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dave s

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  1. April 20 to April 26 inclusive. during which you can go in person and should not get a late fine. Note the inclusive counting, and that April 20 is part of both periods. Beware that the office (but not online) will likely be closed several days around April 13 for the water splashing holiday -- best not to leave it until the last minute.
  2. It's not "up to 15 days early". There is a 15 day period ending on the due date, April 6 to April 20 inclusive, during which you can report online, and also go to the office in person. If you try on April 5, online should refuse you because that is too early, and it is remotely possible to be refused in person then. There is a 7 day grace period,
  3. It used to be that you had to prove you were a U.S.A. resident to get a "My SSA" account, which was obnoxious as they started deleting pages from their web site because you could just use My SSA (but not if you lived in Thailand!!!!!). There are now 2 ways to set up My SSA from overseas, one of which is tedious but actually works, and their staff were friendly and helpful. Then at any time you can check your exact SSA and Medicare amounts; note that both of these typically get adjusted in January. You may also be able to switch direct deposit of your SSA yourself from here in Thailand. When I retired a while ago, and set up SSA through the Manila service bureau, the best way to get monthly SSA into Thailand appeared to be through Bangkok Bank NYC. I needed to go downtown to their main branch to set up that account and a regular savings account. I prove I am still alive by going to the nearby shopping mall branch and showing my passport and passbooks to the manager whenever I want to transfer some amount from NYC to the savings account (which then has no restrictions). It takes a few minutes. On usually the fourth of the month I get an SMS Thursday, January 4 15:42 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTR has transferred THB<amount> (USD<amount> @ 34.31 - THB<amount>) into <account> But Jul 3 probably because of Independence Day, Sep 1 probably because Monday the 4th was Labor Day, and Dec 1 probably because of the long Thai holiday for King Rama IX. Usual arrival between 13:00 and 17:00. The first amount in the SMS should reconcile with the pair of dollar amounts that My SSA tells you, the second amount is BBL converting to baht (XE web site was saying 34.4 on that day), and the third amount is a percentage transfer fee (but THB200 minimum, THB500 maximum). Thai baht exchange rate has been a yo-yo for quite a while. What is best may radically change this year because of the government's new tax on all money brought into Thailand, but still no details on that, so either they are not able to get their act together, or it will be such bad news that they are hiding the facts as long as possible.
  4. <a href="https://hot-thai-kitchen.com/rad-na/">Rad Na: The Most Underrated Thai Noodles - Recipe & Video</a><br> quoting from this article: The name refers to the pouring (raad) of the gravy onto the "face" (na) of the noodles. Note that in the south, the pronunciation of the letters L and R is often interchanged, yielding "lad na". "moo" is pig or pork.
  5. Great idea! They could have the Corruption festival, the Buy An Engine-less Submarine festival, the Income Disparity festival, the Bribe A Government Official festival, the Dual Pricing festival, the Jet Ski Scam festival, the Flooding festival, the Brown Envelope festival, the Traffic Jam festival, the Traffic Deaths festival, the Military Dictatorship festival (not held every year, but close to it), the Vote Buying festival (not held every year), the Backhander festival, the Be Beaten By A Taxi Driver festival, the PM 2.5 Pollution festival, the Super Low Bargain Wine Price festival,the Sustainable Everything Whatever That Means festival, the Wave Of Kazakhstan Tourists Will Save Us festival, the Rice Pledging festival, the Anutin Insults Foreigners festival, the Brake Failure festival, the Grand Palace Is Closed Today festival, the Of Course This Is A Genuine Gucci Bag festival, the Hidden Airport Tax festival, the Happy Ending festival, the Hey Handsome Man Where You Go festival, the Nigerian Drug Dealers festival, the See Lottery Numbers In Tree Bark festival, the "No Have" festival, the No Spreek You Langritch festival, the "Falang Cannot" festival, the Lucky Amulet festival, the How Many R.T.P. Can Squeeze Into A News Photo festival, the Sidewalk Obstructions festival, the I Love You Long Time festival, the Every Immigration Office Has Different Rules festival, the Hub of Hubs festival, ... Each of these festivals is absolutely guaranteed to bring in at least 123,000,000,000 new high income high quality high spending tourists, injecting at least 3.14159 quadrillion baht into the ever-dying, ever-reviving Thai economy (generals and a few super-rich families only, the ubiquitous poor need not apply), according to the infallible T.A.T. calculator.
  6. dave s


    A group called Sustainable Mai Khao was checking one of the northwestern beaches in the national park Friday afternoon and found first a long oil slick, and then "sticky tar balls". So far reported in local English news at 6 beaches, as far south as Patong.
  7. So each of these tourists, every man, woman and child, will spend an average of B81,752 on the trip. About B327,000 for a family of a couple and 2 children. Assuming that the parents pay for the family hotel and meals and stuff, what additional things will each of the 2 children spend about an average of B80,000 on?
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