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Everything posted by androokery

  1. I don't understand. You want to spend 200k baht to get ownership of land registered to you? Land that belongs to her? With a house that belongs to her? How would you even, as a foreigner, begin to get the right to own land in Thailand?
  2. Oh I'm sorry, you don't know what an argument is? Then what are we doing here?
  3. I read all of it. That's how I picked up on the inane serial killer argument.
  4. Going out on a limb here, but I assume you don't own one of these life-saving, drug-sniffing dogs you mention. Nor do you have a guide dog. I assume you have or had dogs primarily for company (very selfish) or for protection of property or self (incredibly selfish and destructive). The dog owners and their dogs don't exist in a vacuum. There's always a cost associated and it seems to never be paid by them, but more likely by the people around them.
  5. It seems the hole you were already standing in just got bigger. And the example of the serial killers who start their careers by killing animals somehow being proof that being nice to animals means you're a good person is classical false equivalency. Just because a horse has four legs doesn't mean all four-legged creatures are horses.
  6. Again with these people who think 1) they're good people because they like dogs and 2) victims of dog attacks only have themselves to blame.
  7. Sort of like comparing apples and real estate. Dogs are the obvious invasive species here, they wouldn't be here if it weren't for stupid dog lovers and selfish rectal orifices.
  8. To me, all these dog apologists sound as bright as Timothy Treadwell (The Grizzly Man) and make me wonder if they're infected by some dog equivalent of the toxoplasmosis gondii parasite. It's weird how they always seem to think it's the victim's fault they're attacked.
  9. I'll watch twice as many starve to death (there's logic to this, you provide food, they get more offspring, you doubling the food is not enough to go around since the dog population just quadrupled)
  10. Good for the owner and HORRIBLE for everyone else. Dog owners. Selfish beyond belief.
  11. I'm actually happy this discussion is centered on the proper meaning of words, more of this in the future please. But can someone tell me how wide a berth I should give power poles whenever I walk past them in the rain, to stay on the safe side? At what distance would the electricity in the water be just a tingle?
  12. Well the bar girls' work is far more honourable than that of the monks... So where should the question be directed?
  13. That's odd, I could have sworn you claimed to be Thai just a few posts back, even adding "trust me"...
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