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  1. LOL, I'd have fun using $1900.00 in Soi Cowboy!!!
  2. The Republicans that voted for Trump, especially the ones working in the US government that have gotten resignation notices are regretting they voted for him.....
  3. Is methylene blue harmful to the body? The toxicity of methylene blue Exposure to high levels of methylene blue increases the risk of numerous health risks among humans, some of which include respiratory distress, abdominal disorders, blindness, gastrointestinal disease, and psychological dysfunction.Feb 16, 2025
  4. After a handful of Songkran, I leave Thailand and go somewhere I can rest and relax in peace......
  5. They both have very low EQ's...... https://www.vgm.com/communities/the-iq-vs-eq-debate-why-emotional-intelligence-trumps-intellectual-quotient-in-effective-leadership/
  6. Forget Walking Street, Stabbing Street seems more appropriate .....
  7. He's a drug addict and punch drunk. Lock him up and throw away the keys. It'll be good for him as well as for public safety......
  8. Makes you wonder whose really telling the truth?
  9. That's what you get when you piss () off Mother Nature.......
  10. What a horrific discovery. That's something you can't unsee. RIP ,little one 🙏......
  11. The Land of Smiles? No, the Land of Short Tempers and Violence.....
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