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Posts posted by 3STTW

  1. I can't figure out the tactical necessity or where they intend to operate these subs. The Gulf of Thailand is <80m deep (mostly 0-60m) so they would be sitting ducks for any half-decent frigate/destroyer/ASW plane.

    There's deeper water out in the South China Sea where their only potential enemy would be... guess who.

    Nope. Paperweight. All I see is a lot of small dick energy, just like those expats in their Raptors.



  2. Aren't they just the pits. I have a UOB credit card and they send me a reminder every month - a day or so after payment is due.

    I have a alert on my phone now. If you forget, the interest is horrendous. And don't get me started on the annual ~Bht4300 'membership' fee.


    The app is less worse than it used to be but you still can't pay PWA or PEA bills with a QR scan - you'd think that would be a prerequisite in this day and age.

  3. Thanks for the replies.

    I don't hold the address from the original license, but my sister has agreed to let me use hers as postal address. I still have a UK bank account so payment will be local.


    I was wondering if the DVLA actually require proof of address? The other issue is I don't have the paper version anymore - but I'm pretty sure they don't care about that these days.


    Basically I want to get my ducks in a row before I start entering all online details.

  4. I’ve imported sh!t loads of gear into TH and I would say DHL are one of the best of the bunch, UPS on the other hand…


    All of them will charge VAT and duty applicable to the goods being imported. Anything additional is admin fees, these arise because they are actually Thai businesses acting as agents for the shipping company, ergo it’s against their religion for an end user to get something without paying.

  5. Do it yourself and save yourself a bunch of money. I did mine a couple of months ago and it's a breeze.




    Download the form, follow the instructions and then it's a couple of trips to BKK. You can keep your original passport for the duration.

    The only thing to add is take proof of address with you (bank statement, utility bill, etc). This isn't made apparent in the instructions but they will ask for it.

    • Confused 1
    • Agree 1
  6. Update on my case.

    I went to BPH today and had a retinal scan, this revealed a small retinal rupture which happened to be across a capillary which was seeping blood. I was pretty much straight into laser surgery and had it zapped shut.

    Right now there's a small improvement but the Doc reckons about 2 weeks until the leaked blood cells get mopped up.

    Total cost Bht 19.2k. The Doc reckoned if I'd left it any longer it would have been a full-blown detachment and Bht 200k+ to get it fixed.

    So, again, thanks to everyone for your help and advice.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  7. 5 hours ago, PPMMUU said:

    Did you get any eye exam at all? They should have tested you for visual field, visual acuity, and direct ophthalmoscopy at the very least. 


    Yeah, as per my 4th post on this thread. It was kind of half-a$$ed but they gave me the impression that it wasn't a big deal, it's only since asking the forum that I realized that it is a very big deal.

    Anyhoo, after a lot of calling around and typing details into futile web questionnaires, I have an earlier appointment on Wednesday as the BPH. The earliest appointment I could get in BKK was on the same day so BPH it is.

  8. @Sheryl Noted and thanks for the advice. Given that the retinal exam requires iris dilation - which means I will not be able to drive for 12-24 hrs - I'll try to get an earlier appointment at BPH Pattaya.


    Failing that, I'll get in touch with Rutnin.


  9. @Sheryl I went to the Eye Clinic at BPH Pattaya and had a sight test, eye pressure test, blood pressure test and an inspection by a clinician who decided she wasn't an opthamologist on that occasion. I have a feeling she may have been filling in over Songkran.

    Hence the advice to make a later appointment.

  10. Okay, thanks for all the informed replies. What I have is a myriad of tiny dots and circles, along with strings of 'shower hair' for want of a better description. However, my peripheral vision seems to be okay and my near/far vision is blurry but still fairly good.

    @Sheryl, I also read that it should be a medical emergency but BPH didn't have anything available until 25/4. I'm booked in.

    @treetops @Mike Lister Thanks for the info. I have no 'curtaining' so I'll wait for the appointment and get it sorted out.


    Big thanks.


  11. Apologies. In answer to AreYouGerman...


    Yeah. Nope. That was not the advice I was looking for.


    It's more than likely my condition is age-related, as opposed to dunce-related.

    I was hoping for a more clinically informed answer.


    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. So I was out shopping with the missus yesterday and suddenly got this weird sh!t floating around in my right eye. Once I realized it was internal, I went to the BPH and they've booked me in for a retinal scan next week.

    I've been Googling and it appears I have all the symptoms of a detached retina.

    Has anyone had this, and any experience of getting it treated?

    • Confused 1
  13. In a lot of countries, you don't get your money until you've removed your card, which seems way more practical to me. I admit that I have left my card in an ATM twice in Thailand - and in both cases I'd become distracted because I'm used to getting my card before the cash.


    In spite of the derogatory comments, it's not dementia. Thieves and pickpockets have been using distraction for millennia, so the key to keeping focus is to have a mantra or a mental procedure and you train your brain to "tune out' until the procedure is complete.


    When I leave the house, I have 'TMLKP', my missus is always late and she tries to distract me with "have you seen my bra?" or "where's my lipstick?" etc. I just tune it out until I've ticked all my 'TMLKP' boxes.

    I used to be a scatter-brain which isn't good when you travel extensively for a living, so I started using these "mantras" in my mid 20's and I've never since forgotten my passport, left my wallet anywhere or left my kids home alone at Christmas.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Sluglord said:

    I don't. They are generally a money pit. They do not age well due to diet and genetics.


    My Thai wife is gold.


    I live in Thailand, support Thai people. I suggest unless married outside Thailand to a different foreign national you do the same. In fact, everyone living here indirectly supports Thailand over ??? by virtue of living here.


    Why do Filipinos live here? Because on any quality of life standard it's a better place. Philippines is an utter mess and tbh attracts the bottom rung passport bros. I use that new term bc all men moving there are marriage oriented. The locals are used as protection as much as companionship. Thailand has tens of thousands of free agent men. I was one until I met a really lovely woman decades into my time in Asia.


    Nasty chip on your shoulder you have there Sluglord. Just about everything you said above is either untrue or just plain old filthy, racist trope.


    There is no question that the Philippines is poorer than Thailand. Filipinos come to work in Thailand for two reasons; a) so that they're geographically close to home, or b) they're using Thailand as a springboard to get better jobs in countries which pay far higher wages. The only other possible reason is there's a demand for well educated, English speaking manpower that isn't afraid of hard work.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Since we are already considered outsiders here in Thailand no matter how long we live here and no matter how well we speak the language, why double the challenge by getting together with another outsider? Being with a Thai woman makes life so much easier in terms of negotiations, translations, any sort of business, and an infinite number of other areas.


    On the contrary, when I had a Thai girlfriend I had exactly the opposite experience - I got scalped everywhere and I have no doubt that she was either colluding in the scam or didn't want a 'loss of face' confrontation.


    My Filipino wife scrutinizes every hotel and restaurant bill - but plays the idiot, it's not long before you get the "oh solly" and the bill comes back several hundred Baht lighter. It doesn't happen a lot, but enough for it to be a reason for being skeptical.



    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. 5 hours ago, The Theory said:

    I live near an international school. Some rooms of near by apartment rented by Philippina girls. You don't  want to engage any relationship with them, all gold diggers to me 🤔.


    Given that applies to just about every Thai girl I've ever met, I fail to see the point. You can go to any upmarket district in the west and find chicks pulling the same chain.

    • Haha 1
  17. Apparently those Hitachi pumps are the biz, my buddy up the street has just had one installed and he's over the moon with it.

    I bypassed my Grundfoss pump when I discovered that the city pressure was way better (and it doesn't surge). But with drought coming I've got a new tank and a Hitachi pump is on the list.

  18. I've had all sorts of algae in my pool, the worst being black algae which roots into the grout. I got rid of that a while ago and control it with Black Advance and I try to keep the pH down around 7.2 - 7.4.

    Now I've got some greenish stuff which sticks to the surface of the tiles. I ran a Black Advance cycle (apply, leave pumps off for 72hrs, vacuum) and noticed that the vacuum didn't remove it.


    So I ran the robot and that picked it up pretty well, when I rinsed the robot filter it looked a lot like normal green algae but it was kind of gritty - but it also stuck itself all round the sink, I literally had to take a scouring pad to it to get it off.

    Anyway, 3 days later and the algae is back on the pool tiles.

    The start of this was around the time I did the 6 month flocculent treatment (Clear Advance) in late November. It's been really windy recently so that may account for the grit, but Black Advance normally kills off all types of algae.

    Any ideas?

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