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Posts posted by RangerF

  1. It doesn't matter whether you renewed your passport locally or in home country as your new passport (bearing new pp numbers too) superseded your current/old passport and Immigration doesn't have it in their system database, hence will not accept your first 90 reporting application online. 

    Firstly, one need to do, visit and do a physical visa extension stamp transfer (with photocopies of new pp) to your new passport at your area IO together with transfer application form available there. Once transfer completed and approved. 

    Then wait till last 2 weeks window period of your 90 days reporting, then make another trip to your area IO to do your 90 days reporting in person. Subsequent reportings can be easily done and accepted "online(easiest)/post/in person". 

    FYI, I've used and changed 3 pps previously, all have to go thru the above without a doubt. 


    Hope it helps, 

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  2. Hi guys & FYI,

    This 1 year period rental contract or agreement required by Imm.  officer did happened to me in Phayao Immigration Office.

    Been living in the same monthly rental apartment for several years on OA extensions of stay and with my 800K FD, normal personal and landlord's supporting documents. No such of 1 mth/3mth/1yr rental contract needed. Just housemaster's docs. 


    Till when I intentionally lapsed my OA extension to apply a new O visa (without the mandatory insurance US100K or 3M BAHT coverage) via 30 days arrival visa exempt> 90 days> 1 year new O Visa and subsequent extension of stay later.


    Attending officer asked for 1 year rental contract/agreement papers and argued how can it staying at the same lodging place for years WITHOUT a yearly contract?


    Cut story short, I went back home and drafted a brief & simple yearly contract, indicating either parties can give amper notice to move out or continue staying without having to prepare the same document every year. 


    Explained my situation to my landlady, obtained all her housemaster's documents and sign on it. (photocopy few more pages of this same contract can be used yearly during extension application). Hope this will helps.

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  3. Stupidity has no cure and gone to higher level. Does this mandatory medical certificate apply to all local and foreign applicants across the Kingdom?

    How about doing something more practical with those underaged students/teenagers riding with 2-3 pillion riders (over capacity of max. 2) with no valid riding licences, no helmets etc. And how about those driving without a valid driving licence and no mandatory minimum or any insurance coverage at all for a start?

  4. This form in Thai is for house master (wife, landlord etc.) to verify your current address for the purpose of applying or renewing your driving licence.

    It's equivalent to the offical Land Transport Office letter addressed to the Head, Immigration office, to issue a residence certificate.

    You can alternatively approach your area LTO to obtain such letter by showing them your current expiring soon driving licence. Hope this will help.

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  5. HNLDennis,

    I just done my O-A extension recently with the cheapest LMG quote (OPD-40K/IPD-400K with 200K deductible) out of 14 insurance companies recognised and approved by IO.


    You can indicate your coming new policy start and end date on the application forms, in conjunction with your current O-A extension expiry date in your passport.

    Best to hand in completed forms and wait for the application approval. Original insurance certificate and policy takes 5-7 days to receive, 30 days before going to IO for your new extension. 


    Hope my intel would help. 

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  6. FYI.

    I'm in a process of applying for my second 5 years driving and riding licences at my province DLT, within 3 months in advance before licences expires.

    New regulation doc requirements, a certificate of residence is needed in order to obtain or renew.

    Get a official letter of request from DLT, then proceed to IO to apply for the residence certificate. It's neither free or 500B (without offical receipt), depending on your area IO.

    After only obtaining the said certificate, then return to DLT (2 sessions, am/pm) with other passport pages & required docs) to apply for the new driving licence. 


    Hope this will helps. 

  7. Had bad experienced before.

    Been preparing and printing my own relevant docs photocopies and bank statements, (1 set only) for extension application for several years without a hitch.

    Till once, this male IO rejected all my document photocopies, claiming the pages bottom has no room for their stamps even though there are sufficient space on it.

    Then this kind male IO "offered to help" print out all relating copies at their office machine. 


    At the end of my extension and re-entry applications approved, charged me almost 200 baht of photocopying @ 5 baht each. Questioned him why charged 5 baht while photocopying only cost merely 50 satang or 1 baht? Claimed their photocopier machine were leased from supplier. 



  8. 35 minutes ago, ardsong said:

    just done my yearly extension today (10 days before date) in Phrae Immigration, a new office as before I had to travel all the way to Nan Immigration

    It all went smooth and quick, 40 minutes in and out.

    Even less documents to show as in Nan.

    Had the monthly income letter from Dutch Embassy, and that was enough; no bankbook nor prints from monthly transfers were asked for , though I had it all with me.

    Were you being asked to produce health insurance coverage your "O/OA" yearly extension?

  9. 1 hour ago, Sumarianson said:

    Remember that the residency certificate is free from IO but they will try to charge you 200 Baht a time for it in Changwattana. They say it is for postage, however I don't know of any P.O. that charges 200 Baht to send a single A4 paper. Tea money maybe? If you want it without paying for it then they will make you wait a month and you will have to collect it yourself. 

    The last time I paid for it to be sent, it never arrived, so a complete waste paying tea money! Going to your own Embassy is a complete rip-off at the price they charge. Does anyone complain to their Embassy? After all they are supposed to look after their citizens abroad presumably without ripping them off. A passport is expensive enough!

    Right on. But before, a residence certificate request at Phayao immigration cost 500 baht (without official receipt) each time we need it for driving licence renewal or purchase of a new vehicle etc. 

  10. It seems like every secondary matter including moving visa extension stamps to new passport, obtaining a certificate of residence from relevant IO for purchase of vehicles or renewing driving licences etc. required to pay an unofficial fee of 500 baht of course, without an offical receipt.


    Had been here long enough to replace two time passports, two time (1 & 5 years driving licences, purchased my first vehicle, without having to obtain a residence certificate or paying an easy common 500B unofficial fee at all.


    Till now replacing my 3rd new passport (visa extension stamps transfer), purchased my 2nd new vehicle (which I reluctantly paid, but asked for an official receipt which the attending Officer can't produced, but later "settled" by vehicle salesman) and renewing my 3rd time driving licence at LTO (need certificate of residence).

    Easy unoffical/overtime fees for such gov.servants?



  11. Hi all, I would greatly appreciate and thank any sound advice or answer.

    Had my 1st 1 year DL and subsequently renewed to 5 years DL (at local district LTO without having to obtain any certificate of residence from immigration before) which going to expire soon.

    Lately dropped in at LTO to enquire any/what docs required to renew another 5 year DL. Was told photocopies of my passport, long-term visa, existing DL and a certificate of residence from immigration needed. 

    Is this certificate of residence request FOC or chargeable with/without a "official receipt issued"?


  12. Being a foreigner here for almost 8 years and owned my second pickup after I accidentally crashed the 1st one badly. Claimed, repaired and sold off.


    My advice, don't bother looking at 2nd hand used vehicles unless you have ample motoring experience in checking out the "in and out" of the wanted vehicle and engine performance. Don't rely on your in-laws as you're the one eventually behind the steering wheel. 


    Many vehicles had bad accidents history like mine, body appearance nice OK but member structures, chassis etc. screwed up.


    Get a brand new vehicle with freebies and goodies with 3 years or 100,000 km warranty for a peace of mind. 

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  13. with a Police report as to the loss, (20 baht) Copy of front page and copy of Visa of Passport, My Thai I/d card, (which proved useful as it had my name and address and my Passport number on it) or other document that proves current address.

    Does "your I/D card" means from your yellow tebabahn registration book and card provided? Thanks.

  14. On 8/10/2018 at 9:52 AM, ubonjoe said:

    It is not easy to do that due to doing 90 day reports and etc. You have to do the reports at the office where you got the extensions unless you formally change address.

    My suggestion and what other have done is to rent a low cost room where you will be applying for the extension. Then you have the option of doing the 90 days my mail.

    I second your suggestion, get a low cost room as a "permanent address & base" and relevant notification documents from household master, and then use the 80+ days period for touring. Return to base early to prepare docs. and do the 90 days report.

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