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Posts posted by hecky

  1. I am prepared to admit that my earlier uhm 2-bit analysis may be WAY off the mark and that this happens everywhere in Thailand.

    But I have lived on Samui for 9 years and this kind of violence (small gangs displaying excessive violence to farangs over trivial issues) is a newish/escalating trend on Samui.

    I have back copies of nearly every SamuiCommunity magazine (back to 1999 anyway), SamuiCommunity newspaper and SamuiExpress newspaper which all carry statistics for murders and attempted murders. I would be prepared to spend a few days going through ALL of them and compiling as accurate figures as possible if people feel this is helpful.

    When I first arrived here (1999) and had some business trouble, locals and old timer farangs (in Bophut and Chaweng) often told me that in the not too distant past (i.e. early 1990s /1980s) Samui was like "the wild west" with shootouts in the streets, people carrying guns, bodies in the streets not removed for days, and so on. (Boy did I hear some stories!). So I know Thais are on a short-fuse and can be violent. It just strikes me that the nature of the violence ON SAMUI is changing (from Thai v. Thai to Thai v. farang, from business/money issues to more trivial issues, from one on one to gangs).

    I FULLY admit I may be WRONG (so please no personal insults).

    I think the violence has allways been part of Samui (as else where in the world)and I dont hings have changed that much. the difference is that now there are more media chanels and the internet that are reporting it.

    furthermore the population in Samui has cahnged very much and there are more farangs residing in Samui then 8 years ago and there are many more tourists then 8 years ago. so confrantations are bound to happen. and when you get to many people stepping on eaxh other toes so much its bound to have affect on the level of violence.

    not quite the same as else where in the world Thailand number 3 in the world for murders with firearms look who is number 1 and 2 make you see how violent this country is

    Crime Statistics > Murders with firearms (per capita) by country

    Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom)

    #1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people

    #2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people

    #3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people

    #4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000 people

    #5 Mexico: 0.0337938 per 1,000

  2. there are many places around Chaweng that make the clothes for the tailors. cut out the middleman go to them direct there are loads on the road from tesco into Chaweng. i use a place not sure of its name i will look but go past PTT station on the main ring road turn left just before the BUPA office go to the end of the road turn left and it is there on the right. cost me 350 baht per shirt, he makes for the tailors. Indian tailors are only shop fronts.

    Cheers, got a good idea where it is but if you get the name great.

    had a look yesterday name was in thai unfurtunatly however if you come in the way i directed it is the second shop on the right past the road that goes to samui arcadia. it is inbetween samui plaza and the arcadia road. has a few manakins in the window. the shirts were a bit to long he took them up for 20 baht. if you come in from lamdin where the monkey temple is it is about 200 yards past samui plaza on left if you get to the samui arcadia road sign you gone to far. shop opposite rents out motorbikes.

  3. Below is a copy of e mail isent to UKvisas and there reply as you can see as long as visa is valid no problem.........However when we got to the airport China Airlines refused to let her board, i showed them this e mail and they went away and had a chat. after a nervous 15 minutes or so they came back and issued a ticket. 5 minutes before boarding we were called out and i had to sign to say if she was refused entry i would pay the airfare back. without this e mail she would not have been allowed to fly.

    There is no reason why she should not enter the UK on a one-way ticket. I note that she already has her visa and presume it remains her intention to leave the UK within the validity of that visa,

    Sent by:

    Public Enquiries (I), UKvisas, London SW1A 2AH

    Telephone: 020 7008 8438 (Voicemail) (UK only)

    Web-site: <http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk>

    For more information on the Foreign & Commonwealth Office visit: http://www.fco.gov.uk For information about the UK visit: http://www.i-uk.com

    Please note that all messages sent and received by members of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and its missions overseas may be monitored centrally. This is done to ensure the integrity of the system.

    -----Original Message-----

    Sent: 18 March 2003 05:10

    To: [email protected]

    Subject: ticket

    i live in thailand and buy my return ticket in the uk as i return home every 4 months. this time i am bringing my partner for a holiday whilst i sell a house in the UK. she already has a visa, can she enter the country on a one way ticket and leave on a one way. i would like her to be able to return on the same flight as me me, if i buy her a return she will have to return with China Air and i would prefer to use the airline i normally use

    thanks for your help

  4. i paid 12800 baht in CAT Samui in February, got 3 free months then 630 a month. Put it in the wifes name and she did need her ID card so i guess they will want a passport from a farang. works well in the long run it is cheaper than tot and tt&t. You can use it anywhere in Thailand except Bangkok as Hutch have the monopoly there, but they have come to an agreement to share it in the future

  5. Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

    Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

    You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

    This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

    Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

    Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

    We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

    I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

    Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

    Utter rubbish. The UK has an almost democratic electoral system. If those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours wish to have a greater representation in UK affairs then this should be done through the electoral system, not the back door approach by politically motivated do-gooders, none of whom who has the retention of true Britishness at heart. It is prattle like you describe that has seen the fabric of Britishness go down the pan over the last 50 years. That is a proven fact as even this current UK governement has recognised something must be done, just unfortunate that they are incompetent or unwilling to make hard decisions.

    Further, to attempt to liken racism with nationalism is a profound mockery, again only attempted by the do-gooders and politically correct people - or so they wish to appear. Biggest example of this hypocrisy is the treatment of travellers, or Gypsies in the UK, even local authorities, 99.9% of the residents and certainly many MPs don't have time for them or their welfare. Why not let this minority group be represented in the police force ? well we know why don't we -no chance of votes or honours for the supporters of them !!

    You are now even suggesting that Thais are racist through ignorance, even attempting, poorly, to equate Thailand to Nazi Germany.

    Well firstly yes I do suggest that Thais are racist through ignorance. They do have a distinct class and caste system, although they just don't see it. As equating it poorly to the nazis, I was equating that to your comment of "lets hope Thailand maintains its traditional stance and may it remain that way" We could discuss the very same ideology made by the Germans before the second world war, but that would be for another topic.

    As for your saying that "those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours. I am a white European. But whether you like it or not and it seems from your writing you don't, the UK is fast becoming a multi cultural society. An example for you is when I was at schoool some 30 years ago there was 1 ethnic person in the class. he was from Kenya. now in the same school there are over 45% from Ethnic or mixed race children. Soon it will be more. So my point is this. We are not a white nation any more. So we should live with it and move with the times.

    Using the concept of a democartic vote to get in the electoral system or as you put it "in the back door" is a mockery. That's what happened in South Arica and other countries until near civil war broke out. the Uk does a pretty good job in my opinion at being a multicultural society and having representation in all of it's important jobs is important. How many gypies want to be in the police force. From my knowledge zero.

    Anyway I think I know where you are coming from. You are the person who says that he isn't racist and he doesnt mind black people etc. As long as they don't take our jobs, girls and country. It is to late for that we are integrated, whether you like it or not.

    Very well integrated. That is why 5 children of immigrants thought it would be a good idea to murder 52 people in July 2005. How long does it take to become integrated? 1 generation 2 or until the entire indigenous population has been murdered ? Go back to sticking your head in the idealistic bucket of sand. As you say you were at school only 30 years ago which is the generation that bore the fruits of poorly thought out teachings that bred the do-gooders of today like yourself. As I said before, it won't be too long before you can enjoy your BBQ goat with a pint on Friday weekend lunchtime.

    It is racist view like the one your projecting with draconian conatations, that has escalated racial hatred in the UK. I am not idealistic just reaslistic and optomistic. As I mentioned before in the UK there are different ethnicities. Fact. So we can do a two things. Creat a divide or learn to get on and live with each other. It is too late for going back. The UK invited people from other countries over when they needed a workforce. Then in the the 1970s, when their was high unemployment, many people decided, the Enoch Powell idealogy and wanted, now British citizens to leave.

    Tell me what is wrong with all living together, with different religions and cultures? I do it quite successfully here as many others do. Whats wrong with having BBQ goat, we eat cow and pig? Whats the issue here? The idea is get on with things as long as each person does not infringe other peoples life. It is too late to go back, we can only go forward. What do you want, split the UK into seperate states and the whites can life in one place, the blacks in an other and the mixed race in another etc ? Why don't we put a wall up while we are at it?

    I always wonder why people feel so threatened by integration.

    from my experience of the UK the intergration is a problem the immigrants seem to have, more over the Muslim Community. They do not and will not intergrate. If you notice afro carrabeans and people from India intergrate well, it is the Muslim community who do not intergrate and it is this community the police have the biggest problems with.

  6. Note to self: Clear Immigration first, then change money. Many, many more FOREX (SCB, TMB) booths in the baggage claim area, even more outside Customs.

    Second note to self: Always keep passport in hand.

    I seriously doubt that a gun was un-holstered, perhaps the OP was "fairly tired" and prone to some sort of hallucination?

    my money would be on the fact this did happen, the guy was there and knows what he saw. same thing would happen at most airports around the world now if immigration officer started shouting.

  7. there are many places around Chaweng that make the clothes for the tailors. cut out the middleman go to them direct there are loads on the road from tesco into Chaweng. i use a place not sure of its name i will look but go past PTT station on the main ring road turn left just before the BUPA office go to the end of the road turn left and it is there on the right. cost me 350 baht per shirt, he makes for the tailors. Indian tailors are only shop fronts.

  8. Chasing motorbikes isn't a sexual aggression issue, I don't believe. Neutering the dogs wouldn't necessarily cure this problem.

    the dog i take care of has been castrated but still chases Thai's on motorbike. last week he went under a car survivied that cured him..........for a week

    it must be about the treatment they get as youngsters from Thai males, he never chases Farangs.

  9. I've noticed that one of the available visa's incorporating the same entitlements as a settlement visa is that of an "unmarried partner visa".

    Has anyone ever applied for one of these and been sucessfull, or know of the acceptance rate for this kind of visa over that of the settlement visa.


    my G/F had unmarried visa i am prity sure you have to show you have been living together the whole time as in 2 years, we did it by me living here for a year then her getting a 9 month UK tourist visa (6+3) visa then me coming back here. documents like house rental agreement motorbike rental agreement in joint name and e mails. i went direct to the Embassey as earlier post says you have to be able to show you have the means to keep her and a place to live. good thing is she can legally work.

    she now has indifinate leave to remain which she will probably loose as we live in Thailand now. All that shit for nothing still circumstances changed. any more info you need feel free to ask

  10. is anyone aware of a certain travel shop in Nathon issuing exit/entry stamps for Farangs thus avoiding a visa run ?

    are they genuine stamps ?

    used to be one opposite police station well almost just a few metres towards maenam. not sure if they were genuine or not but they were not legal. i used them once about 4 years ago then a few people got busted, next time i went to malaysia i was worried to death as they were supposed to be able to tell. all went well and i never used them again. i never heard anybody using recently so i take it they no longer do it. not worth the risk.

  11. Tourist Police Volunteer topics are a touchy subject and for sake of the forum - better to not discuss them. :o

    ok understand they sound a protected species. i did not realise it was that sensative. thnaks for the reply and explanation.

  12. why do some posts disappear. i put one on Samui Furum about why the Farang tourist police felt the need to carry night sticks, handcuffs and pepper spray. in the first day it got 22 replies some for the idea some against all well mannered and putting across individuals point of view. no warnings topic not closed just disapeared. anybody know why surly nobody has the power just to remove posts if they do not like them. whilst we do not live in a democracy an more,surly this forum is based on one. put the post here as i no longer feel confident to put it on Samui forum.

  13. These people are not human.

    They are animals.

    They should be hunted to extinction.

    buddhists are a peace loving people with a wonderful religion that they follow, and these muslims down there are killing them. :o in the most horrific way.

    where's this going. ? :D

    you having a laugh right thai buddist peace loving. not the ones in Samui. Muslim relegion is also a peacefull religion. good and bad in all religions

  14. I have ordered electical items similar to this from e bay. most of it comes from Hong Kong and arrives in a few days. only a suggestion but i have had no problems. Just had a quick look here is a sample postage cost is to Thailand


    £15.84 postage

    Allround Metal Detector Best Treasure Finder !!!!

    Last finding gold ring in spain !!!!!

    - £19.99

    £19.99 postage

    From Germany



    £34.00 postage


    See description

    From Germany

    Professional Metal Detector with LCD Display - £49.99

    £22.00 postage

  15. I hate to sound like a retard (even though maybe I am) but can someone spell out exactly what is needed to obtain a Thai drivers license in Nathon. This thread has many posts that say you may need this or that, etc. I currently have a valid American license and I want to go to Nathon tomorrow and obtain a Thai drivers license. It is a long drive and hope to only have to make it once so can someone tell me EXACTLY what to do and what to bring.

    My deepest Thanks!


    If it is the first time, you need the following.

    2 one inch photos.

    Copies of passport and Visa (must be Non-O or Non-B )

    Medical certificate.

    Letter from Immigration with your permanent adress.

    Copy of International driving licence. (if you do not have this then you will need to take the tests)

    If you intend to take licence for both MC and car then you will need all of the above in two copies.

    You will need to be att motor office 9 AM for color blind test, reaction test and split vision test.

    You need to bring your motorbike/car, they do not have any to lend out.

    If I forgot anything please fill in.

    That should do it, do not forget 2 passport photo's for the boys at immigration. they also charge 500 baht for the letter. Test is quite easy they give you Highway Code in English to read for 15 mins then the test. if i remember right the pass rate was 22 correct answers out of 30, multiple choice. this was how i got my licence so should work for others. you will also get to meet the most miserable Thai bitch in your life who sits behind the desk in the office (not the counter). dress reasonably smart i wore a singlet once and got repremanded by her. common sence really goverment office respect etc.

  16. I'm going to the motor office in Lipa Noi next week to renew my driving licence.

    I have had my Thai driving licence for one year now and have Non-B Visa.

    Do I need a new document from immigrations or any other documents.

    Drive safe and use a helmet :D

    you need 2 passport size photo's medical paper and letter from immigration should get 3-5 year licence if there in a good mood :o

    2 driving licence photos.... SMALLER then passport

    copy of front page of passport & visa page + original for verification

    Letter from immigration confirming Samui address

    Your old licence

    Took me 10 minutes 5 year licence Bht 505.00

    Make sure your old licence has expired otherwise they won't renew it.

    Thanks Roo

    I was going the day before my licence expired.

    You saved me one extra trip to Lipa Noi.

    i did mine recently all of the above but also a doctors letter which i got in 5 mins from Thai International for 100b. maybe you may not need one depends on the day but i took one furtunatly. true about licence running out mine ran out on a Saturday so i went on the Friday and they would not renew it. had to go back on the Monday. the size of photo is 1 inch. i also had to give 2 passport photo's to immigration.

  17. just my opinion as you are aware to many people want to dive in and critasise posts. alot of new shoppping places like Home Pro Lotus Makro etc here now where they require high level of education for many of the positions. best way if you see a girl you like and get the right eye contact just go and talk. alot of the girls in night clubs etc have day jobs but freelance in night clubs at night, so really same as bar girls even though they work in shops etc. i would guess the only way to meet a well educated non bar girl is through working with them. Alot of high class Thai girls would not consider a reationship with us farangs. quite a few of the bar girls have a ood education but got through university or part through got pregnant then got dumped so ended up in bar. more educated ones tend to get long time farang boyfriends prity quick. what your looking for is not easy to find but like you there is no way i could live with a partner who was not educated to a reasonable level. been with my missus 6 years she could read write and speak english when i met her, she had private education through to high school..............but i met her in bar in bkk.

    either way you can have some fun looking for what you want

    I bet your "missus" speaks and writes better english than you? Geeezzz....

    bang on she does, whos the guy in the picture? looked up Geeeezzz in oxford dictionary, even the clever missus never heard it.

  18. after all the bad stories and press from samui. this one has to have hit an all time low.how low can you get killing a kid.

    I was in esaan when some thai pointed out the stroy in the thai national paper. discusted and i can say. i would like to know the full real story though becuase i haven't read any concrete evidence on a motive or who done it yet.

    guy i rent my house off has brother in police at Nathon, i asked him today what the out come was he said ex boyfriend was in the clear and that it was a migrant worker from one of the local camps, plain case of robbery and murder. this only what a local policeman has told me today many other members of this furum seem to know better though and had already found the ex boyfriend guilty from day one

    been here 8 years and the crime gets worse and worse.

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