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Everything posted by traveller101

  1. "Foreigners are not permitted to own firearms" - this particular clause was introduced in the year 2017. Prior to 2017 foreigners were permitted to own firearms
  2. Thailand Gun laws were amended in 2017. This amendment outlawed the possesion of firearms by foreigners. Before 2017, foreigners could legally acquire a firearm.
  3. I'm certain that I have completely misread the story Please correct if I'm wrong. The Swiss has been issued a gun license by the corresponding government department. Note: Amendment to thai Gun Laws took effect in 2017. Before that date, foreigners could apply for a gun license and if the application was successful, were allowed to hold firearms. It would appear the legal, logical and straightforward way were to simply revoke such license. But he will now be charged with illegal possession of a firearm despite holding a license. Something doesn’t add up to put it mildly.
  4. True - convictions based on the verdict of a judge and not on public opinion
  5. A member of this forum comprehensively summed up the majority opinion of this board (32 emojs of approval vs 4 of the opposite) regarding the swiss guy's persona. Based on two facts: Verbal assault and a kick (unintentional or otherwise to be determined by a judge overseeing his trial based on available evidence). Cutting in front of an Ambulance on non-urgent business (no lights and sirens) and verbally assaulting the driver accompanied by rude hand gestures. It is not known what exactly triggered this vile behaviour. Also worthy of a mention are lots of unsubstantiated posts without providing evidence circulating on social media describing alleged wrongdoing by the swiss guy. The all-encompassing character analyses based on the above states: ● He is unhinged and mad at the world. ● He is a perennial troublemaker ● He is a tiny moron living beachfront. What is wrong with him? ● He is a complete butthead and proved that over and over again. ● What mental disease does this idiot have? ● It is 'likely' that his mother was thankful when he left Switzerland. Seriously???
  6. You might want to engage in some research about this subject before commenting. A straightforward admission of guilt and promising to repent (apology) would in the vast majority of cases result in a pilgrimage, a whipping and/or a financial penalty. In other words, you walk away. Which is measured by the standards of punishment at the time - lenient to say the least.
  7. This alleged offence of 'blocking an ambulance' has been mentioned a zillion times - with a minor detail left out! This ambulance did not have their siren deployed and was not racing to an accident scene or to the hospital - apart from the Driver there was nobody in the van. Accordingly, the only one ever charged was the driver of the Ambulance for telling porkies on social media.
  8. Seems to me it is perfectly acceptable for some members of this board having the guy charged and found guilty by majority public opinion. With suggestions of being put in jail and/or deported. I think one element is missing, the actual trial by a judge based on available evidence followed by the verdict of guilt/innocence/and the exact severity of the crime specified. What is being played out here, reminds me of the dark ages - and more specifically the Spanish Inquisition.
  9. Well said - couldn't agree more. Trial by media, Lynchmob standing ready for execution - figuratively speaking.
  10. This is without any doubt the dumbest statement on all 7 pages. Nothing further
  11. Unfortunately some on this board are either unwilling or unable to see the grayzone in between their black and white way looking at issues. It's either "deport, blacklist for life, jail this thug, cretin, criminal, bully etc. without reservation. Local media report present nothing less than the gospel truth. Putting things in perspective, raising legitimate questions as to the accuracy of all the statements and pointing to the disproportionality between the actual crime committed and the subsequent mediastorm and (fake?) outrage by local residents is interpreted by these members as taking the side of the Swiss.
  12. Apart from this incident completely blown out of proportion by the media hellbent on fuelling the lowest xenophobic butthurt feelings, his real 'sin' is bringing media attention - undesired to say the least by the local construction/property heavyweights. They might not be very happy having a light shone on their corrupt practices and thus the least of this clowns troubles will be of the legal variety. Seems to be in realms of possibility, that he will be forcefully reminded of the damage he has done to the good reputation of the local real estate moguls ...... to serve as a warning to others.
  13. Had a look at the Methodology applied by Freedom House. Thailand scored 12 points for "Political Rights" and 24 points for "Civil Liberties". The country sits at the very bottom of the barrel in the category of "partly free". A single point less in "Political Rights" - 11 instead of 12 - would relegated it to the "not free" countries. 2 major developments affecting the score developed after the Freedom House report was finalised. 1. Charter courts ruling that MF attempted to overthrow the monarchy with possible ramifications incl. to dissolve MF. 2. The drama surrounding Thaksin incl. approval by the relevant Authorities to once again entering politics was not known at the time.
  14. Espresso (expresso crap) is nothing more than a strong coffee. Made from .... coffee beans. It's a method of brewing coffee using high water pressure and finely ground beans to make a small concentrated shot. Zillions of people prefer it to the often watery black liquid being offered. Never too old to learn something new.
  15. Same feeling here - (the "sport scooter in it's time) 1973 Vespa Rally 200 with over 12HP, Top Speed 110km/h. Nostalgia comes alive.
  16. Let me contribute to the 'whatifery'. What if the PromptPay, you mentioned as an alternative, suffers a system glitch? Uuuups - reality check below! https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40029006 In a nutshell: Thai Bankers Association, July 1, 2923 PromptPay glitch caused Saturday collapse of many mobile banking applications.
  17. thairsc.com The website, that compiles and displays accurate data re: traffic accidents in the country as well as provincial data incl. Phuket. 01/01/2024 - 26/02/2024, 12:00pm: 32 deaths (21 death Jan/Feb 2023) 4'512 in Hospital (3'902 Jan/Feb 2023). It's fair to say that the carnage on Phuket's roads is well and truly out of control due to zero enforcement of road rules. Compared to last year, a 50% increase in road deaths at the scene and around 80 people on average daily rushed to hospital (a 15% increase from last year) is ample evidence of complete disregard of road rules by many, and in particular mostly youngish foreigners, as I observe daily riding my bike.
  18. Conspiracy theories?Let's have a look at reality - shall we? https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/two-more-thai-banks-suffer-system-crashes/ https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40029006 - latest collapse affecting digital money transfers 2023. 4 more similar crashes in the 1st quarter 2023, down from 17 in 2022. https://www.wired.com/story/apple-execs-chose-to-keep-hack-of-128-million-iphones-quiet/ And for good measure .... just because your iPhone has never been hacked doesn’t mean that IPhones are safe. July 2023
  19. Rachel Maddow - one of America's most prominent news hosts - has a net worth of $35M acc. to yahoo finance. Joseph Mercola, one of the most prominent Antivaxxers and propagandist of disproven health ideas active on social media. He stated in an affidavit that his net worth is in excess of $100M. Other well known 'little guys' spreading falshoods and conspiracies (Bill Gates had a role in planning the pandemic, it's not about virus, it's about control, vaccines are a part of a medical industry plan to create a 'chronically-ill population' etc) were able to amass anywhere between $2M and $15M. People like Ty Bollinger, Rashid Buttar, Del Bigtree, Kelly Brogan, Ben Tapper and others. All of them have Millions of Followers. And most of them have not been censored by the various platforms.
  20. Dr. Campbell's ( Doctor of Nursing) findings of "white clots" presence in living people i.e. blood clots found in arteries are not unusual and caused by many factors listed below. People on the widely prescribed medication Heparin/Warfarin are at risk of HIT, a rare dangerous complication strongly associated with potential thrombotic coronary artery occlusion, which is also attributed to mRNA vaccines. In the case of the latter, the risk is anywhere from 10 - 50 per 1 Million Underlying causes of "white clots" present in living people include: High-fat diet, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, alcohol misuse, lack of excercise and more apart from mRNA vaccines.
  21. I have eaten Steak Tatare on quiet a few occasions and regard the dish as safe, if the following conditions are met. ● The beef (tenderloin, striploin) has been imported from Australia, US or New Zealand. ● The Restaurant has a good reputation and - judging from the high number of customers visiting - has a high turnover of fresh foods
  22. 50 Million Baht equivalent $1.4M total budget to compensate Tourists for mishaps occuring that are not their fault. Considering the generous amount of money being put forward, one can confidently assume that not all too many tourists involved in 'mishaps' are deemed not at fault.😉
  23. The missing ingredient is actual measure(s) introduced to "encourage" drivers to adhere to the new rule. Politely asking drivers to behave won't do the trick - not just in Thailand but everywhere in the world. Well maintained Speed cameras (overt and covert) are quite effective to produce the desired results.
  24. The following numbers for 2020 have been published by a news source that cannot be referred to according to Forum rules. Total number of Tax payers recorded in the tax system: 9.55 Million Taxpayers earning >25'000baht p.m.: 3.3 Million Taxpayers earning <25'000 baht p.m. (below the threshold to file tax returns): 6.25 Million I refer to to 22.4 Million people who are between 15 and 65 years old and are active members of the workforce, but not recorded by the Revenue Department Based on the following relevant Key Data: Total Population: 67 Million Population <15 years of age: 10.6 M Population >65 years of age: 8.7 M working-age Population: 47.7 M Participation rate: 67% 67% of the working-age population are active members of the workforce - 31.9 Million people. Of those 31.95 Million, 9.55 Million are recorded in the Tax system. I hazard a guess that the Op referred to the: 22.4 Million people who are an active part of the workforce but are not registered with Thailand's Tax Department. Common sense would dictate that not all of these 22 4 Million are in the "exempt bracket" (earning less than 25'000 baht per month) and furthermore not even recorded by the Revenue Department.
  25. Did it ever cross your mind, that your pedantic compulsion in commenting, questioning and correcting every member who voices an opinion not based on "official facts" or the absence therof, might offend and be taken as an insult? Applying common sense and logic to arrive at a more than probable interpretation of this sorry saga being played out over the last 5 months is not only legitimate but contributes to a lively discussion and exchange of views.
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