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dubai thai farang

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Posts posted by dubai thai farang

  1. 8 hours ago, timbothaivisa said:

    Under UK law, being born overseas to British parents means your children don't inherit citizenship if they are also born overseas. This the "weaker" of 2 designations for British citizenship: 'British by Descent'. So yes, if my child had been born in the UK, the "stronger" 'British Otherwise Than by Descent' would have applied.

    I'd never heard of this until after my child was born in Thailand, and must catch many others by surprise too. 

    Ah I had heard of this and as my daughter was born abroad I knew this could affect her choices in. the future. We have moved back to the UK so shes got a chance! You saying you werent aware of it answers the question of why your in the situation now. many i know also arent it was only by chance i found out.

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  2. On 9/5/2020 at 7:55 AM, theoldgit said:


    I would submit your docs now as I have a feeling that once she's had her bio details captured nothing more can be added, I don't know for sure though.

    She should make her appointment as soon as she can, she will undoubtably be providing supporting evidence of her own, even if she's already uploaded them herself, VFS staff may ask to see the the originals, so it would be better to have them with her, of course she will need to take her passport, which they will retain. 

    I think youre right once biometrics take place you can't add or at least I couldn't. Despite receiving a mail from Sheffield UKVI saying they had received my wife's docs and I had 5 days to add anything further but when I went to look, the option was disabled.

  3. 17 hours ago, NightSky said:

    I have finally collated the documents, managed to upload them to the VFS Global terrible website and we went to provide Biometric details yesterday. 


    A few observations were..


    I don't know how VFS Global get away with such a poorly operating website to collect documents. It drastically requires upgrading.


    My second observation is that Trendy building was so quiet. There were about 2 people in the queue in front of us at the VFS office and we were in an out within 45 minutes.


    My wife was told she should receive a response within 60 days (we were planning for the 12 weeks) so hopefully it must be quiet at the moment due to coronavirus.


    Anyone wanting to travel to UK now is a great time really to beat queues etc.


    Thank you for the help and input from members in these threads so far. We are now awaiting the decision.

    Hi, you might get the reply sooner. My wife attended the biometrics appointment on 17/7 and we received the visa last week. 3/4 others who applied on the 17th also received their approved visas in the same week. approx 27 working days

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  4. 14 hours ago, zumm said:

    Thanks for the info. I really do appreciate it. I'm just trying to get as much up to date info on it at the moment so things like this are incredibly helpful. 



    My other advice is spend as much time as possible getting eveerything together. Ie I spent 2/3 months getting everything together. I had a bit of time in hand before we needed to apply, so therefore just slowly start requesting the info and collating it. If you end up rushing you might cut corners, miss out some documents etc. There is no need to pay an agent 1200 pounds to do it as long as you understand the financial part. (having 65000 quid for minimum 6 months consecutively) in the bank is the easiest route.) Under what rules will you be applying?

  5. On 8/27/2020 at 4:57 AM, zumm said:

    I'm just starting out on the same process and was about to ask the same question, so this was perfect for me. 


    NightSky is there any chance you could add a list of the documents you added to your application? It would be a massive help to me.

    hi they key is having back up for as many of the questions in the application.

    wifes passports x3 including 3 UK visit visas. (illustrates the good travel history)

    A letter of invitation from myself

    proof of where shes been living for the past 3 years

    proof that i have been sponsoring her while living in dubai (its on the visa)

    birth certificate and british passport of our baby

    english IELTS test A1


    Housing inspection in the UK report

    letter from my father inviting to live in his property.

    title deeds

    financial(v important)

    i was doing it on salary from out of the country.

    Therefore: salary certifcate from my previous job


    12 months stamped bank statements

    screenshots of facebook throughout our relationship

    evidence of real wedding not just signing in chaeng wattana

    a couple of chats like 'ive just put the dinner on etc' :)


    Im sure there was more stuff but thats what I remember off the top of my head.






  6. On 2/8/2020 at 3:31 PM, 86Tiger said:

    Guys, I got 5 yo, 3 yo and 2 yo.  And they are as different as any 3 can be.


    The 5 yo did not attempt to speak a word until well after 4th birthday (was 5 in December).  He understood and would respond to english , just did not speak.  His mother says he has never acknowledged or responded to Thai from her or any of her family, will only acknowledge English.  He loves his daddy.  He wants to be pressed up against me every where I go.  He will cry if I leave for work before he wakes and he wants me beside him when he falls asleep.  He will only eat pizza, chicken nuggets, fries, peanut butter, cheetos, brownies and drink water.  Absolutely refuses to taste anything else.


    The 3 yo is speaking one and 2 word english phrases.  His mother says he has never tried to speak Thai but will acknowledge and respond to some thai from her and family.  This one loves his mommy.  He is mommies boy for sure and doesn't like at all not knowing where she is and he can get to her qwikly.  He is little more adventurous with food than his brother but still picky.  He will try about anything but probably not take second taste.


    The 2 yo little girl is a ball of fire.  She has been talking "baby" english for near a year.  Mom says she understands Thai and will speak some Thai but most often speaks english.  This little girl will eat anything she can get in her mouth.  Chicken foot soup or buttermilk biscuit with gravy she loves it all.   She always runs to meet me at door when I come home with big hug and kisses but doesn't give care in the world whether mom or dad is around.


    So there it is, 3 young kids all opposite as day and night all living together from same mom and dad.  I think the lesson is we are all different, we will take our own path and none are wrong or better than any other, just different.


    My only fear is coming up short as a dad, not doing all I can to see they have every opportunity to succeed.  But I am very excited to see who they become.......

    nice message as I have one two year old as of course we all know they will be fine in the end (fingers crossed of course) but its nice to hear your attitude and it reminds me not to be worrying too much or putting pressure on the little one! she has started talking now ????

  7. my daughter is 2 years old and currently with the covid situation stuck in thailand with my wife. I want them both to come to england for schooling so she will feel a belonging to one of her homelands rather than dubai which is neither. I told my mrs I want her to feel half Thai and half English. if people want to call her farang noi, I won't accept it, and she can be 100% English and ill forget about it. 

    kids need to belong.

  8. On 4/18/2020 at 5:58 AM, Pilotman said:

    We had our daughter 22 years ago.  I did the opposite of what you are advising.  I sat my new Thai wife down and read the riot act on what should and should not happen with the child (having brought up 2 others with my late first wife). I was not prepared to stand back and pussy foot around when the child's wellbeing was at risk. She took it all in good part and we didn't have any real issues.  The kid just graduated from her UK University so she survived okay. 

    HI I think you had the advantage of already having had 2 children in the past so you had your own experience to draw on. I guess was talking about those first 3 months where its mum doing most of the work. pointing out mistakes didn't go down well at the time. once I was used more to take care of the baby (was working a lot at the time) we've made a few adjustments. 

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  9. 31 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I don't think they get much bedroom action either.

    Although I may be wrong.


    I've always found direct cash payments stop 'headaches', 'being tired', and 'I'm not really in the mood'

    For some reason when they love you, they're really reluctant to have sex with you.

    Never understood that one!

    if it works for you then go for it as in everything in life. You seem totally happy with the situation (of course we all make mistakes along the way) so why not?

    For others, they may be aiming for something else but going completely the wrong way about it. Your approach I think comes along after a couple of lessons learnt.

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