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Posts posted by Matptg

  1. 5 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I drink 'Full Moon' wine coolers, 32bht in 7-11 and a free table and chair outside to sit and drink them.

    I enjoy living here.


    Vietnam (Circle K) and the Philippines (7-11) give slightly better service though, they have tables and chairs inside the air-con shops to eat and drink their quality foods.

    Of course, you are free to drink what you like where you like and to tell you the truth I once used it to cook and at the and the meal wasn't half bad. And yes, 7-11 in the Philippines is actually the best one I saw in Asia so far. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    OP, how old are you ? you say you have only been here since October last year, and now your bird is up the duff, have you or her not heard of contraception ? How long have you known her - been together ? Not exactly a planned future is it, were you planning to marry ? How are her family with the news of a grandchild on the way ? 


    You are about as dumb as can be on the above, sorry pal but your ignorance & arrogance ( I have more money than you attitude) shines through brightly, and a Ford Everest is hardly anything to brag about.


    I have read all (currently) 15 pages of this crap, and to be honest I have more sympathy with the guy on another thread who came back to a 12+ k Baht water bill than I do for you.


    Please answer the above questions if only to put us out of our misery.


    Never been my intention to offend any one by saying about my life style in here, and yes, if I mentioned about that was just with the intention to answer to a very unpleasant comment that was stating I am in bad conditions ( so that guy is ok to offend me but if I say I can afford to buy a car and i live a pretty much good life I am arrogant? ok). Like previously said, I met her during a vacation in Japan, then she came to Europe for a vacation, then I went back to Asia for work, then she went to the US for a course and I went there too because in that period I was living and working in Canada. It s now around 4 years. The family is ok with that. Anyway guys, really, no need to answer to this one anymore. In the thread I am sure you have read answers given politely, with no offences. You just gave me the dumb... in a blog where I was just asking for opinions... come on son

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Khun Jean said:

    Rich peoples problems.....

    I don't mix well with most rich people in Thailand because most of them did not work for it.

    Many rich people in my own country worked hard and i find that that earns respect.


    I am 'middle class' and mix well with 'normal' people. I like Terminal 21 better then Paragon, a kebab better then some kobe steak. I first started to learn the language but i decided against continuing it.

    English has been a great filter and filters out most uninteresting people right away.

    I hold open doors and people hold open doors for me. Smiles and thank yous are exchanged.

    Some arrogant MF's that barges in and stand before me in a waiting line will get my and my wifes fury.

    Yes, even if it is just for an icecream at Dairy Queen. They apologize very quickly.

    Learned that some things you just don't accept. Rudeness in its worst form is one of them.


    My biggest problem with Thailand is shoddy workmanship, especially on houses or condo's.

    Learned my lesson (twice!) and will not happen again.

    I solved it by doing most of the needed work myself, which also keeps me busy. Thai workers are just to carry heavy stuff and work that even my untrained 6 year old nephew can do.


    Interacting with adult Thais as children is surprisingly effective. I notice very quickly if they are adults or still stuck in their temper driven 5-year old stage especially when they not get their way. If they do act like adults which is maybe 80% with men and 20% with woman then we get along fine.


    Still adapting. Still didn't burn any bridges.











    Thank you for understanding my point. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Naam said:

    i wouldn't call a 12 Year old Lagavulin for US-Dollars 2,000 a bottle (750ml) cheap.


    p.s. years ago i got a bottle of "Laga" as a present. the taste was :bah: !

    well let's not exaggerate. The Lagavulin I drink here is the classic 16 year old and the bottle, if you buy in a shop, stands at around 5300 baht. The glass is 500 in the bar

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Mario666 said:

    I have traveled around many countries and cities around the word and found good and bad in each.


    As regards manners of Thais and their behaviour to "Farangs" I have also found good and bad.


    I sometimes  have Thais push in front of me at 7/11s, but I push them back, give them a few words in Thai and give them the "Stare" and they


    usually either look annoyed or embarrassed, but always back down.


    In the main I find Thais in BKK to be very courteous, even though I am a Farang...Obviously I stay in some nice hotels so that is expected, but I


    also find people on the streets, e.g., street vendors, market stall holders, etc., to be great as soon as I speak a little Thai to them.


    I think the OP is mixing with the wrong people in the wrong places and has not had time to learn the "Rules" of social engagement in Thailand


    yet (particularly if you are a Farang)!


    Also sounds like he has picked up a dodgy girlie, but hey we have all done that before?


    My advice would be go home (wherever that may be) and forget about Thailand unless you are prepared to change, accept that you are a


    "Farang" whether you like it or not and learn some Thai.


    None of us like to be "racialised" and if you are American you have probably seen plenty of that in your own country.


    Good luck with the "Girlie", but sounds like you drew the "Short Straw" with that one!


    Best of luck!??



    thank you for your opinion. My girl is actually a good person, showing humbling when it needs and like said before, not looking for advantages. About thai attitude, dunno, maybe takes just longer to adapt

  6. 5 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    Buon giorno, Giuseppe!


    Whatsa wrong?  You no lika da pizza in da Venice of the East? You forgeta already what mamma tell you? Roma not built in justa one day, giavanotto (sonny boy). Correcto o no? Getta your behind-a outta Bangkok, this-a no place for small bambino. Havta learn the lingua like presto. English you so bella, I know my Giuseppe can learn-a this Thai linguini a-standing on his head-a. Make uppa your mind you gonna stay or no, but, mamma mia, Giuseppe, nobody like a crybaby too much, you-a not-ta make-y your mama proud. In bocca al lupo (good luck). Mamma love her Giuseppe and miss her Giuseppe every day.




    Mama de Guiseppe ?

    please go find an hobby

    • Haha 1
  7. Thank you all for your thoughts.


    Just to answer to some, I am not spending my whole days in my condo doing nothing. I do many activities here to fill my days. Bangkok has many sites worth to visit. 

    Normal in a blog that someone goes out of the topic and takes advantage to be offensive, maybe to bright up their days.

    Thank you for the ones instead who answered politely. I appreciated all of your opinions.

    Again my apologies for being arrogant in answering to a gentleman that had been arrogant previously.


  8. 2 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

    No need to apologize for your arrogance this is a daily practice on Thai visa.

    On the other hand, I will give you my opinion on your op you are not arrogant but totally pedantic, what you confirm here with the comparison of your drinking Laguvalin whiskey while asking someone else if he drinks Chang or Singh beer.

    On top of it boasting about owning a Ford Everest adding the phrase  "I leave to you the pleasure to check its price." price that everyone knows by the way,

    yes pedantic is the right word. Unpleasantly pedantic to be more precise?


  9. 4 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I guessing you never lived with a woman in your home country.

    If the man isn't paying for most of everything, they tend not to stick around for long, and often take your home when they leave.

    this always depends on the woman you find. If you find one not economically strong then of course she wants to be treated like a queen. I call it social redemption. the less you have the more you want. If you have a girl that is in a good situation, it's exactly the opposite.

    • Confused 1
  10. 4 hours ago, torrzent said:

    I wonder what all the people you are judging think of you when you are judging them.


    BTW, where did you meet the girl?  There always seems to be one behind every story of angst?

    I met my gf during a vacation in Japan. Then again she once flew to Europe and visited my home town for 2 days. Then after 2 years for work I went to Cambodia (so could go few days to bkk too). Then a serie of events did lead us together

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, XGM said:


    He wasn't operating a bar or any kind of local operation. In those types of cases the bulk of the investigation is done overseas (FBI / GCHQ etc), then I guess Thai authorities receive a request from USA / UK / French Embassy or some liaison to complete the last link, if necessary, and perform the arrest (which is more or less the only thing foreign authorities can't do) and extradition. Local cops don't have any judgement nor can they provide protection in such cases.

    how do you think they could find him?

  12. 17 minutes ago, Dick Crank said:

    your right about that crap eating grin / non-response / stupidity stuff, I've seen it and it's pitiful. I've got a lot of patience and it still infuriates me. Thais do it really we'll.


    still dreaming about the slap to the back of that guys neck, but never had the balls to do it.


    youll get it less with less affluent working class families up north or in Isaan, who are closer to Laos by the way.


    if you can't avoid it being loaded or having a large Chang or thai whiskey everywhere you go can make it funny and take the edge off.

    thank you for understanding my point

  13. 2 hours ago, AntDee said:

    Vehemently disagree. Please be cautious when comparing a right dump (Bangkok) to world class cities like New York, London, ect. 


    Bangkok has nearly none of the trappings of a nice city. Very little culture, very little vibe, mostly boring, arrogant Thai-Chinese, no tradition of intellectual curiosity in the local population, 2nd rate international food (though excellent Thai food), shoddy pavements ilsuited for walking, horrendous traffic, very few green spaces, no orderliness (locals have no idea how to walk properly, for example), ect ad infinitum. 


    Bangkok is more an overgrown village than a city. 

    at the end someone that agrees with my point. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Enoon said:


    But never.........The East?


    It is very different.......and so are the people.


    Get rid of the bourgeois girlfriend, avoid the Thai bourgeoisie in the future.....the idea of getting mixed up with them appalls me.


    Start again and give it another year.








    Thank you for your advice

  15. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    Well, then you have a huge range of options, since you are a wealthy person. It is just to choose what you want to do, isnt it? I can, so can you, and If I was you, and you are continue to stay in Thailand, Hua Hin is the destination for you. Here you will find everything you longing for. 

    thank you again for your advice. we might try Chiang Mai she told me. But if it is for me my edge goes on the north european countries. Still have some time before the baby grows.

  16. 2 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you just say rich Thais don't like to work?


    Is your girlfriend the same?


    She will expect you to be the "leader" if you know what I mean. You should google the word because that's what better off Thai women will use instead of support.


    I had a pretty well off Thai woman in Canada. She still expected me to be the "leader". She dumped me and I'm sour grapes, but I noticed that her husband now is some failed real estate agent and surprise, surprise.... she is a real estate agent too. Sorry, but I am in no business getting someone a job. Good riddance, after all, I guess.


    Anyhoo.... I completely understand the rest of your post. I am originally your poorer neighbor from the east of Italy with the same mentality. Bangkok is a joke, but there is something that keeps me here..... the mess....the hypocrisy..... the life. I like the noise unlike the boring, suicidal life in Canada. You being from Italy, you don't have to go back to Canada, but I do. You're lucky.




    we have talked about this leader thing already at the very beginning of the relationship and agree that I am not going to be that kind of leader. This is another aspect that I don't like of this country. Women relying too much on their men and the families of the women expecting the men to be carry everything on.

    Here doesn't matter how hard you work, they just want to be sure you can provide for everything and families want money too to "be sure you can give a good life to her daughter" ( so stupid this one to me)

  17. 23 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Hi, i am Italian too, and i like living in Thailand (not in Bkk) .

    I find ironic that you condemn the arrogance of rich Thais, and then you come on TVF to flaunt about your wealth.

    That said, i think you're just having a bad day, and you need to vent off a bit..If you see something you don't like, just look the other way, plenty of things to be happy instead of drowning in sorrow.

    Caro amico,


    Like said before, I apologie for appearing arrogant but that comment was out of place, really.

    No bad day at all, just sharing some thoughts

    • Like 1
  18. 21 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    You complain about the “arrogant Thais” and then you post this?


    And, fwiw...true ballers don’t live in ฿23,000 condos and drive Fords.

    Just answering to a person about my lifestyle. I have been arrogant after the person offended me. Lile said before, I apologie for seeming arrogant

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