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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Just stop mucking about with all these different ideas/announcments. Get your population vaccinated and open the whole country up to all that have either been fully vaccinated or can't be vaccinated for medical reasons (potential additinal testing). Keep the quarantine arrangements for those who choose not to have the vaccine. I believe that's the way most countries will go eventually - Covid 19 ain't going away anytime soon, we have to adapt to living with it. That will mean accepting that a low level of infections is inevitable but it will enable economic recovery.
  2. I'll get the licence if I have to but jeez - 3 licences? If it were anywhere else I'd expect the big bike licence to cover small bikes but we are talking about Thailand.
  3. It would have been better if you'd researched the area before you moved there - its not for everyone.
  4. I think you will find I said we all have our opinions. In my opinion, your claims are unfounded, based on what's been in the media and have no regard to the evidence to be used. That evidence and full details of Robert's claim is yet to be released and may never be. On the other hand, I also have no knowledge of either the claim or what went on but what I do have, from a little research is some of Robert's history - more than enough information to cast a shadow on what she was up to. She appears to have had an awful young life being firstly abused by a family friend and then getting involved with a sex trafficker. However, she appears to have got away from all that, gone to live with her father who then got her a job. There is no mention of any mental retardation yet she seems to have readily got involved in prostitution. She was 17 by this time for god's sake - hardly a child. Are we supposed to believe that she actually thought she was going to become a masseuse? By her owb admission she was physically free to come and go as she pleased. Yes, I am bisased, biased because given her history I just don't buy her story. I've read both sides of what's available so far. What we have here is not a naive girl who was forced to have sex with the rich and famous. She was not under lock and key - she was not even chaperoned. She flew around the world, often alone and even agreed to assist in the recruitment of at least one other girl. She had every opportunity to get away from what she claims was a terrible situation where she was controlled and manipulated. She doesn't seem to have had any problem leaving that lifestyle when she met her now husband. Then there's the fact that by her own admission, she claims to have had sex with Prince Andrew (who you smugly keep referring to as the 'Windsor lad' despite him being 61 years old) on 3 separate occasions. According to her he was repulsive and sexually assualted her! "I was just like grossed out from it, but I knew I had to keep him happy because that's what Jeffrey and Ghislaine (Maxwell) would have expected from me," https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/prince-andrew-asked-jeffrey-epstein-s-exgirlfriend-for-help-over-virginia-guiffre-claims-leaked-email-appears-to-show-a4302756.html She was sexually assaulted yet went back for more because she was expected to? Please.....................I live in the countryside and I know the smell of B S very well. On the other hand, do I believe Prince Andrew's story that he never met her? No, on balance I don't. However, nor do I believe that he sexually assaulted her or that he knew she was 17 - I very much doubt he ever asked her age. As with other posters here, I have no love for the Prince whatsoever but I'm sick of reading stories about these gold digggers, ashamed of their former lives and making their claims. All they do is weaken the case of the hundreds of girls that are genuinely 'trafficked' every year by criminal gangs. The girl needs to accept her past choices and live with them. Yours is far more than an opinion - its an absolute conviction that the Prince is guilty despite an overwhelming amount of evidence that the girl knew what she was getting into. Let me remind you, the claim here is Sexual Assault and you have provided absolutely no evidence at all as to your claim of guilt. I don't know what the case is with a US civil court but in a UK criminal court the accused would have to have had reasonable knowledge that the girl was under-age. Look at her photos - does she look under age? Have you asked every girl you've slept with to provide their birth certificate?
  5. As I said before - this is just repetition and for the final time I will also repeat - none of the above in any way establishes that the Prince sexually assaulted the girl. If the day has come where we say sexual assault took place simply because a girl says it has - we're all doomed. I would further note that with regard to the witnesses you refer to above - they relate to the London meeting. The age of consent is 16 in the UK, there is no way Roberts can claim statutory rape in London. On that basis, I presume the girl is using the other 2 times she claims he assaulted her which puts the witnesses out of the frame. Is the detail of her claim known yet? Is she claiming straight sexual assault or is she claiming it was assault because she was a minor? What e-mail and when was it dated? If you are refering to the e-mail in the reports below. Where does he admit to having met her? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/prince-andrew-asked-jeffrey-epstein-s-exgirlfriend-for-help-over-virginia-guiffre-claims-leaked-email-appears-to-show-a4302756.html Again, you are trying him here - none of us know what went on and very little detail has been released.
  6. He says he's never met her - this has been discussed several times. To be fair, just about every aspect of this matter has been debated here, repeatedly. We all have different opinions but none of us is a court. I doubt the Prince's lawyers will let this get to court which means that Roberts (Guiffre) will get her second bite of the cherry without ever having proven any of her allegations - and I think she knows that. This is and always has been about milking a rich man out of as much money as possible. Personally I'd like to see the Prince prosecuted for rape in a British court - then we'd see how strong Robert's evidence is and whether or not to Prince's version of whether he met Roberts or not has any bearing at all on the rape allegation. Unless there's anything new on this matter, I've nothing further to say, I see no sense in going round in circles and I thank everyone for their input.
  7. I have no idea if the man is lying or not but given that he's a member of the Royal Family, do you think he's going to admit to sleeping with a hooker?
  8. Andrew's lawyers will simply claim that his recollection of events is different and that it is unreasonable to expect someone to be clear on events 20 years ago. It still doesn't prove rape - that's an entirely different matter. That would be fairly easy to establish in a UK court - but god knows what could happen in the US where court cases sometimes seem to be like soap operas.
  9. Seriously, does this girl look underage guys? Would you ask for her birth certificate? Would a Prince, extremely familiar with the antics of the media allow this photo to have been taken if he thought it could be used against him in the future? Seems very unlikely. Given that you are supposed to be 18 to enter a UK nightclub, it seems the door-staff thought she was old enough too.
  10. Yes - doing her job and extremely unlikely to say 'by the way, before I take my bra off I must tell you I'm only 17'!!!
  11. What, that he raped her? And then went on to rape her again? <deleted> - open your eyes! Jeez, if meeting someone in a night club, taking them somewhere and having sex with them is a crime, millions of guys ought to go hand themselves in now! If he raped her - a very serious crime, why is he not up on rape charges?
  12. Nobody here has any knowledge of whether Prince Andrew met Virginia Roberts (Giuffre). Neither do they have any evidence that the girl was 'trafficked' to him or that he had sexual contact with her. Yet there are people here claiming that he's guilty and judging him. This is a classic example of why these investigations/trials should stay private until proven. The media just love this and as any grown up with a modicum of intelligence should know - the media are not to be trusted. Should evidence surface that Roberts has been lying for example. the media will turn on her a portray her as a 'Prostitute to the Rich & Famous' in an instant.
  13. I would remind you that the Prince has denied knowledge of meeting Virginia Roberts. I can't remember every girl I've met either. Yes its possible that he's lying but in my opinion he doesn't need an alibi. Even if there is video footage of all 3 occasions where its claimed he met Roberts, it doesn't prove sexual assault.
  14. I don't doubt you but I can't find any links to that - perhaps you can? Trial by media? At the worst, Epstein provided the Prince with the company of a young lady, a young lady that appeared older and I believe lied about her age. Millions of men have received such services and slept with girls much younger than themselves - that includes me but I can't remember ever asking someone for their birth certificate. If a girl appears old enough I don't question them.
  15. A Kasikorn ATM card doubles as an ATM card - use it for whichever you want. Yes, I've used my card both online and abraod. It wasn't an easy process and my card was declined on several occasions. You have to visit the branch to have the various services activated - each service requires its own activation. You'd also be well advised to set your limits for each different activity. One thing to note, even after all that my card was refused the next time I tried to use it. I had entered my name - as is usual with all my other cards but of course at Kasikorn your name is 'Privileged Member'.
  16. I'd suggest that's the only stage the lawyers are interested in.
  17. Then you need to read the associated posts.
  18. The Prince has publicly stated on several occaisons that he will co-operate with any appropriate law enforcement agency. Can you evidence his refusal to talk to the FBI? That would go against what's been reported in the UK. On the one hand, you could say that Andrew is stupid for being difficult - for example in the matter of the service of documents. However, in his position, with the media baying for a scandal and as can be seen in this thread, being jugded guilty before any trial either civil or criminal has taken place, I'm not so sure I'd be keen on coming forward. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
  19. I'd be surprised if there wasn't hundreds - how is that evidence of sexual assault?
  20. The girl is alleging that she was sexually assaulted, has she reported that to the police?
  21. What does a criminal investigation agency have to do with a civil money grab?
  22. Agree but the rise in land prices spreads well beyond the immediate vicinity of the line. Since the new (as yet still unfinished) M6 Bangkok-Korat motorway was announced, land prices in my area have gone off the scale. There's new houses, hotels and supermarkets going up all over the place. I would expect that as the rail project completion date gets close, those prices will skyrocket - well out of the reach of locals (not that it isn't already). Sitting in your car for 2 hours travelling to the office in Bangkok from the suburbs is common place - when living in the countryside and travelling to the office by train in 55 minutes (from Pak Chong) becomes an alternative, it will be a no-brainer. The sad part is that the 'countryside' they will be seeking is slowly being consumed by the very developments aimed at luring them.
  23. I don't think anyone disputes that but the point of the Sandbox was/is to get the tourist industry going again. I also planned to use the Sandbox to come back over until the UK put Thailand on its Red List but I wouldn't be spending much money in Phuket if I did - that would come when I returned home to Khao Yai. Its likely that others would do the same.
  24. A carefully selected response - were there any questions regarding whether the 'tourists' enjoyed their actual 'holiday'? A person may have been with all the above points but disaappointed by the overall quality of their experience. It would be good to read that they were very happy but from the reports I've read and heard, the place is dead. You can't even get a drink with your meal (officially).
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