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ivor bigun

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Everything posted by ivor bigun

  1. i wouldnt think that anyone claiming while living abroad would not apply for pension credits,
  2. yes i checked on google and must admit i could not find any people who had been prosecuted , can anyone tell us of a court case ?
  3. also in todays paper a woman complained about all the people peeing in her garden at the Noting hill debacle ,all in the pics are guess what colour ,it was such o lovely carnival in the 60s and 70s.
  4. you mean the one always begging for money as so few read it THE GUARDIAN.
  5. I wont even bother to answer why ,look in the papers ,dancing for gay pride ,taking the knee ,wearing rainbow painted fingernails ,on and on ,the police are no longer fit for purpose.
  6. not these days in the UK .police are to afraid of being called racist ,mind you the spent a lot of time taking the knee
  7. check the crime figures and the majority of the type of persons in prison.
  8. gosh chomper , you always seem confused ,perhaps best not to post .
  9. look in the British daily newspapers ,just today look at the pictures of crime and violence ,most are black. but not pc to say it . still you will go on calling us racists ,its the nice easy route.
  10. yes to work ,not jump off a boat and get everything for nothing ,you must earn 18600 pounds a year and have a place to live to bring your THAI wife to Britain ,i know i did it ,we are now back in Thailand.
  11. Yes i remember how they contributed .i lived in London when they were rioting and looting in Brixton .such a great way of contributing .
  12. You havin a laugh , i lived in Finchley ,my aunt in Willesden,never any problems ,as for Wembely ,maybe odd football days ,but very little other trouble ,mind you that was 50 yrs ago not 60 when i was there.
  13. He could see the future ,but i bet he never guessed how bad it would really get ,and i fear there is far worse to come ,my old home town is no longer in the UK if he walked the streets now , as for violence ,its a daily occurance.
  14. Yes and corruption on a fantastic scale ,so that building was done and rivers diverted ,dams collapsed because so badly built ,there was a Pakistani guy on tv the other day saying much of the flooding is down to terrible infastructure , due to it
  15. yes, when i could not get savlon any longer changed to this ,just as good
  16. as i have said many times ,being gay is up to you ,i lived with a gay cousin in London for a time back in the late 60s, i have a female cousin who lives with her girlfriend ,a niece who lives with her older girlfriend and a nephew who you would never think was gay ,until you met his friends. None have ever been on a parade ,none exploit it by wearing pride colours. So why are so many people proud of their sexuality ,ime not ,i would never dream of going to a straight parade,why would anyone ,its just about sex ,whats the big deal . please mods if you think this should be removed ,do so ,but all i doing is really asking ,whats the big deal about who you fancy and want to sleep with.?
  17. In Pattaya ,we use it,same as bi c and other stores ,wife likes Makro always fresh veg .but we have a car so easy to shop for us . shame lotus stopped doing the cat food our cat loved.
  18. you expected something else? even in the west they get away with so much.
  19. in the begining i said ,that i dont believe in God,but after 499 pages(must be one of the longest threads) maybe there is????
  20. she is a disgusting woman ,married to a "prince" whos real father is not Charles ,but Dianna}s ginger haired lover . mind you Dianna had a a hard time Charles always love Camilla .
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