast catching up. One is way ahead - Singapore. 'Thailand is for Thai's' - taught in schools and practised by the government will ultimately be the country's downfall - you can't have your cake and eat it. Where's the cash going to come from for continued development - China? Thailand needs to learn very quickly that those Chinese loans and investments come with many strings - ropes actually. I had a couple of days in Vietnam last year and was impressed. I'll be back there before to long to find out if the islands south and west of Ho Chi Minh are as beautiful as they look in the photos. Others will no doubt be similarily impressed. There's a strong possibility that Covid 19 marks a point where travellers look elsewhere - if Thailand doesn't change its attitude, it will lose out.
  13. True - however, we don't know the details yet - its entirely possible that the rules may say that travellers must be citizens of that country and traveliing from it. If they don't then the situation created by the free movement the EU enjoys will no doubt lead to abuse of the zero quarantine concession proposed. In turn that could have consequences.
  14. Totally agree. The more you test, the more you find. I think most scientists and physicians would agree that there's an even higher number of infected people walking around with the virus than the positive test numbers show - the difference in terms of passing that infection on is that a very high proportion of the UK's population is fully vaccinated. That doesn't stop them being infectious totally but it reduces the likelihood significantly. It also greatly reduces the chances of hospitalisation or death if you do catch the virus. This is borne out by the current figures - with a reported infection rate running around 40,000, deaths are currently running at a daily average of 117. Without checking precisely, at the height of the last 'wave in January/February, 40,000 infections was translating into a death rate around 1500 per day. The huge drop being totally attributed to the % of vaccinated people. The figures are clear and freely available - as vaccinations increased in the UK, deaths fell. So @Jumbo1968 you would be better off not taking much notice of the number of positive tests - it means very little and instead, looking at the number of deaths and hospitalisations. The graphs below speak for themselves: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/uk/
  15. I'm pretty sure your passport will show exactly where you've been when its scanned in Thailand.
  16. Amen to that. It may evolve, it may go online but it will always be there. All this BS about cleaning things up, Neo Pattaya etc. is just BS. Its not for us, its a pathetic attempt to fool the Thai public - the majority of whom, don't believe it either. Most, if not all, of the news items we read on here are translations from Thai news sources - they were never intended for us. That's not to say the Thai public don't also laugh at them, they do but its just the way things are done in Thailand - talk rubbish, do nothing. Its only us Westerners that think its for real. Remember the report a couple of years back where the Bangkok and Pattaya police bosses did a walk about and declared that they'd not found any sex for sale in Pattaya? Laughable yes and I repeat - even the Thai's think its tosh but that's the way it is. Mr Neeranam clearly hasn't 'been around' the same goes I'd guess, for quite a few Westerners who either live in Thailand or visit regularly. Not that there's any shame in that, a lot of what goes on is behind the scenes or just not obvious to non natives - if you ain't looking, you won't see. I've heard it said that the 'naughty business' for Westerners is only 10% of the market - I have absolutely no idea if that's correct but it can't be far off - the 'native naughty business' is simply everywhere and dare I say it, is broadly accepted by Thai's as 'how things are'. The feminists in our Western homelands would shave their already short hair off and burn their bras again if they saw what actually goes on in Thailand beyond their key taget areas of Nana, Soi Cowboy and Pattaya. Drive along through the countryside at night - ever wondered what those twinkling fairy lights are in that hut across the fields? Next time you see one, go look. There's karaokes, Thai cafes, hostess bars, massage parlours even discos where all the female customers are 'rentals' - and that's just mentioning a few. I've yet to find a hotel bell boy that can't arrange some 'company' for a couple of hundred baht tip. What about the girls that hang around Lumpini Park after dark? Then there's the hi-so upmarket venues and clubs - many golf clubs have their '19th hole' for example (even some of the top ones) - you just might not realise it. As a side note, I just don't get those japanese style hostess bars where businesmen pay hideous prices to simply sit with a pretty girl and then leave alone - common throughout Asia apparently. That would drive me nuts! There's an even stranger phenomenon in Japan - the Walking Date. Middle aged businessmen have 'dates' with what are ostensibly 'schoolgirls' in full uniform (although I doubt the skirts are regulation school length). They are always conducted in public, usuallly at a park during daylight hours - they chat, walk around for an hour or so and then the girl leaves - with a large handful of Yen. The 'Feminist Warrior' and general do-gooder Stacey Dooley made a UK TV programme about it recently - how those poor 'schoolgirls' were being exploited. I think you may have that the wrong way around Miss Dooley. I wouldn't be at all surprised if similar 'exploitation' goes on in Thailand. It might not always be 'in your face' but its everywhere and much like its Westerner targeted counterparts - it clearly needs a significant service industry to cater for its needs. The Thai economy would take a proper battering if they really cleaned things up. It may evolve, no doubt Covid will have hastened that process, it may change locations and M.O's but the world's oldest profession ain't disappearing anytime soon Mr. Neeranam, no matter how much you might like it to. Males want it, females rely on it (sorry Miss Dooley - are exploited by it) - its part of Asian life and it supports thousands of families.. Government ministers the world over, like to say 'the right things' and that's all this rubbish is - words, (I'd temper all I've said by stating that in no way do I condone genuine exploitation, sex trafficking or any similar situation where the provider does not take part willingly. Those behind such 'enterprises' should be shot)
  17. Is that where it is? A friend who's fluent in Thai took me somewhere years ago - no idea where it was as I'd 'had a few and never been able to find it since'. Apparently a lot of the go go's don't let westerners in. Obviously a few do or we wouldn't have got in but you really do need to speak Thai there - there's no "hello, welcome, sit down please. where you come from". The girls were much better looking but that could have been the Chang.
  18. The Chang available in the UK is reduced strength so it fits with a lower duty bracket - its not the same.
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