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SEAsia Traveler

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Posts posted by SEAsia Traveler

  1. 21 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Curious about China, as I've met some real chinese cuties here and they seem better educated and speak English well.

    What would be the pros n cons between the 2 in your exps?  As I've logged in 6 yrs here in LOS, maybe China.....?

    If you want to have fun with the Chinese tourists girls, go for it. If you are thinking about moving to China, understand that it was, up until recently, a severely isolated and repressed society. There was a lot of famine and war in China in the past. Hence the uncouth tour groups ravaging through other countries with bad manners. Fortunately, the girls you refer to are the independent travelers who speak some English. You would just need to find them in a society of billions.? And the quality of life available in China is less comfortable than Thailand (pollution and food quality to name two examples).


    It’s also an extremely nationalistic country. Google and Facebook are blocked in the country and it’s basically a police state. Go to YouTube and type in last emperor dance and check out the flag waver and Commie girls dancing. ? I doubt the mentality has changed much since then.


    Finally, if you were to marry into a Chinese family, their financial expectations would be astronomical, far in excess of the average poor Issan family. However as another poster stated, Chinese girls are more worldly and smart and the average Thai, so the relationship would be more satisfying and likely to succeed for that reason.?

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  2. (Consider this as entertainment, a warning, or discussion generator. Sort of like a Stickman reader contribution piece).
    This is not “your Thailand”, in which you think the country revolves around you, in which you think Thais should worship you like some sort of god, with your giant ego as a wannabe celebrity, trying to "go native" like a Thai. You are a foreigner. You speak a foreign tongue. Thai people don’t understand you. Thai people don’t like you. Thai people want your money, so pay up, kee-ni-ow. You are NOT Thai and know nothing about “Thainess”.
    But your Thai wife, you say?? Well, can you really communicate with this person? Can you share humor, sarcasm, irony, laugh together? Or do you communicate in pigeon language, relying on her as the filter of your daily experience in Thailand? Is it a deep, loving relationship or merely contractual?
    “Your” Thailand?? Sorry, but you’re just another walking ATM who thinks he’s the Number One Farang in Thailand. Your “celebrity" among Thais is an illusion. You better have an exit plan back to your home country in case things go pear shaped. Coups, war, illness, no money, crossing the wrong person. Stay away from balconies! And do you really want end up in a Thai government hospital, with doctors and nurses who can’t understand you, exposed to bacteria and outdated methods? 
    Again…this is NOT “your Thailand”. Get over it. Your social status is beneath the family water buffalo. For the sake of your sanity, do something…or forget you read this and remain blissfully unaware until it’s too late.
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