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  1. i pay 20,000 baht a month for my practice room thats enough..... its not a rock guitar or drum sorry i dont agree especially when the people living in the locations you described don't hear anything except when in the hallway ...where nobody sleeps..... appreciate you taking the time to comment
  2. i just tested my sound level right in front of the horn with the music ...the level is at 70 db ....i'm sure behind my front door it's a lot less ....90 db is not so much a concert level but its a very high output from a home system easily ...i just downloaded an app to get a real idea of the level of sound ..... that article was helpful to at least know what the law is ...i think 1 or 2 hours is a decent compromise to the 8 hours the law allows ...lol
  3. my other 2 neighbors say they dont hear anything in their apartments same floor ...yes in the hallway .. but not in rooms ..just sayin .....i'm no where near the point of excessive ...i've lived here for 2 years with out issues ...your comment is appreciated
  4. this covid none sense has effected every1 ...i'm in the process of ordering practice mutes ....cuz my old ones just wore out ....but its gonna take a few weeks for the items to get to me ..... i'm a pro.... if the tools arent available to reduce the noise i'm hampered too ....work has to start somewhere clubs just opened ....got to get ready ...2 hours if i heard it in my room would be annoying ....there are more than 10 walls between his place and mine ...no complaints from upstairs or downstairs ...cuz i asked if it was bothering them,,,, i think this guy just a bit over the top .... and i might have to deal with some bs with him .... i appreciate your honesty and your comment
  5. i had my daughter stand at the front of the elevator to test ...she said she heard it but wasnt like a rock guitar ...i practice for one hour a day in the afternoon ... i believe u have the right to practice an instrument in your home at a decent hour ...at a reasonable time ...obviously you never had a child that played an instrument ...thats why i'm asking for musos to advise me i'm sure they've experienced this... but your comment was appreciated and well taken thanks
  6. i can't afford a practice room ..playing in public,,, now that is against the law ...my room is my only option right now ....and i'm not trying to go back and forth with you about the clip ..i thought it would be helpful .....if it's a problem i'll remove it ...no problem. everyone has to start somewhere ...i was specifically reaching out to musos like sax or trumpet players that have had to deal with this at some point
  7. i just put the clip up to show i really play the instrument .... after 3 years in the bag it sound like a student after his 1st lesson... growing pain
  8. foreigner ..... i already got the green light from my landlord.... but not many people ever heard the sound of a trombone before... so i often get resistance when i 1st start practicing.... i understand about noise but if its in the hallway in front of my door and you choose to stand in front of it ..there's not much i can do
  9. I've got an annoying neighbor that says the sound of my trombone is not allowed to be heard in the hallway in front of my apartment door.... I've been a pro since age 16 and living in Pattaya 18 years without ever having a problem practicing in the mid afternoon for an hour or two. Is there any ordinance that explains the rights of musicians to practice in their own homes at decent hours of the day? I need to remove this bug from my life. No one else is complaining above or below me ...only one nut 3 doors down ... wasn't sure if they would flag me for spam ...here's a clip to prove i'm legit
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