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  1. Trying to use common sense in Thailand...Good luck!
  2. This is very common in Thailand. The mother has to support the kids. And if the mother has to work in the big cities, usually the grandparents take care of the kids as the mother send them money. Most of those girls are lucky if they can find someone to have a child. Their best chance to have a child is when they are young. So they get pregnant and usually they do not know who the father is or they father runs away. This happens in America too and in any other country.
  3. Probably she quit school for a more profitable career. Maybe her uncle sent her there.
  4. The economy is bad and the competition is furious.
  5. There is an increase in homeless encampment where I live near to a bike path. It is attracting all the "good" people, homeless, drug addict, drug dealers, nutcases, prostitutes, etc. I have already had a few encounters with homeless people and those "lovely" dogs. Only the best of the best of the American society seem to own those dogs.
  6. Who introduced this dog breed in Thailand? Maybe Thailand needed some Western enrichment.
  7. This is very common in Thailand. The grandparents are responsible for the grandchildren while the parents go to work in Bangkok or overseas. In this case it is very sad because the mother abandoned the children. That must have caused some serious mental issues with the kids.
  8. Thailand is becoming a copy cat of the West. If someone dreams in finding "love" and tropical paradise to hide, good luck!

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