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  1. Darwinism is still alive and kicking....
  2. The driver must be thinking, "If that darn curve wasn't there, none of this would have happened!!!".
  3. Thailand needs to coordinate with Myanmar and send in their version of the Seal Teams or Delta Forces and wipe out the call-scam centers and drug trafficing operations....
  4. A lot of times, if someone survives this type of suicide attempt, it can cause permanent brain damage and leaving the person end up living in a vegetative state....
  5. I don't think so. The Brits have a backbone......
  6. As always, I'm sure a politician or politicians will have their dirty hands in the deal......
  7. As much as I don't agree with a lot of Trump's actions, I agree that there is no place for transgender soldiers in the US armed forces....
  8. Lock him up and throw away the key.....
  9. In other words, brain splatter. The truck was found 350 meters away!? Sounds like the driver was trying to make a run for it........
  10. Another day, another motor vehicle death. Carry on, it's business as usual.....
  11. With the hot climate and unsanitary kitchen conditions all over Thailand, I am not surprised......
  12. Life will not be kind to the said soldier in his next life........

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